Foto del docente

Caterina Mauri

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: GLOT-01/A Historical and General Linguistics

Curriculum vitae


2/2008 Visiting scholar, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.

2003-2006 PhD in Linguistics, University of Pavia. Defended on the 19/3/2007.

3/2006 Leipzig Spring School on Linguistic Diversity (LSSLD), Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.

9-12/2005 Visiting student, Freie Universität Berlin.

11/2004-2/2005 Visiting student, Universität of Erfurt.

8/2004 Visiting student, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.

2003 Superior Education Program. Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS), Pavia.

2003 Master of Arts in Linguistics - Università degli Studi di Pavia.



  • 2023: National Scientific Habilitation to function as Full Professor of Linguistics.
  • since 2016: Associate Professor in Linguistics, University of Bologna, Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture moderne.
  • 2010 – 2016: Assistant Professor in Linguistics, University of Pavia, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
  • 2007–2010: Post-Doc Fellow in linguistics, University of Pavia



Scientific collaborations

- Co-founder and Editor-in-chief of "Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads", AlmaDL Journals, Università di Bologna. 

- Member of the editorial board of the series ‘Materiali linguistici ’, Franco Angeli editore .

- Member of the editorial board of the series ‘Linguistica’, Caissa Italia Editore.

- Member of the editorial board of the series 'Trends in Linguistics', Mouton de Gruyter.

- Member of the editorial board of ‘CLUB Working papers in Linguistics’, University of Bologna.

- Member of the editorial board, Linguistics Vanguard, Mouton de Guyter . Area Editor ‘Semantics and pragmatics’ (2014-2016)

- Active reviewer for the following journals: Linguistics, Language, Language Sciences, Lingua, Journal of Pragmatics, Studies in Language, Lingua, Linguistic Typology, Studi Slavistici, Archivio Glottologico Italiano, Constructions and Frames, Cuadernos de Filología Italiana

- Guest Editor for the following journals: Language Sciences, Italian Journal of Linguistics, Folia Linguistica Diachronica, Lingue e Linguaggio.

- Reviewer as International Expert for: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, Humanities and Social science division 2019/2020); Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, Call Young Researchers 2012); European Research Council (ERC, Starting Grants 2016).

- Member of the following associations: Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), Società Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana (SILFI), Società Italiana di Glottologia (SIG), International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI).

- Member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Society of Linguistics (SLI, 2019-2021)

Institutional duties

since 2023 Member of the University Quality Committee.

- since 2023 Faculty member of the PhD Program in Philological and linguistic studies in oral and written records (University of Bergamo)

- since 2021 Member of the Executive Committee of the Department of Modern Languages, literatures and cultures (LILEC)

- since 2013 Faculty member of the PhD Program in Linguistic Sciences (Pavia, Bergamo)

- since 2018 Coordinator of the internship Program KIParla, University of Bologna.

- Coordinator of the BA Program in Languages, markets and cultures of Asia and Mediterranean Africa. 2019-2022

- Member of University Committee for the Evaluation of Research (CVRA, Coordinator Area 10). 2020-2023

- Faculty member of the PhD Program in Linguistics (University of Pavia) – 2010-2013.

- Member of the ‘Quality Committee’ and of the Panel Area 10 for the ‘Committee for the evaluation of Research (CVRA)’, University of Bologna, Italy – 2017-2020.

- Faculty member, BA Program in Foreign Languages, University of Bologna, Italy – since 2016

- Faculty member, BA Program in Humanities, MA Program in Linguistics, Pavia, Italy – 2012-2016

- Co-organizer of the Linguistics program (with Marina Chini), Master Immigrazione, genere, modellifamigliari e strategie di integrazione (40 hours), University of Pavia – 2012-2014.



Coordinator of the following funded projects:

- PRIN 2022 PNRR - DiverSITa: Diversity in Spoken Italian (codice: P2022RFR8T). Principal Investigator: Caterina Mauri. Project duration: 24 months (30/11/2023- 29/11/2025). Website under construction.

- SIR 2014, LEAdhoC: Linguistic expression of ad hoc categories (n. RBSI14IIG0), funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. Principal Investigator: Caterina Mauri. Number of years: 3 (+1) (23/09/2015-23/09/2019). Amount of funding: 221.200 Euros. Project website:

- Fondazione CARIPLO e REGIONE LOMBARDIA: Call 2015 - LogiCon. Logical connectives in natural languages: cognitive processing and cross-linguistic variation (rif . 2015-0752). National Coordinator: Caterina Mauri. Amount of funding 130.000 Euros. Project interrupted due to the new position of Associate Professor in Bologna, which was incompatible with the funding.

