Foto del docente

Carlo Ludovico Severgnini

PhD Student

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: M-STO/01 Medieval History

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 82KB )


nov 2021 - jun 2023: Degree in Archival science, palaeography and diplomatics (State Archives of Bologna)

jan - sep 2021: Erasmus+ Traineeship at Universidad de Málaga, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento Ciencias Históricas (tutor prof. Ángel Galán Sánchez)

oct 2015 - jan 2021: Master's Degree at Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa), Faculty of Humanities, class of History and Paleography (100 cum laude)

sep 2018 - nov 2020: Master's Degree LM-84 in History and Civilizations at the University of Pisa (supervisors prof. S.M. Collavini and prof. M.A. Ginatempo, 110 cum laude)

sep 2015 - jul 2018: Bachelor's Degree L-42 in History at the University of Pisa (supervisor prof. S.M. Collavini, 110 cum laude)

Language skills

  • Italian:mother tongue
  • English: C2 (IELTS)
  • German: B2 (Goethe-Zertifikat, Prädikat: sehr gut)
  • Spanish: C1 (OLS assessment)
  • French: B2 (listening, reading and writing) B1 (speaking)
  • Other languages: medieval and classical Latin, medieval Italian, Moyen Français, ancient Greek


Conference papers


  1. «Defending with the Pen. Mary of Burgundy and the Crisis in Guelders (1477)» (original title: «Difendere con la penna. Maria di Borgogna e la crisi di Gheldria (1477)»), KRISIS. Per una storia dal Medioevo all'età contemporanea. Workshop internazionale di dottorato, Scuola Normale Superiore, 17th-18th June 2024
  2. «Investments and Leases in Siena, 1200-1250» (original title: «Investimenti e locazioni tra privato e pubblico (Siena, 1200-1250)»), III convegno SISMED della medievistica italiana, 10th-13th June 2024
  3. «Public Archives, Accounting, and Accountability in Siena (14th Century)» (original title: «Archivi e contabilità pubblica nella Siena trecentesca»), Archivi, scritture e sistemi contabili a confronto, metà XIII-metà XVI secolo (PRIN Redde rationem), Università di Siena, 7th-8th June 2024
  4. «Princely Ambitions. Effects of War Spending on Public and Local Finances (Savoy and Burgundy, 1418-1480)» (original title: «Las ambiciones del príncipe. Impactos de las guerras en las haciendas públicas y locales (Saboya y Borgoña, 1418-1480)»), XXII Seminari d'estudis medievals - estudis doctorals, Institución Milá y Fontanals de Investigación en Humanidades (IMF-CSIC), 2nd April 2024
  5. «The Alsatian Tour. Burgundian Envoys in the Rhine Valley (1468-1477)» (original title: «Il tour alsaziano: inviati borgognoni nella valle del Reno (1468-1477)»), L'apprendistato dello storico, VI edizione. Viaggiare nel Medioevo: spazi, traiettorie, esperienze, Sapienza Università di Roma, 22nd-24th January 2024
  6. «Bertrand du Pouget's Fiscal Policy in Bologna (1327-1334)» (original title: «La politica fiscale del cardinale legato Bertrand du Pouget a Bologna (1327-1334)»), V workshop SISMED dei dottorandi, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo-SISMED, 14th-16th June 2023
  7. «Utilitas patriae et honor principis. Economic Stability and Political Interactions in the Duchy of Savoy (1418-1457)», 6th Advanced Seminar Datini/ESTER, Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini", 14th-20th May 2023
  8. «Public finance, accounting, and administration: Burgundy and Savoy», XIV WEM, Universidade do Porto, 13th-14th April 2023
  9. «Financig Wars. Fiscal Conflicts and Negotiations in the Duchy of Savoy (1417-1455)» (original title: «Financiar las guerras. Negociaciones y disputas fiscales en Saboya y Piamonte (1417-1455)»), Guerra, mercados y sistemas fiscales, siglos XV-XVII, Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma (EEHAR-CSIC), 22nd November 2022
  10. «Financial Administration and Reforms in Burgundy and Savoy (1448-1477)» (original title: «Amministrazione e riforma delle finanze statali. Borgogna e Savoia a confronto (1448-1477)»), VI seminario Martín de Azpilcueta, Università di Bologna - Universidad de Málaga, 15th-16th September 2022
  11. «Public finance, accounting, and administration: the Burgundian States in a European framework», 11. Werkstattgespräche Neues aus dem Mittelalter, Universität Mannheim - Universität Heidelberg, 8th-9th September 2022
  12. «Investments and Survival in Late Medieval Cities. II. Wealthy and Poor, Public Institutions and Individuals in Italy», International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, 4th-7th July 2022
  13. «An Administration en Route. Mongin Contault and his inquisitio in Alsace» (original title: «La administración en camino. Mongin Contault y la inquisitio alsaciana»), Congreso Internacional: «Sistemas fiscales y cultura política (siglos XIII-XVII)», Universidad de Málaga, 15th-17th December 2021
  14. «The Burgundian States: Financial Institutions and Reforms under the Valois Dukes» (original title: «Finanzwesen und Reformen bei den Herzögen aus dem Haus Valois»), Deutsch-französisches Forschungsatelier/Atelier franco-allemand 2021-2022, FernUniversität Hagen - Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 15th November2021
  15. «Managing Finances and Waging Wars. The Biccherna of Siena in the 13th Century», Medieval Finance Workshop, University of Reading, 27th April-10th May 2021
  16. «Montaillou: between Microhistory, Metahistory and Global History» (original title: «Montaillou: intersezioni di microstoria, metastoria e storia globale»), 1st Student Conference, Università di Pavia, 17th – 19th February 2020

    Other activities

  • dec 2016 - dec 2020: editor-in-chief "Il Chiasmo" -
  • mar 2018 - nov 2020: member of the Library Board - Scuola Normale Superiore
  • jun 2018 - dec 2019: library assistant at Scuola Normale Superiore

Latest news

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