Foto del docente

Cristian Vignali

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Director of First Cycle Degree in Astronomy

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 361KB )


  • Place/date of birth: Rimini/Jan. 16, 1972
  • Current Position: Associate Professor, University of Bologna (since Sept. 2014)


  • Jan. 2005-Sept. 2014: researcher, University of Bologna
  • June 2004-Jan. 2005: post-doctoral fellow, University of Bologna
  • April 2003-May 2004: post-doctoral fellow, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna
  • April 2001-March 2003: post-doctoral scholar, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Dec. 2000-March 2001: post-doctoral fellow, Osservatorio di Bologna
  • Feb. 2001: PhD in Astronomy, University of Bologna
  • July 1996: Laurea Degree in Astronomy, University of Bologna (110/110 cum laude)


As mid-April, 2023:

  • 368 referred papers (24 as first author), 28 referred proceedings (4), 78 proceedings (21). Co-author of six papers in support of missions and two ESO Messenger articles.
  • About 20470 citations, H-index=74 (selecting refereed + articles in ADS).
  • 58 oral contributions (10 as invited).
  • Many successul proposals as PI and co-I. %mostly in X-rays.
  • Main expertise (including multi-wavelength data reduction, analysis and interpretation) in the following fields:
  • Properties of high-redshift AGN and their evolution across cosmic time.
  • X-ray spectral studies and characterization of local AGN and investigation of their multi-wavelength properties.
  • Search for obscured AGN through X-rays, mid-IR and optical diagnostics and across cosmic time. Properties of the obscuring medium.
  • Bolometric luminosity, Eddington ratio and BH mass estimates in Type 1 and Type 2 AGN.
  • Spectral energy distributions of AGN: accretion vs. star formation.
  • Multiwavelength investigations on the role of AGN feedback across cosmic time.
  • Dual and multiple AGN systems at low and high-redshift in the era of gravitational waves.



  • Member of the Chandra-COSMOS Legacy collaboration.
  • Chandra/XMM-COSMOS collaborations.
  • Chandra/XMM Deep Field South collaboration.
  • Chandra Deep Field North collaboration.
  • XXL collaboration (member of the steering committee; Italian deputy for AGN science; co-chair of the AGN working group; member of the XXL-HSC joint working group).
  • SUPER collaboration.
  • X-SERVS collaboration.
  • WISSH collaboration.
  • HYPERION collaboration.
  • J1030 collaboration.
  • Constellation-X (NASA mission) High-redshift Universe panel. 
  • Athena collaboration (WGs: Formation and early growth of black holes; Accretion through cosmic time).
  • Euclid collaboration (WP9: Type 1 and 2 AGN; WP8: Multi-wavelength synergies).
  • Lynx (NASA concept study) collaboration (WGs: Large-scale structure; High-redshift Universe).
  • SPICA collaboration (co-chair of the TWP2 package Synergies with Athena).
  • MOONS collaboration (WG: AGN).
  • LGWA consortium. 
  • LISA consortium.
  • Einstein Telescope consortium.
  • AtLAST consortium (WPs: Nearby Galaxies; Distant Universe).



  • Member of the SOC and LOC for the X-ray Astronomy 2009. Present status, multi-wavelength approach and future perspectives (Bologna, September 2009).
  • Member of the LOC for the 9th AGN conference Black Hole and Revelation (Ferrara, May 2010). 
  • Member of the LOC for the Workshop Whereabouts, Physical State and Metallicity of the Missing Baryons in the Local Universe (Cervia, May 2012).
  • Co-organizer of The high-redshift Universe Workshop (Bologna, June 2012).
  • Member of the SOC for the XXL 2014 consortium meeting (Sexten, June 2014).
  • Member of the LOC for the NuSTAR meeting 2015 (Bologna, March 2015).
  • Member of the SOC for the XXL 2015 consortium meeting (Mljet, June 2015).
  • Member of the SOC for the XXL 2016 consortium meeting (Mykonos, June 2016).
  • Member of the SOC for the international conference Hot spots in the XMM sky: cosmology from X-ray to radio (Mykonos, June 2016).
  • Member of the SOC for the EWASS 2016 SS05 A multi-messenger view of mergers and multiple supermassive black holes (Athens, July 2016).
  • Member of the SOC for the XXL 2017 consortium meeting (St-Jakut, October 2017).
  • Co-organizer of the Workshop at the Lorenz Center The Quest for Multiple Supermassive Black Holes: A Multi‐Messenger View (Leiden, November 2017). 
  • Member of the SOC for the EWASS 2019 SS7 Dual Nuclei in Late Stage Galaxy Mergers and their Effect on Galaxy Evolution (Lyon, June 2019). 
  • Member of the LOC for Views on the Interstellar Medium in galaxies in the ALMA era (Bologna, September 2019). 
  • Member of the SOC for X-ray Astronomy 2019. Current Challenges and New Frontiers in the Next Decade (Bologna, September 2019). 
  • Member of the SOC for the COSPAR 2022 event Properties and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxy Clusters'' (Athens, July 2022). 
  • Member of the SOC for the EAS 2023 SS17 The Last Kiloparsecs: From Dual AGN to Massive Black Hole Binary Mergers (Cracow, July 2023).



