Education and Specialized Training
27.06.1987: 4 years degree "Laurea" in Ancient History at the
University of Bologna. 110/110 cum laude.
1988-1991: 3 years Fellowship for the Doctoral Degree Courses
offered by the Consortium of the Italian Universities of Firenze,
Torino, Siena, Bari.
1.10.1989-30.4.1990: study at the Forschungszentrum
Griechisch-Römisches Ägypten Universität Trier.
22.6.1992: doctoral degree (PhD), Discussion of the Dissertation:
"Alessandria in età Flavia"
11.11.-20.12.1993: research scholarship of the Carlsberg Foundation
at the Carsten Niebhur Institut of the Copenhagen University.
1-28.2.1996: research scholarship at the Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven (B) in the framework of the Scientific Research Network
"Society and Administration in the Hellenistic and Roman World",
supported by the Belgisch Nationaal Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk
Professional Experiences
16.02.1991-08.03.1993: Permanent administrative and research
assistant at the Department of Paleography and Medieval History of
the Bologna University.
08.03.1993-30.09.2002: Permanent administrative and research
assistant at the Department of Ancient History of the Bologna
1.10.2003-:"Ricercatore confermato"= Permanent teaching
and research staff member at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of
the University of Bologna.
Research Activities in Research Teams and responsibilities in International Projects
Member of Research Groups financed by the Italian Ministry of
Scientific Research and by the University of Bologna:
2002-2006: "Accentramento, decentramento e delega nelle strutture
amministrative del mondo ellenistico-romano"
2003-2005: "Abilities, skills and specialization in the social and
intellectual activities of the greek and roman world."
1994-2000 Member of the International Research Group "Society and
Administration in the Hellenistic and Roman World" supported by the
NFWO (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen-Belgium),
with the following Universities: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Universiteit Antwerp, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Università degli
Studi di Bologna, Universitaet Goettingen, Universitaet Koeln,
Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, King's College London, Panepistimio
Thessaloniki, Universitaet Trier.
1.9.1998-31.8.2000: central coordinator of the e-learning project 'TELEMACO/TELEMACHOS' supported by the EU Commission in the framework of the ODL - SOCRATES Projects.
2004-2006: Local coordinator for the EU e-learning project: eHLEE (eHistory Learning Environment and Evaluation) presented by the University of Turku.
2005- 2010 Local coordinator of the Network of Excellence (VI FP of the
European Commission) CLIOHRESnet, reference person of the Thematic
Workgroup 6 (Work, gender and society) and member of the managment
group of the Network.
2013-2015: Local coordinator for the Erasmus Mundus Action 3 Project: Academic Links and Strategies for the Internationalisation of the HE - ALISIOS
2002/2003-: lecturer for the course of Papyrology Faculty of Arts
and Humanities
2004/2005-2010: coordinator of the e-learning project on Italian
History for International Students of the Department of
International Relations.
2005/2006-2010: lecturer in the on line course: "Identities in European
History" offered jointly by the University of Turku, Uppsala, Pisa,
Hannover, Siegen Alcalà de henares, Pisa and Bologna.
2002/2003-2010: coordinator of the 10 ECTS special course (CLIOH
Compass Module) for international students: "Italy through
History", offered by the History Programme of the University of
Experience in European cooperation in the field of education
1993/94 -1996/1997: Participation in ECTS Pilot Project for History
Subject Area (in Commission in Bologna from 1990-91, appointed as
Departmental Coordinator from 01/07/1993 on).
1996 on: ECTS Institutional Coordinator and member of the SOCRATES
Commission of the University of Bologna.
2005-2008: Coordinator for the University of Bologna of CLIOHnet,
Erasmus Thematic Network for History
2001-2008: Partecipation for the University of Bologna - History
Subject area in the Tuning Project phase I, II, III, IV
Contact person of the Self-evaluation Committee of the Bologna
University History Programme in TEEP 2002 (Pilot Project on
Transnational Evaluation in Higher Education carried out by
2003-: ECTS – DS Counsellor.
2004-2015: Member of the Italian Bologna Promoters/Experts group.
2004: national expert for the Italian Conference of Rectors in the
Trends IV site visits promoted by EUA.
2015-2017: UE project
Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe - CALOHEE
2014-2015 e 2016-2017: UE projects CHEER I e II - Consolidating Higher Education Experience of Reform
Institutional appointments
2006–2009: member of the University Commettee for International
Relations (area European Projects).
2007 2009-: Arts and Humanities Faculty coordnator for Erasmus student
2008: member of the national group on Internationalization
(of the University educational system) created by the Italian
Ministry of Education, University and Research
2009-2015: Vice Rector for International Relations University of Bologna
2011-2015: Member of the Magna Charta Observatory Council (2013-2015 Vice President)
2014-2017: Member of the Advisory Group on Higher Education for the Steering Committee for Education Policy and Practice (CDPPE) Council of Europe
2015-2017: Vice Dean of the Department of History and Cultures