Roversi, Corrado, Artefatti giuridici. Il diritto tra intenzione, storia, funzione, Torino, G. Giappichelli Editore srl, 2023, pp. 209 (ETHOS NOMOS). [libro]
Corrado Roversi, Constituting Power, in: Legal Power and Legal Competence: Meaning, Normativity, Officials and Theories, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp. 163 - 188 (LAW AND PHILOSOPHY LIBRARY) [capitolo di libro]Open Access
Corrado Roversi, On the Cognitive Foundations of Legal Reality, «DIRITTO & QUESTIONI PUBBLICHE», 2023, Special Publication, August 2023, pp. 173 - 205 [articolo]Open Access
Roversi, C; Ubertone, M; Villani, C; D'Ascenzo, S; Lugli, L, Alice in wonderland: experimental jurisprudence on the internal point of view, «JURISPRUDENCE», 2022, First Online, pp. 1 - 28 [articolo]Open Access
Roversi, Corrado, Facets of Power. A Few Thoughts in Light of Marco Brigaglia’s Analysis of Foucault, «THE ITALIAN LAW JOURNAL», 2022, 8, pp. 223 - 241 [nota a sentenza]Open Access
Villani C.; D'Ascenzo S.; Borghi A.M.; Roversi C.; Benassi M.; Lugli L., Is justice grounded? How expertise shapes conceptual representation of institutional concepts, «PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2022, 86, pp. 2434 - 2450 [articolo]Open Access
Roversi, Corrado; Himma, Kenneth Einar; Burazin, Luka; Banaś, Pawel, The Artifactual Nature of Law, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 229 (IVR Studies in the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy). [curatela]
Roversi, Corrado, A Three-dimensional Ontology of Customs, in: Spaces of Law and Custom, London, Routledge, 2021, pp. 27 - 45 [capitolo di libro]
Roversi, Corrado, Cognitive Science and the Nature of Law, in: Law and Mind, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 99 - 137 [capitolo di libro]Open Access
Roversi, Corrado, In Defence of Constitutive Rules, «SYNTHESE», 2021, 199, pp. 14349 - 14370 [articolo]Open Access
Corrado Roversi, Searle vs. Conte on Constitutive Rules, in: Revisiting Searle on Deriving “Ought” from “Is”, London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2021, pp. 157 - 176 [capitolo di libro]
Roversi C.; Sardo A., Ekins on Groups and Procedures, «THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF JURISPRUDENCE», 2019, 64, pp. 79 - 103 [articolo]
Roversi, Corrado, Law as an Artifact: Three Questions, «ANALISI E DIRITTO», 2019, 2, pp. 41 - 67 [articolo]
Roversi, Corrado, Six Heresies on Constitutive Rules, «DIRITTO & QUESTIONI PUBBLICHE», 2019, 2, pp. 175 - 199 [articolo]Open Access
Corrado Roversi, Constitutive Rules and the Internal Point of View, «ARGUMENTA», 2018, 4, pp. 139 - 156 [articolo]