Foto del docente

Carla Raffaelli

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-03/A Telecommunications

Curriculum vitae

Carla Raffaelli  is associate professor in switching systems and telecommunication networks at the University of Bologna, Italy.  She received the M.S. and the Ph.D degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1985 and 1990, respectively.

She achieved the National Scientific qualification as full professor in Telecommunications in March 2018.

    Since 1985 she has been with the Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems of the University of Bologna, Italy, where she became a Research Associate  in 1990. Her research interests include performance analysis of telecommunication networks, switching architectures, protocols and broadband communication. Since 1993 she participated in European funded projects on optical packet-switched networks, the RACE- ATMOS, the ACTS-KEOPS and the IST-DAVID projects. She was recently active in the EU funded e-photon/One Network of Excellence and now in its follow-up BONE. She also participated in many national research projects on telecommunication networks. She is the author of many technical papers on broadband switching and network modelling and acts as a reviewer for top international conferences and journals. She is author or co-author of  more than 170 conference and journal papers indexed by Scopus, mainly in the field of optical networking and performance evaluation. She has been part since many years of IEEE ICC and IEEE Globecom Technical Program Committee.

In 2014 she partecipated as a member to the EU COST ICT commission for evaluation of final proposals.

She is member of the Editorial board of the Journal Photonic Network Communications, Springer, since October 2013.

She is associate editor of the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society since 2019.

She is IEEE Senior member. She is OSA member.

She is a member of the European Technology Platform Photonics21-WG1 


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