Foto del docente

Claudio Lantieri

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-03/A Roads, Railways and Airports


Sangiorgi, Cesare; Lantieri, Claudio; Tataranni, Piergiorgio; Castro-Gomes, Joao; Gabriel, Marco, Reuse of mining waste into innovative alkali-activated-based materials for road pavement applications, in: Functional Pavement Design: Proceedings of the 4th Chinese-European Workshop on Functional Pavement Design, CEW 2016, CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, 2016, pp. 1735 - 1744 (atti di: 4th Chinese-European Workshop on Functional Pavement Design, CEW 2016, Delft, The Netherlands, 29 June - 1 July 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access

Mazzotta Francesco; Sangiorgi Cesare; Vignali Valeria; Lantieri Claudio; Giulio Dondi, Rheological characterization of bituminous mastics containing waste bleaching clays, in: Canestrari Francesco; Part, Manfred, 8th RILEM Symposium on testing and characterization of sustainable and innovative bituminous materials, UK, Springer, 2016, pp. 595 - 606 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Lamperti, Riccardo; Lantieri, Claudio; Sangiorgi, Cesare; Bitelli, Gabriele; Simone, Andrea, Semi-automatic evaluation of the degree of bitumen coverage on bitumen-coated aggregates, in: RILEM Bookseries, Berlino, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2016, pp. 15 - 24 [Chapter or essay]

David, Woodward; Philips, Millar; Claudio, Lantieri; Cesare, Sangiorgi; Valeria, Vignali, The wear of stone mastic asphalt due to slow speed high stress simulated laboratory trafficking, «CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS», 2016, 110, pp. 270 - 277 [Scientific article]

Fornai, D.; Sangiorgi, C.; Capanelli, F.; Lantieri, C.; Volta, E, Conglomerati bituminosi con gomma da PFU, «STRADE & AUTOSTRADE», 2015, 111 (3/2015), pp. 52 - 55 [Scientific article]

Giudici H.; Kuznetsova E.; Hoff I.; Lantieri C.; Vignali V., Influence of fine particles on frost heaving of crushed rock material in a closed drainage system, in: Proocedings of the 6th EATA Conference, European Asphalt Technology Association Conference, Stockholm, European Asphalt Technology Association Conference, 2015, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 6th EATA Conference, European Asphalt Technology Association Conference, Stockholm, 15-17 june) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Lamperti, Riccardo; Grenfell, James; Sangiorgi, Cesare; Lantieri, Claudio; Airey, Gordon D., Influence of waxes on adhesion properties of bituminous binders, «CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS», 2015, 76, pp. 404 - 412 [Scientific article]

Kuznetsova E.; Giudici H.; Hoff I; Solas L.S.; Marcheselli M; Miranda I.; Lantieri C.; Vignali V., Investigation of crushed rock material used in the frost protection layer, in: Proceedings of GEOQuebec 2015, Québec, Canadian Geotechnical Society, 2015, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: Proceedings of GEOQuebec 2015, quebec, 20-23 september) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bichicchi A, 1 .; Lantieri, C.; Dondi, G., Leggibilità della segnaletica verticale con Mobile Eye Detector, «STRADE & AUTOSTRADE», 2015, 113 (5/2015), pp. 142 - 145 [Scientific article]

Florio, Eugenio; Berti, Carlo; Kasbergen, Cor; Villani, Mirella M.; Scarpas, Athanasios; Erkens, Sandra M.J.G.; Sangiorgi, Cesare; Lantieri, Claudio, American and European mix design approaches combined: Use of NCHRP performance indicators to Analyze Comité Européen de normalisation test results, «TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD», 2014, 2447, pp. 83 - 91 [Scientific article]

Simone A.; Vignali V.; Lantieri C; Sangiorgi C; Bonino T.; Parmeggiani D; Montanari U; Costa M., Metodologie innovative per l'analisi dell'interazione utenti-strada in ambito urbano, Bologna, Provincia di Bologna, 2014, pp. 36 . [Research monograph]

Coppo M.; Parmeggiani D.; Montanari U.; Simone A.; Vignali V.; Lantieri C., S.P.610 “SELICE O MONTANARA IMOLESE”: un campo di sperimentazione della sicurezza stradale, in: S.P.610 “SELICE O MONTANARA IMOLESE”: un campo di sperimentazione della sicurezza stradale, Bologna, Provincia di Bologna, 2014, pp. 45 - 56 [Chapter or essay]

Magris, P.; Lamperti, R.; Lantieri, C., Studio della Percezione delle Zone di Transizione da Ambito Extraurbano ad Urbano tramite Mobile Ey, «IN BO», 2014, numero 7, pp. 245 - 251 [Scientific article]

Simone A.; Vignali V.; Lantieri C., A new “Frugal” approach to road maintenance: 100% recycling of a deteriorated flexible pavement, in: Douglas Wilson, Proceedings of 7th International conference on maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements and technological control, AUCKLAND, s.n, 2012, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 7th International conference on maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements and technological control, AUCKLAND, 28-30/08/2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Dondi G.; Barbarella M.; Sangiorgi C.; Lantieri C.; De Marco L., A Semi-Automatic Method for Identifying Defects on Road Surfaces, in: ICSDC 2011 Integrating Sustainability Practices in the Construction Industry, KANSAS CITY, Oswald Chong and Christopher Hermreck, 2012, pp. 704 - 711 (atti di: International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction, Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel, Kansas City, Mo, March 23–25, 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

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