Foto del docente

Carlo Caini

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-03/A Telecommunications

Short Bio

Carlo Caini is with the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" (DEI), of the University of Bologna, as Associate Professor of Telecommunications. His teaching experience includes a wide variety of courses on different fields of Telecommunications. At present he holds the courses of Foundations of TLC for the students of Computer Science Engineering and of Protocols and Architectures for Space Networks, for the students of the master course in TLC and Computer Science Engineering.

His scientific interests are in the field of the DTN (Delay-/ Disruption- Tolerant Networking) architecture, mainly when applied to space environemnts (from satellite communications to Interplanetary Internet), but also to IoT. They include the development of free software tools, both for performance evaluation on these networks and for the managemnt of virtual testbeds. He is author of many international publications on these and other topics. He is member of IEEE Communications Society.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 3062

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"
Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Wednesday 16-18. It is always requested an e-mail a few days before to define the modality (via Teams or face-to-face), the possible location (Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura, viale Risorgimento 2,  or ARCES via Toffano 2/2) and the actual time/date.

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