Present academic position
Lecturer c/o Università di Bologna – Teaching: Methodology and
Tools for Guidance
Latest professional and academic position
2002 – today
Consultant for ISFOL (Istituto Italiano per lo Sviluppo della
Formazione dei Lavoratori – Ministero del Lavoro) on some of the
most important projects of the Institute: models and methodologies
for guidance; career counseling e “bilan de compétences”;
development of assessment instruments for guidance intervention;
evaluation of the guidance intervention effectiveness;
key-core-transversal competences and organizational behaviour;
training standards and learning units; training of trainers and
teachers; validation, certification and credits; workplace and
workbased learning; transfer of competences in the
1991 – today
Senior Partner Studio Méta & associati – Research,
consulting, training activities for Public Agencies, No-Profit
Organizations, Training e Guidance Agencies, Schools, Universities,
Private Corporations and Enterprises
Lecturer c/o Università Cattolica di Piacenza, Master 2° level
“Training and Job Policy” – Teaching: Guidance and Career
Lecturer c/o Università degli Studi di Genova, Training
Laboratories – Teaching: Career Counseling and Bilan de
Lecturer c/o Università Cattolica di Milano, Master 2° level “To
Comunicate the Job” – Teaching: Guidance and Career Counseling
Lecturer c/o Università Roma 3, Master 2° level “Adult Guidance
and Bilan de Competences” – Teaching: Guidance and Career