Her research activitiy focuses on:
- Surface modification treatments for metallic materials:
microstructural characterisation, study of the tribological
behaviour (friction and wear) and of the corrosion
- Study and conservation of ancient metals (microstructural
characterisation, study of ancient metallurgical techniques,
evaluation of the state of conservation and identification of
causes of corrosion and deterioration).
In this section the main activities (both past and ongoing ones)
are listed:
Main activities in the field of surface modification:
- optimisation of anti-wear PVD coatings for cutrting tools
(industrial collaboration contract, 1997-1999)
- “Improvement of tribological characteristics of injection
moulds in the polymer sector using plasma nitriding and PVD
coatings”, EU program COST 516 (Tribology),
- “Corrosion studies on sol-gel derived coatings” British
Council 2000 program, in collabortion with the Department of
Materials Science & Metallurgy (Prof. I.M. Hutchings),
University of Cambridge, UK.
Ongoing activity in the field of surface
· Tribological
and microstructural study of PVD and PEO coatings for Al and Ti
· Tribological and
microstructural study of coatings for cutting tools (milling of
AlSi alloys (industrial cooperation contract ).
Main activities in the field of ancient metals:
National Research Council Finalised Project "Cultural
Heritage" (theme 2.2.2) (1997-2000), “Structural-analytical
characterisation of ancient and historic metal artefacts (indoor
and outdoor) and evaluation of relevant conservation
Young Researchers Project of the University of Bologna
(A.A. 2000/2001) “Image analysis methods for the study of
ancient and historic metals” (Scientific Person in Charge: Dr.
EU research project COLLAPSE (Corrosion Of Lead and Lead-tin Alloys
for organ PipeS in Europe), 5 th FP, contract n.EVK4-CT-2002-00088
1/01/2003-30/06/2006); Scientific Person in Charge and Partner
Manager for the Italian Research Unit: Dr. C.Martini)
Ongoing activities in the field of ancient
Microstructural study of archaeological metal finds from
Khor-Rhori (Sumhuram), Oman (in collaboration with
the University of Pisa (Prof. A.Avanzini) and the
University of Ferrara (Prof. G.L.Garagnani);
Study of stratification of interventions on the Traeri 1673 pipe
organ of the Accademia Filarmonica of Bologna (in collaboration
with the organbuilding company Marco Fratti s.a.s. and
the Accademia Filarmonica of Bologna; research contract
financed by the Fondazione del Monte di Bologna);
Study of atmospheric corrosion of quaternary bronzes (in
collaboration with Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale
e dei Materiali (Prof. L.Morselli) and with Dipartimento di
Chimica Fisica e Inorganica (Prof. G.Di Lonardo) of the
University of Bologna, as well as with Dr L. Robbiola,
Université de Toulouse (CNRS - UMR 5608 TRACES).