Foto del docente

Claudia Romagnoli

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-02/B Stratigraphic Geology and Sedimentology

Curriculum vitae

Claudia Romagnoli received the Degree in Geology and the PhD in Earth Sciences at the University of Bologna. Since 1992 she is Researcher (and sine 2014 Associate professor) at the Department of Earth and Geological-Environmental Sciences in the GEO/02 topics (disciplines of Stratigraphical geology and Sedimentology).

Since 2018 she is qualified for Full Professor degree from MIUR (Abilitazione nazionale I fascia) in GEO/02 scientific area.

The gained the following courses:

Coastal and continental shelves evolutionLittoral dynamics and coastal risks, Sedimentology and littoral regime, Marine geology, Fundamentals in Marine Sciences, Geography and Geology, Geology and Lithology, Hot topics in Marine Sciences.

 From 2001 to 2003 she was teacher and member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd-level Master Integrated Coastal Zone Management for a Sustainable Development (University of Bologna).

She has been member of the Doctoral School for the PhD in: Physical Modelling for Environmental Protection; Earth Sciences; Geophysics and has been tutor of three PhD Thesis and several MsD Thesis. At present she he member of the Doctoral School in Geophysics and in Future Earth, Climate change and Societal challenges

 She is reviewer for a number of international journals (Marine Geology, Sedimentary Geology, Frontiers, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Marine Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, G-Cubed, Italian Journal of Geosciences; Earth Sciences Processes and Landforms, Quaternary Geology, Climate Change, Bulletin of Geography). She is part of the Editorial board of Frontiers in Marine Science as Associate Editor.

In the framework of her research activities, she:

 -participated to about 30 oceanographic cruises in the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Indian Ocean on Italian, French and Russian research vessels, in the framework of Italian and European (Tredmar, ESF-UNESCO; EASS; EUROFLEETS) projects, acquiring experience in geophysical investigations and sampling of the seabed.

- cooperates with the Italian Dept. of Civil Protection on researches and monitoring activities at Stromboli after the 2002-2003 emergency and the 2007 eruptive crisis.

-participated to research projects:

"SELF" (Sea Level Fluctuations: geophysical interpretation and environmental impact), 1993-95,  and "SELF II" (Sea Level Fluctuations in the Mediterranean: interactions with climate processes and vertical crustal movements), 1996-98, as responsible for the geological researches.

- INGV-GNV project (2000-2002) "Conoscenza delle parti sommerse dei vulcani italiani e valutazione del potenziale rischio vulcanico" and INGV-DPC (2005-2007) focused on Vulcano Island (Aeolian islands): “Study of the submerged structure and implications for risk assessment" (PI).

- RITMARE project, focused on seabed and habitat mapping (2014-2016).

- STIMARE project ("Strategie innovative, Monitoraggio ed Analisi del rischio erosione") financed by Italian MATTM (2017-2019).

-RETURN - Multi-risk Science for resilient communities under a changhing climate, MUR-PNRR (2022-2025)

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