Member in the following funded projects:

- DIVE-IN (Excellent Departments, 2018-2022). Roles: Quality Committee (until 2021), Scientific Committee for Conferences, Experimental Lab Committee, Executive Committee (since 2021).

- International Partner for the project “NiCC - Negation in Clause Combining: Typological and usage-based perspectives”, Academy of Finland. PI Matti Miestamo, University of Helsinki.

- International Partner for the project ISF 'Disgiunzione', Israel Science Foundation n. 431/15. PI: Mira Ariel (Università di Tel Aviv). 2016-2019.  

- International Partner for the project ‘LogPrag: The semantics and pragmatics of logical words’, Fond National Suisse (FNS), 2014-2017. PI: Prof. Jacques Moeschler (Université de Genève).

- "MODAL - MODèles de l'Annotation de la modalité à l'Oral", finanziato da Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Val de Loire (MSH-VdL 2015); PI: Paola Pietrandrea (Université de Lille), 2015-2016.

- PRIN 2012-2015 - Rappresentazioni linguistiche dell'identità. Modelli sociolinguistici e linguistica storica. Coordinator:Piera Molinelli. Funding by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. Role: member.

- PRIN 2010-2012 - Mutamento e contatto tra varietà nella diacronia linguistica del Mediterraneo. Coordinator:Marco Mancini. Funding by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. Role: member.

- PRIN 2007-2009 - Livelli di analisi nell’evoluzione delle lingue indoeuropee . Coordinatore nazionale : Prof. Giorgio Banti. Funding by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. Role: member.

- FIRB 2004-2006 - Europa e Mediterraneo dal punto di vista linguistico : storia e prospettive. Coordinatorenazionale : Prof. Paolo Ramat. Funding by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. Role: member.



- Founder and coordinator of the KIParla corpus of Spoken Italian (with Silvia Ballarè, Massimo Cerruti andEugenio Goria):

- "LIST – Listing in Natural Language": Co-coordinator with Francesca Masini:

- Research network “S2G: Speaking to Grammar”, coordinated by Miriam Voghera (University of Salerno). Partners: Università di Bologna, Università di Torino, Università di Bolzano, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Università dell'Insubria.



2009 Joseph Greenberg Award 2009. Association of Linguistic Typology.



- 18-19/5/2023 International Conference on "Naturally occurring data in and beyond linguistic typology" (University of Bologna), co-organized with Silvia Ballarè, Nicola Grandi and Simone Mattiola.

- 15-17/5/2023 Spring school on "Language variation" (University of Bologna), co-organized with Silvia Ballarè, Nicola Grandi and Simone Mattiola.

- February-June/2022 Cycle of seminars  “Language data are waiting: methods, techniques, resources” (Experimental LAB, University of Bologna), co-organized with Francesca Masini:

- 21-25/6/2021 Summer SchoolCatching language data”, co-organized with the Scientific Committee of the LILEC Experimental LAB:

- 13-14/5/2021 2° DIVE-IN International ConferenceLe parole sono importanti”, Università di Bologna. Co-organized with Bruna Conconi, Sabrina Fusari e Barbara Ivancic.

- 12/2020 KIPoS @ EVALITA2020 su Parts of Speech tagging del KIParla Corpus, Evalita 2020, 7th evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech tools for Italian (con C. Bosco, S. Ballarè, E. Goria, M. Cerruti).

- WORKSHOP 5/2019 su " Simply not? Ways to strengthen negation ", Università di Bologna (con C. Gianollo).

- (10/2017) International Conference on ‘Building categories in interaction: a multidisciplinary approach to categorization’, 19/20 October 2017, University of Bologna.

- (9/2016) Workshop ‘List constructions: formal and functional aspects’. 50° Congresso Internazionale
della Società di Linguistica Italiana. Co-organized with Francesca Masini and Paola Pietrandrea.

- (9/2016) Workshop 'Ad hoc categories and their linguistic construction. Typology, diachrony and use', 49° Annual conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Co-organized with Andrea Sansò.

- (9/2014) International Conference Syntax of the World’s languages VI’, University of Pavia. Co-organized with S. Cristofaro and S. Luraghi.

- (9/2013) Workshop "Natural-language connectives: Evidence from discourse, typology and grammatici-zation ", 9-10/9/2013. 13° International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), New Delhi. Co-organized with Mira Ariel.

- (7/2013) Workshop "The semantics and pragmatics of logical words: a cross-linguistic perspective", 25-26/7/2013. 19° International Congress of Linguists (19 ICL), Genève. Co-organized with Johan van der Auwera and Jacques Moeschler.