  • Regular referee for some of the major astronomical journals (ApJ, ApJ Lett., AJ, MNRAS, A\&A, New Astronomy, EXPA, Universe). 
  • Referee for X-ray (XMM-Newton, Chandra, and NuSTAR) proposal evaluation. 
  • Referee for optical (OPTICON, GTC) proposal evaluation. 
  • Referee for ERC Advanced Grants proposals.
  • Referee for FIRB (MIUR) proposals. 
  • Referee for papers submitted to VQR.
  • Referee for the Flanders Research Foundation (FWO) post-doctoral fellowships. 
  • Referee for the Rita Levi Montalcini fellowships.
  • Referee for the Premio Lorenzoni (2022).
  • Co-editor of the Section Active Galactic Nuclei in X-rays and Gamma-rays for the Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics (Springer, 2022).

PI and co-I of many accepted proposals at optical (3m- to 10m-telescope classes), infrared, sub-mm
(SCUBA, ALMA, NOEMA), and X-ray wavelengths (ASCA, BeppoSAX, Chandra, XMM-Newton, Suzaku, Swift, and NuSTAR). For conciseness, in the following I will focus on X-ray observing proposals.
(A) - X-ray accepted proposals as PI (including only the still active telescopes)

  • Chandra Cycle 4 proposal A Chandra survey of the most luminous quasas at z>4 (Exposure=55 ks).
  • Chandra Cycle 5 proposal Unveiling the engine powering OH Gigamaser sources through X-rays. A well-defined Chandra survey (Exp.=27 ks). 
  • Chandra Cycle 6 proposal Studying the X-ray properties of SDSS candidate Type II quasars with exploratory Chandra observations (Exp.=50 ks).
  • Chandra Cycle 8 proposal Probing heavy obscuration in optically selected Type 2 quasar candidates (Exp.=120 ks).
  • Chandra Cycle 8 proposal Are Compton-thick quasars hidden among the population of heavily obscured Spitzer-selected AGN? (Exp.=150 ks). 
  • Chandra Cycle 15 proposal Probing black hole accretion in binary quasars at high redshifts (Exp.=140 ks). 
  • Chandra Cycle 18 proposal A quadruple quasar coincident with a giant Ly_alpha nebula and a protocluster at z=2 (Exp.=140 ks).
  • XMM-Newton Cycle 6 proposal Investigating the peculiar X-ray spectral properties of the narrow-line quasar PG1543+489 at z=0.40 (Exp.=50 ks).
  • NuSTAR Cycle 2 proposal NGC2785, a heavily Compton-thick AGN candidate in a star-forming galaxy in the backyard (Exp.=70 ks). 

(B) - Some of the most relevant/longest (in some cases, multi-cycle) accepted X-ray proposals, with myself as co-I

  • CDF-S project: 7 Ms Chandra (PI: W.N. Brandt). 
  • CDF-S project: 3 Ms XMM-Newton (PI: A. Comastri). 
  • CDF-N project: 2 Ms Chandra (PI: W.N. Brandt).
  • COSMOS project: 1.8 Ms Chandra (PI: M. Elvis).
  • COSMOS-Legacy project: 2.8 Ms Chandra (PI: F. Civano).
  • XMM-SERVS fields: 4.3 Ms XMM-Newton (PI: W.N. Brandt).
  • Cosmology with z>3 quasars'' (XMM-Newton, Cycle 16, 1 Ms; PI: G. Risaliti). 
  • QSOs at z=6: Black Hole Growth and Feedback in the Early Universe (Chandra, Cycle 17, 500 ks; PI: R. Gilli).
  • SUBWAYS: Supermassive Black holes Winds in the X-rays (XMM-Newton, Cycle 18, 1.4 Ms; PI: M. Brusa).
  • The Compton thick AGN Legacy Project: a complete sample of NuSTAR-observed nearby Compton-thick AGN (NuSTAR + XMM-Newton Large program, Cycle 5, 500+220 ks; PI: S. Marchesi).
  • HYPerluminous quasars at the Epoch of ReionizatION (HYPERION) (XMM-Newton, Cycle 20, Multi-year Heritage, 2.4 Ms; PI: L. Zappacosta). 
  • Unveiling the connection between AGN and massive gas reservoirs in protoclusters (Chandra Cycle 24, 710 ks; PI. F. Vito).


