Foto del docente

Cinzia Bevitori

Associate Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/C English Language, Translation and Linguistics


Cinzia Bevitori, Jane Helen Johnson, Human Mobility and Climate Change at the Crossroad: A Diachronic Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis of the Nexus in UK and US Newspaper Discourse., «ANGLISTICA AION AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL», 2017, 21, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bevitori, Cinzia, ‘in a world of complex threats...’: Discourses of in/security in the State of the Union Address (1790-2014). A diachronic corpus-assisted study, «CRITICAL APPROACHES TO DISCOURSE ANALYSIS ACROSS DISCIPLINES», 2017, 8, pp. 19 - 36 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bayley, Paul; Bevitori, Cinzia, Diachronic change from Washington to Obama: the challenges and constraints of corpus-assisted meaning analysis, in: Systemic Functional Linguistics in the Digital Age, Sheffield (UK) and Bristol (CT), Equinox, 2016, pp. 229 - 245 [Chapter or essay]

Cinzia, Bevitori, Discursive Constructions of the Environment in Presidential Speeches 1960-2013: A Diachronic Corpus-Assisted Study, in: Corpora and Discourse Studies, London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, pp. 110 - 133 [Chapter or essay]

P. Bayley; C. Bevitori, Two centuries of 'security': Semantic variation in the State of the Union address (1790-2014), in: Gentle Obsessions: Literature, Linguistics and Learning in honour of John Morley, Roma, Artemide, 2015, pp. 60 - 80 [Chapter or essay]

Donna Rose Miller; Paul Bayley; Cinzia Bevitori; Sabrina Fusari; Antonella Luporini, Ticklish trawling: The limits of corpus assisted meaning analysis, in: Proceedings from the 24th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop, Coventry, Department of English and Languages (DEL), Coventry University, 2014, pp. 100 - 111 [Chapter or essay]

C. Bevitori, Values, Assumptions and Beliefs in British Newspaper Editorial Coverage of Climate Change, in: Contemporary Critical Discourse Studies, LONDON, Bloomsbury Academic, 2014, pp. 603 - 625 [Chapter or essay]

C. Bevitori, How green is “green”? A corpus-assisted analysis of environmental discourse across forms of journalism, BOLOGNA, CeSLiC e AlmaDL, 2012, pp. 30 (QUADERNI DEL CESLIC. OCCASIONAL PAPERS). [Research monograph]

C. Bevitori, "Imagine, if you will…": Reader Positioning on Climate Change in US Op-Ed Articles, in: Challenges for the 21st Century: Dilemmas, Ambiguities,Directions. Vol. II: Language Studies, ROMA, Edizioni Q, 2011, pp. 267 - 276 [Chapter or essay]

C. Bevitori, The Meanings of RESPONSIBILITY in the British and American Press on Climate Change: a Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis Perspective, in: Explorations across Languages and Corpora (Lodz Studies in Language, ed. by Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk), FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Peter Lang, 2011, pp. 243 - 259 [Chapter or essay]

C. Bevitori, Representations of Climate Change. News and opinion discourse in UK and US quality press: a Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study, BOLOGNA, BUP, 2010, pp. 239 (SITLeC). [Research monograph]

Bayley P.; Bevitori C., 'Just War' or just 'war: Arguments for Doing the 'Right Thing', in: Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies on the Iraq Conflict: Wording the War, NEW YORK, Routledge, 2009, pp. 74 - 107 (Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics) [Chapter or essay]

C. Bevitori, Voci contro. Un'analisi linguistico-discorsiva sul “posizionamento” delle donne nel Parlamento britannico sulla guerra in Iraq, in: Confitti. Strategie di rappresentazione della guerra nella cultura contemporanea, ROMA, Meltemi, 2008, pp. 169 - 176 [Chapter or essay]

C. Bevitori, Engendering conflict? A corpus-assisted analysis of women MPs positioning on the war in Iraq., «TEXTUS», 2007, XX,1, pp. 137 - 158 [Scientific article]

Bevitori C., Speech Representation in Parliamentary Discourse. Rhetorical Strategies in a Heteroglossic Perspective: A Corpus-based Study, in: Studies in Specialized Discourse, BERN, Peter Lang, 2006, Linguistics insights, 41, pp. 155 - 180 (atti di: The 15th European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes: "New Trends in Specialized Discourse", University of Bergamo, 29th August - 2nd September 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

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