Foto del docente

Claudio Ratti

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGR/12 Plant Pathology

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Precise and Sustainable Agriculture


Ratti C.; C. Rubies Autonell; L. Bianchi; A. Pisi; M. CardonI; V. Vicchi; A. Babini, CERTIFICATION OF VIRUS-FREE STRAWBERRY IN ITALY: EVALUATION OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTIC METHODS, in: , «JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY», 2004, 86(4), pp. 331 - 331 (atti di: XI Congresso Nazionale Sipav, Milano, 29 settembre - 1 Ottobre 2004) [Abstract]

Vallega V.; Rubies Autonell C; C. Ratti; L. Bianchi., Comportamento di cultivar di frumento duro e tenero rispetto al virus del mosaico comune del frumento (SBWMV): risultati di sei anni di prove, in: ATTI Giornate fitopatologiche, BOLGNA, CLUEB, 2004, 2, pp. 385 - 392 (atti di: Giornate fitopatologiche, Montesilvano, 2-5 maggio 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Ratti C.; G. Budge; L. Ward; G. Clover; C. Rubies Autonell; C. M. Henry., Detection and relative quantitation of Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV) and Polymyxa graminis in winter wheat using real-time PCR (Taq Man), «JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS», 2004, 122, pp. 95 - 103 [Scientific article]

Ratti C.; C. Rubies Autonell ; L. Bianchi; A. Pisi; M. Cardoni; V. Vicchi; A. Babini, Development and evaluation of molecular diagnostic method for strawberry virus-free certification in Italy: preliminay works., in: , «PHYTOPATHOLOGIA POLONICA», 2004, pp. 57 - 57 (atti di: WORKSHOP ON IMPROVEMENT AND UNIFICATION OF PLANT DISEASE DIAGNOSTICS, SKIERNIEWICE, Poland, AUGUST 30-SEPT. 1, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

MACCAFERRI M.; RATTI C.; RUBIES-AUTONELL C.; TUBEROSA R.; VALLEGA V.; SANGUINETI M.C., Genetic diversity for resistance to SBWMV in durum wheat: a phenotypic and molecular analysis, in: Genetic variation for plant breeding, VIENNA, Eucarpia & Boku, 2004, pp. 303 - 303 (atti di: XVIIth EUCARPIA General Congress, Tulln (Austria), 8-11 September 2004) [Abstract]

Bellardi M.G.; Tamanini L.; Ratti C.; Benni A., Infezioni da virus in piante officinali. VI contributo. Indagine in Trentino, in: UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA; REGIONE ABRUZZO, A.R.S.S.A., SERVIZIO FITOSANITARIO REGIONALE, ENOTECA REGIONALE ABRUZZO, Giornate Fitopatologiche 2004, LAVIS (TN), Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria, 2004, II, pp. 309 - 404 (atti di: Giornate Fitopatologiche 2004, Montesilvano (Pescara), 4-6 maggio 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Rubies Autonell C. ; C. Ratti ; V. Vallega., Le cultivar resistenti al mosaico comune. I risultati di cinque anni di prove. Saggiate 81 varietà., «TERRA E VITA», 2004, 35, pp. 55 - 59 [Scientific article]

Rubies Autonell C.; Ratti C.; R. Resca; Bianchi L.; Palaudelmas M., Protocollo de RT-PCR para el diagnostico y caracterizacion se los virus ”soil-borne” de la remolacha., in: Actos del XII Congreso Sociedad Espanola de Fitopatologia, LLORET DE MAR, Sociedad Espanola de Fitopatologia, 2004, pp. 118 - 118 (atti di: XII Congreso Sociedad Espanola de Fitopatologia, LLORET DE MAR, 26 settembre -1 ottobre 2004) [Abstract]

Rubies Autonell C; C. Ratti; V. Vallega, Reaction of thirty cultivars of durum wheat to SBWMV during 2001-2002., «ANNUAL WHEAT NEWSLETTER», 2004, 50, pp. 72 - 73 [Scientific article]

RUBIES-AUTONELL C.; RATTI C.; PEREZ DE ANUCITA A.; SANGUINETI M.; MACCAFERRI M.; VALLEGA V., Reaction of 114 cultivars of durum wheat to wheat soilborne mosaic virus in northern Italy, «NEWSLETTER», 2004, 50, pp. 9 - 11 [Scientific article]

Vallega V.; C. Ratti; C. Rubies Autonell, Reaction of 33 cultivars of common wheat to to wheat soilborne mosaic virus in 2001-2002., «ANNUAL WHEAT NEWSLETTER», 2004, 50, pp. 73 - 74 [Scientific article]

Rubies Autonell C.; C. Ratti; V. Vallega., Reaction of 81 cultivars of common wheat in northern Italy to wheat soilborne mosaic virus during five seasons., «ANNUAL WHEAT NEWSLETTER», 2004, 50, pp. 71 - 72 [Scientific article]

Vallega V.; C. Rubies Autonell; C. Ratti;, Reaction to wheat soilborne mosaic virus of 85 cultivars of durum wheat during six seasons in northern and central Italy., «ANNUAL WHEAT NEWSLETTER», 2004, 50, pp. 70 - 71 [Scientific article]

BELLARDI M.G.; RATTI C.; C. RUBIES AUTONELL, Recenti ritrovamenti del virus del mosaico del cetriolo su specie officinali, «PETRIA», 2004, 14 (1), pp. 13 - 22 [Scientific article]

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