  • INAF 2022 (Schede) Grants of the following proposals: (a) Dual and binary supermassive black holes in the multi-messenger era: from galaxy mergers to gravitational waves (Large Grant, PI: P. Severgnini; 0.2 FTE/yr assigned on my side); (b) Toward an holistic view of the Titans: multi-band observations of z>6 QSOs powered by greedy supermassive black-holes (Large Grant, PI: L. Zappacosta; 0.2 FTE/yr assigned on my side); (c) Piercing through the clouds: a multiwavelength study of obscured accretion in nearby supermassive black holes (mini-grant, PI: S. Marchesi; 0.2 FTE/yr assigned on my side); (d) Face-to-Face with the Local Universe: ISM’s Empowerment (LOCAL) (mini-grant, PI: V. Casasola; team member); (e) UFOs in AGNs with EmulatoRs - UAGNER (mini-grant, PI: M. Dadina; team member); (f) MeerKAT and LOFAR Team Up: A Unique Radio Window on Galaxy/AGN co-Evolution (Large Grant, PI: I. Prandoni; team member).
  •  PRIN INAF 2019: Piercing through the clouds: a multiwavelength study of obscured accretion in nearby supermassive black holes (PI: S. Marchesi).
  •  PRIN MIUR 2017: Black hole winds and the baryon life cycle of galaxies: the stone-guest at the galaxy evolution supper (PI: F. Fiore).
  •  ASI grant Studi di Astrofisica delle Alte Energie e di Fisica Astroparticellare (2019): Supermassive Black Hole Winds in X-rays (PI: M. Brusa); Looking for Super Massive Black Hole Binary systems (PI: P. Severgnini).
  •  ASI grant for SPICA Phase A study (PI: F. Pozzi).
  •  ASI-NARO18 (NuSTAR): Constraining the disk-corona and nuclear absorption properties in AGN with NuSTAR (PI: E. Piconcelli). 
  •  ASI grant Studi di Astrofisica delle Alte Energie e di Fisica Astroparticellare (2017-2018): STAR-X: the next generation of X-ray imaging surveys (PI: R. Gilli); Probing AGN feedback in the most luminous QSOs at cosmic noon (PI: M. Cappi); Quasars at High-Redshift: Physics and Cosmology (PI: G. Risaliti).
  •  Bando SKA-CTA 2016: Probing particle acceleration and Gamma-ray propagation with CTA and its precursors (PI: F. Tavecchio); FORmation and Evolution of Cosmic STructures (FORECaST) with Future Radio Surveys (PI: I. Prandoni).
  •  ASI-NARO16: An unprecedented look at AGN by NuSTAR broad-band X-ray spectroscopy (PI: E. Piconcelli).
  •  ASI-NARO15: Fire under ice: the central engine of the most luminous, dust-obscured AGN (PI: E. Piconcelli).
  •  PRIN INAF 2014: Windy black holes probing galaxy evolution (PI: F. Fiore).
  •  ASI grant: Probing the X-ray absorber structure in Mrk915 through fast spectral variability (PI: P. Severgnini).
  •  NASA grant for Cycle 15 Chandra accepted proposal as PI. 
  •  FARB 2012: Osservazioni radio Bologna-Tokyo per lo studio dei SMBH nei nuclei delle galassie attive (PI: G. Giovannini).
  •  PRIN 2010: The dark Universe and the cosmic evolution of baryons: from current surveys to Euclid (PI: A. Cimatti).
  •  PRIN-INAF 2011: Black hole growth and AGN feedback through cosmic time.
  •  ASI grant: IXO in the Cosmic Vision.
  •  ASI-INAF I/009/10/0: Physics and morphology of Active Galactic Nuclei (unit coordinator).
  •  ASI-INAF I/088/06/0: Accretion processes in nearby and distant radio-quiet AGN and QSOs (unit coordinator). 
  •  ASI-INAF I/23/05/0: Accretion and ejection in AGN (unit coordinator). 
  •  ASI-INAF COFIS: Analisi dati nel contesto dello studio di cosmologia di strutture formate.
  •  PRIN 2006: L'evoluzione cosmologica, le proprieta` fisiche e la demografia dei buchi neri supermassicci.
  •  PRIN 2003: La storia dell'accrescimento nell'Universo studiata nella banda X.
  •  NASA financial support for two Chandra approved programs as PI (2000-2011). 
  •  PRIN 2000: Oscuramento e riprocessamento nella storia cosmica dei nuclei galattici attivi.



  • Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (2006): What are the X-ray observations of optically selected Type 2 quasars telling us?
  • Osservatorio Astronomico di Merate (2009): The quest for luminous, obscured quasars through X-ray, infrared, and optical observations.
  • Gent University (2011): Obscured quasars.
  • Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (2014): Obscured accretion and star formation at z~1
  • Institut Astrophysique de Paris (2015): The search for heavily obscured AGN.
  • INAF - IAPS (Roma, 2018): The realm of the first AGN in the Universe.
  • University of Barcelona (Barcelona, October 2019): The (endless) quest for obscured AGN.
  • University of Oslo (Oslo, June 2022): The (endless) quest for obscured AGN: a biased (Bologna-based) view
  • Athens Observatory (remotely, June 2022): The Chandra view of the Jackpot nebula at z=2: a high incidence of AGN coupled with the detection of extended emission.
  • INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Monte Porzio (Roma, February 2023): Connecting AGN and massive gas reservoirs in protoclusters: the Chandra view of the Jackpot nebula at z=2.
  • Specola seminar (May 2011): L'Universo violento visto ai raggi X
  • Seminar at the Physics and Astronomy Department (March 2016): Evidenze astrofisiche di corpi collassati: Pulsar e Buchi Neri


  • Director of the Degree Programs (Bachelor in Astronomy and Master in Astrophysics and Cosmology; November 2022 - current). 
  • Member of the PhD Council in Astrophysics (2005 - current).
  • Member of the School of Science at the University of Bologna.
  • Member of the committee for the evaluation of the admissions of students to the 2nd Cycle Degree Laurea Magistrale in Astrophysics and Cosmology (2021 - current).
  • Member of the committee for the library of the Physics and Astronomy Department. 
  • Member of the Giunta of the Physics and Astronomy Department (2015-2017). 
  • Member of the committee for the definition of the regulations for the newly born Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Bologna in 2012. 
  • Responsible for the activities at the Specola within the funded CTA+/PNRR project.


  • Supervisor of one 2nd Cycle Degree student in Astrophysics and Cosmology in Bologna (prior 2013).
  • Co-supervisor of nine 2nd Cycle Degree students in Astrophysics and Cosmology in Bologna (prior 2013).
  • Co-supervisor of three 1st Cycle Degree students in Astronomy in Bologna (prior 2013).
  • Co-supervisor of one PhD student in Astrophysics in Bologna (prior 2013).
  • Supervisor of 49 Master students in Astrophysics and Cosmology in Bologna (2013 - mid-march 2023).
  • Co-supervisor of one Master student from the University of Pisa (2020) and one from Tubingen University (2023). 
  • Supervisor of seven PhD students in Astrophysics in Bologna (2015 -current).
  • Co-supervisor of seven PhD students in Astrophysics in Bologna (2012 - current).
  • Supervisor (co-supervisor) of one (one) Bachelor student in Physics in Bologna (2020-current).
  • Supervisor of three post-doctoral fellow at the University of Bologna. 
  • Supervisor of two Erasmus internship students and one visiting student.
  • Supervisor of the Semester project' of one student from India (remotely, 2023).
  • Training activities for two fellow researchers in the field of X-rays analysis of AGN within the AHEAD (European) activities.



