S. de Miranda; C. Gentilini; G. Gottardi; L. Govoni; A. Mentani; F. Ubertini, On the structural response of falling rock protection kits, in: Atti XX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata – AIMETA2011, CONSELICE (RA), Publi&stampa, 2011, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: XX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata – AIMETA2011, Bologna, 12-15 settembre 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Lucio NOBILE; Cristina GENTILINI; Veronica BARTOLOMEO; Mario BONAGURA, Destructive Tests for the Determination of Masonry Performance, in: Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics VIII, Stäfa, Trans Tech Publications, 2010, pp. 753 - 756 (atti di: 8th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, FDM 2009, St. Julian's, Malta, 8-10 settembre 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Lucio Nobile; Cristina Gentilini; Veronica Bartolomeo; Mario Bonagura, Micro-Destructive Flat-Jack Test for the Diagnosis of Historic Masonry, in: Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics VIII, Stäfa, Trans Tech Publications, 2010, pp. 741 - 744 (atti di: 8th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, FDM 2009, St. Julian's, Malta, 8-10 settembre 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Gentilini (a cura di): AUTORI VARI, Atti del 3° Convegno Nazionale MURICO-3
Meccanica delle Strutture in Muratura Rinforzate con Compositi, BOLOGNA, Pitagora Editrice, 2009, pp. 128 . [Editorship]
C. Gentilini; L. Nobile; K.A. Seffen, Numerical analysis of morphing corrugated plates, in: , «PROCEDIA ENGINEERING», 2009, 1, pp. 79 - 82 (atti di: Mesomechanics 2009: Dissipation and Damage across Multiple Scales in Physical and Mechanical Systems, Oxford, United Kingdom, 24-26 June 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Nobile; C. Gentilini, Probabilistic analysis of cracked frame structures taking into account the crack trajectory, in: , «PROCEDIA ENGINEERING», 2009, 1, pp. 83 - 86 (atti di: Mesomechanics 2009: Dissipation and Damage across Multiple Scales in Physical and Mechanical Systems, Oxford, United Kingdom, 24-26 June 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Gentilini; K.A. Seffen; S.D. Guest; L. Nobile, On the behaviour of corrugated plates in bending, in: Prooceedings 2nd International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications (AES-ATEMA 2008). Conference Co-chairs: Prof. Y.M. Haddad, Prof. L. Nobile, OTTAWA, Prof. Yehia M. Haddad, 2008, pp. 117 - 120 (atti di: 2nd International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications (AES-ATEMA 2008), Cesena, Italy, 1-5 Settembre 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Gentilini; K.A. Seffen; S.D. Guest; L. Nobile, On the effect of prestress on the bistable behaviour of tape-springs, in: Prooceedings 2nd International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications (AES-ATEMA 2008). Conference Co-chairs: Prof. Y.M. Haddad, Prof. L. Nobile, OTTAWA, Prof. Yehia M. Haddad, 2008, pp. 181 - 185 (atti di: 2nd International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications (AES-ATEMA 2008), Cesena, Italy, 1-5 Settembre 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Nobile; C. Gentilini, Three dimensional frame structures with edge-cracks of uncertain depth and location, «RECENT PATENTS ON MECHANICAL ENGINEERING», 2008, 1, pp. 12 - 21 [Scientific article]
C. Gentilini; L. Nobile, Probabilistic Analysis of Three-Dimensional Beams with Uncertain Damage, in: Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics VI, Uetikon, Trans Tech Publications Limited, 2007, pp. 97 - 100 (KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS) [Chapter or essay]
C. Carloni; L. Nobile; C. Gentilini, Stability of multi-cracked beams, «AES TECHNICAL REVIEWS JOURNALS», 2007, 1, pp. 69 - 78 [Scientific article]
E. Viola; C. Gentilini, Thickness effect on the dynamic behaviour of three-dimensional plates by using the Ritz method, in: Mechanical Vibration: Where Do We Stand?, UDINE, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, 2007, 488, pp. 57 - 81 (atti di: Mechanical Vibration: Where do we stand? CISM courses and lectures, Udine, June 13 - 17, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Nobile; C. Gentilini; C. Carloni, Three-dimensional frame structures with uncertain edge-cracks, in: Proceedings International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications (AES – ATEMA’ 2007), s.l, s.n, 2007, pp. 493 - 503 (atti di: International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications (AES – ATEMA’ 2007), Montreal, Canada, August 06 -10, 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
P. Bocchini; C. Gentilini; F. Ubertini; E. Viola, Advanced analysis of uncertain cracked structures, «STRUCTURAL DURABILITY & HEALTH MONITORING», 2006, 2, pp. 109 - 122 [Scientific article]
C. Carloni; C. Gentilini; L. Nobile, Buckling of Multicracked Columns, in: Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials, DORDRECHT, Springer, 2006(atti di: XVI European Conference of Fracture, Alexandroupolis (Greece),, July 3-7, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]