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Chiara Gianollo

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica

Settore scientifico disciplinare: L-LIN/01 GLOTTOLOGIA E LINGUISTICA


Chiara Gianollo, The diachronic trajectory of Greek genitive clitics: from DP to VP, in: Pre-Proceedings of the International Conference Linguistic Evidence 2012. Empirical, theoretical and computational perspectives., Tübingen, SFB 833 'The Construction of Meaning' Universität Tübingen, 2010, pp. 31 - 34 (atti di: Linguistic Evidence, Universität Tübingen, Tubingen, 11-13 Feb 2010) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Gianollo, Chiara, Recensione a: Rezension Von" Principles of Syntactic Reconstruction" Von Gisella Ferraresi \& Maria Goldbach (Ed.), «LINGUIST LIST», 2009, 20, pp. 1 - 11 [recensione]

Gianollo, Chiara; Guardiano, Cristina; Longobardi, Giuseppe, Syntactic Measuring of Language Relatedness, in: Proceedings of the 5th Asian GLOW, Mysore, Central Institute of Indian Languages, 2009, pp. 516 - 544 (atti di: 5th Asian GLOW, JNU, New Delhi, 5–8 October 2005) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Gianollo, Chiara, Historical syntax and the generative paradigm, «RIVISTA DI LINGUISTICA», 2008, 20, pp. 347 - 373 [articolo]

Gianollo, Chiara; Guardiano, Cristina; Longobardi, Giuseppe, Three fundamental issues in parametric linguistics, in: The Limits of Syntactic Variation, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2008, pp. 109 - 142 [capitolo di libro]

Chiara Gianollo, The Internal Syntax of the Nominal Phrase in Latin. A Diachronic Study., in: Ordre et cohérence en Latin, Genève, Droz, 2007, pp. 65 - 80 [capitolo di libro]

Gianollo, Chiara, Tracing the Value of Syntactic Parameters in Ancient Languages: The Latin Nominal Phrase, in: Proceedings from the 17th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, Washington DC, Institute for the Study of Man, 2006, pp. 143 - 163 (JOURNAL OF INDO-EUROPEAN STUDIES MONOGRAPH SERIES) [capitolo di libro]

Crisma, Paola; Gianollo, Chiara, Where did Romance N-Raising come from? A Parallel Study of Parameter Resetting in Latin and English, in: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory. Selected Papers from ‘Going Romance’ 2004, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2006, pp. 71 - 93 [capitolo di libro]

Gianollo, Chiara, Middle Voice in Latin and the phenomenon of Split Intransitivity, «PAPERS ON GRAMMAR», 2005, 9, pp. 97 - 109 [articolo]