  • Member of the committee for the evaluation of the 1st Cycle degree (Laurea) in Astronomia (2005-2015). 
  • Member of the committee for the evaluation of the 2nd Cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) in Astrophysics and Cosmology (2017-current).
  • Member of the committee for the evaluation of the Erasmus student traineeship program (2018-current). 
  • Member of the committee for the evaluation of admission of students for the Laurea Magistrale in Astrophysics and Cosmology (2021-current).
  • Member of the DIFA committee for the evaluation for the PNRR - Mission 4 Education and Research: evaluation of projects presented by young researchers.
  • Member of the DIFA committee for evaluation of the projects of visiting professors. 
  • Member of the committee for the evaluation of PhD candidates in Astrophysics in Bologna (twice).
  • Member of the committee for the evaluation of PhD candidates in Physics at Ferrara (once).
  • Member of the committee for the final evaluation of PhD students at the University of Bologna (once).
  • Member of the committee for the final evaluation of PhD students at the University of Milano-Bicocca (three times).
  • Member of the committee for the final evaluation of PhD students at the University of Florence (once).
  • Member of the committee for the final evaluation of PhD students at the Universitat de Barcelona (once).
  • Member of the committee for the final evaluation of a Master student at the University of Oslo (once).
  • External referee for PhD thesis for the Rome Tre University (three times). 
  • External referee for PhD thesis for the University of Florence (once).
  • External referee for PhD thesis for Roma Tor Vergata University (three times).
  • Member of the committee for a tenure-track position at Roma Tre University (2017).
  • Member of the committee for a tenure-track position at the University of Ferrara (2020).
  • Member of the committee for a tenure-track position at University of Napoli Federico II (2021).
  • Member of the committee for a tenure-track position at University of Bologna (2022).


  • Co-organizer of official Thursday seminars at the Observatory/Astronomy Department (2009-2016).
  • Co-organizer of internal cycles of seminars for PhD students: [1] Physical properties of AGN, 2010;
    [2] Missing baryons, 2011; [3] Accretion onto compact objects and its role in shaping galaxies, 2013; [4] The high-redshift Universe, and the role of galaxies and AGN to cosmic reionization, 2015; [5] A multi-wavelength view of the Galactic Center, 2017. 
  • Member of the LOC for the PhD School of Astrophysics Francesco Lucchin held in Bertinoro, 18-23 September, 2016 (scientific topics: The Hot and Energetic Universe through high-resolution spectroscopy; Techniques and strategies to search for signs of Life in the Solar System: new results from Rosetta).
  • Co-organizer (and teacher) at the Winter school on X-ray data analysis at Fudan University (Shanghai, China, January 2018).
  • Co-organizer of the Chandra/CIAO school in Bologna (September 2019). 
    Co-organizer of the event for the thirty years from the death of Giuseppe Occhialini in Fossombrone (May 2023). 
  • Co-organizer of the Summer School on Remote Sensing and Processing in Bologna (V edition, July 2023).
  • Co-organizer of the CTA school in Bertinoro (2024).



Courses currently under my "supervision" are reported in boldface. 

  • Esperimentazioni di Fisica II - Assistance in lab. (AA2004-05 till AA2009-10).
  • Laboratorio di Astrofisica - Multiwavelength Astrophysics Laboratory - Teaching course + assistance in lab. (AA2005-06 - current, excluding AA2010-11).
  • Elementi di Informatica - Elementi di Programmazione I - Assistance in lab. (AA2006-07 + AA2008-09).
  • Elementi di Programmazione III - Assistance in lab. (AA2007-08).
  • Calcolo per l'Astronomia - Assistance in lab. (AA2009-10).
  • Astrofisica delle Alte Energie - High-energy Astrophysics - Teaching course (AA2009-10 till AA2019-20, excluding AA2010-11).
  • Esperimentazioni di Fisica I - Assistance in lab. (AA2011-12).
  • Fisica per Biologia - Assistance in lab. (AA2014-15 till AA2019-20).
  • Galassie Attive - Active Galactic Nuclei and Supermassive Black Holes - Teaching course (AA2020-21 - current).  
  • Attività professionalizzante - Professional skills (AA2011-12 till AA2014-15 + AA2020-21 -current).
  • Internship (AA2022-23). 
  • Winter school on X-ray data analysis at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) - Two weeks of lessons and X-ray data reduction, analysis and interpretation of AGN (January 2018).
  • SPICES, II level master, Space mission science, design and applications (Bologna University; 2021, 2022, 2023). Reference tutor for the internship project of Srivastava Smiriti (2022) and Paolo Calabretto (2023).
  • Remote Sensing and Processing Summer School (Bologna) - Lesson on X-ray Astronomy: data collection and analysis (July 2020).