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Costantino Marmo

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PHIL-04/B Philosophy and Language theory


Marmo, Costantino, Peirce e la teoria medievale delle relazioni, 1865-1867, «VS», 2015, 120, Article number: 2 , pp. 15 - 29 [Scientific article]

Marmo, Costantino, Segni, linguaggio e testi. Semiotica per la comunicazione. Seconda edizione aggiornata, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2015, pp. 319 (TEMI SEMIOTICI). [Research monograph]

Marmo, Costantino, De virtute sermonis/verborum: l’autonomie du texte dans le traitement des expressions figurées ou multiples, in: Le pouvoir des mots, Turnhout, BREPOLS, 2014, pp. 49 - 69 [Chapter or essay]

Costantino, Marmo, Had the Modistae Any Influence on Dante? Thirty Years After Maria Corti’s Proposal, in: Dante and Heterodoxy. The Temptations of 13th Century Radical Thought, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, pp. 1 - 17 [Chapter or essay]

Marmo, Costantino, Segni, linguaggi e testi: semiotica per la comunicazione, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2014, pp. 305 (TEMI SEMIOTICI). [Research monograph]

Marmo, Costantino, Logique élargie et sémiotique: Albert le Grand, Roger Bacon et Gilles de Rome, in: Ad notitiam ignoti. L’Organon dans la translatio studiorum à l’époque d’Albert le Grand, Turnhout, BREPOLS, 2013, pp. 447 - 465 (STUDIA ARTISTARUM) [Chapter or essay]

Marmo, Costantino, Radulphus Brito on Relations in his Questions on the Sentences, in: Logic and Language in the Middle Ages. A Volume in Honour of Sten Ebbesen, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2013, pp. 373 - 388 (INVESTIGATING MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY) [Chapter or essay]

Marmo, Costantino, Scotus on Supposition, «VIVARIUM», 2013, 51, pp. 233 - 259 [Scientific article]

Marmo, Costantino, The Theories of Relations in Medieval Commentaries on the Categories (mid-13th to mid-14th Century), in: Aristotle’s Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin Traditions, Copenhagen, The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2013, pp. 195 - 215 [Chapter or essay]

G. Cosenza; C. Marmo, Communication Studies in Italy: the case of Bologna and the role of Semiotic Studies, in: Conjunctions and Disruptions. Communication, Information and Media Studies in Europe, BILBAO, Deusto University Press, 2011, pp. 91 - 104 [Chapter or essay]

C. Marmo; I. Rosier-Catach, Introduction, «VIVARIUM», 2011, 49, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]

C. Marmo, Les actes de langage entre logique, rhétorique et théologie au Moyen Age, in: Genèses de l'acte de parole dans le monde grec, romain et médiéval, TURNHOUT, Brepols, 2011, pp. 269 - 291 [Chapter or essay]

C. Marmo, Umberto Eco saku "Baranonamae" gentenhihan. Sonciousubekiicigiku (tr. I venerandi fichi. Guida alla lettura de Il nome della rosa di Umberto Eco), traduzione di I. Taniguchi, TOKYO, Bunkashobouhakubunsha, 2011, pp. 364 . [Research monograph]

C. Marmo, Usus loquendi, discretio audientis, intentio proferentis. Pragmatic Approaches to Language During the Middle Ages, Vivarium XLIX/1-3 (Special Issue), LEIDEN, BRILL, 2011, pp. 300 . [Editorship]

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