- Isolation and characterization of human mesenchymal stem cells
(hMSCs) from bone marrow and alternative sources, including the
dental pulp, the fetal membranes from term placenta, and adipose
- Molecular dissection of cardiovascular commitment.
- Development of new molecules harboring both differentiating
logics and paracrine patterning for cardiovascular repair with
- “Secretome” analyses of the overall secretory patterns of
angiogenetic, mitogenic, antiapoptotic and antifibrotic
- Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) analysis of nanomechanical patterning during stem cell commitment and differentiation.
- Hyperspectral Imaging analysis of (stem) cell fate.
- Photobiomodulation.
- Development of (nano)mechanical actuators, electromagnetic and photobiomodulation devices for efficient reprogramming of human somatic and stem cells.
- Use of physical energies, including electromagntic fields, acoustic and subsonic vibrations, and light to enhance the capability of human stem cells to cope with hostile in vitro environments (hypoxia, oxidative stress), and afford efficient reversal of (stem) cell senescence patterning.
- Processing of human fat with innovative methods and devices to
yield a micro-fractured tissue product harboring an intact
stromal-vascular niche embedding cellular elements with
pericyte identity. This product is ready-to-use as autologous
tissue transplant in humans.
- Development of innovative biobanking strategies of human adipose tissue.