- (9/2012) WorkshopMeaning and form of vagueness: a cross-linguistic perspective”, Stockholm, 29/8-1/9/2012. 45° Annual conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Co-organized with Miriam Voghera, Francesca Masini and Lucia Tovena.

- (5/2011) WorkshopGradualness in change and its relations to synchronic variation and use”, Pavia, 30-31/5/2011. Co-organized with Anna Giacalone Ramat and Piera Molinelli.

- (4/2010) WorkshopLanguage contact and language decay: socio-political and linguistic perspectives”, Pavia, 8-9/4/2010. IUSS, Pavia. Co-organized with Andrea Sansò, Paolo Ramat, Anna Giacalone Ramat.

- (4/2009) International Spring School 2009Standard and non-standard languages in Europe: future and vitality of dialects, language contacts and new linguistic scenarios in today's Europe”, Pavia, 6-10/4/2009. IUSS, Pavia. Co-organized with Andrea Sansò and Paolo Ramat.

- (9/2008) WorkshopWhat do languages code when they code Realisness ?”, 41° Annual conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Forlì, 17-20/9/2008). Co-organized with Andrea Sansò.



- (2022 - present) 'Linguistic diversity', University of Bologna - 30 hours/semester, MA in Italian language and culture for foreigners. 

- (2017 – present) ‘General linguistics’, University of Bologna - 60 hours/semester, BA in Foreign languages.

- (2017 – present) ‘Semantics and Pragmatics’, University of Bologna - 60 hours/semester, BA in Foreign languages.

- (2014 – 2016) ‘Pragmatics and Textual linguistics’, University of Pavia – 36 hours/semester, BA in Humanities, MA in Linguistics.

- (2012 – 2016) ‘Laboratory of Linguistic Data Analysis’, University of Pavia – 36 hours/semester, MA in Linguistics.



1/12/2005. ‘Combination, alternative and contrast: conjunctive, disjunctive and adversative constructions in -and outside- Europe’. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.

2. 22/5/2006 'Le relazioni di coordinazione : costruzioni congiuntive, disgiuntive e avversative a confronto '. MorboConf, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Università di Bologna.

3. 12/2/2008 (with Andrea Sansò) ‘The (ir )reality of directives”. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.

4. 9/12/2008 (with Andrea Sansò) ‘The reality status of directives and its coding across languages’. Universität Zürich, Zürich.

5.10/12/2008 (with Andrea Sansò) ‘Typology and diachrony of (ir )realis: on overview of the IRR-TYP project’. Universität Zürich, Zürich.

2009 'Coordination Relations in the Languages of Europe and Beyond'. Plenary speaker at the 8°ALT Conference, University of Berkeley, 23-26/7/2009, as winner of the Greenberg Award 2009.

2011 ‘Logical connectives in the world’s languages’. Département de Linguistique, Université di Genève.

2012. ‘Il ruolo dei marcatori di lista nella codifica della vaghezza: un approccio tipologico’. Lesson for the PhD Program in “Studi letterari e linguistici” (Università degli Studi di Salerno).

2014. “Pragmatica e tipologia, pragmatica in tipologia” e “La costruzione di categorie exemplar-driven: l’analisi tipologica di un fenomeno discorsivo”. Two lessons in the PhD Program in Language Sciences of the Universities of Pavia/Bergamo.

2016 ‘Connectives beyond connecting: converging evidence in the analysis of disjunction’. 2ndUsage-based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv University. Plenary speaker.

2019, ‘Logical words and category constructions’. Workshop ‘Logical words’, Université de Genève. Invited by Prof. Jacques Moeschler.

11/12/2019 ‘Diversità tra le lingue e pragmatica’, invited talk at the conference ‘Diversità linguistica, inclusione e didattica delle lingue a scuola’, University of Bologna.

29/11/2021 ‘L’espressione dell’esaustività e della non esaustività in italiano: tra semantica e pragmatica’, Seminario permanente di linguistica italiana, University of Brno.

28/3/2022 ‘Esaustività e non-esaustività esplicita nel discorso: uno sguardo interlinguistico, tra funzioni testuali e percorsi diacronici’. Invited talk at the conference ‘Forme della scrittura italiana contemporanea in prospettiva contrastiva. La componente testuale’. University of Basel.

19/5/2022 ‘Towards a typology of anticircumstantial clauses’. International conference on ‘Negation in clause combining’, University of Helsinki.

28/4/2023 'KIParla corpus: history, methodo- logical choices and future challenges', with Silvia Ballarè. Invited talk at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Lugano, Svizzera. Invited talk within the 'CHORD-Talk-in-interaction' project.

Bologna, 10 April 2022.