Foto del docente

Carla Figus

Research fellow

Department of Cultural Heritage


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Figus C, Traversari M, Scalise MC, Oxilia G, Vazzana A, Buti L, Sorrentino R, Gruppioni G, Benazzi S. 2017. The study of commingled non-adult human remains: insights from the 17th-18th centuries community of Roccapelago (North Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14 (2017) 382–391


Scalise LM, Vazzana N, Apicella AS, Fiorillo F, Figus C, Galassi FM, Gruppioni G, Traversari M. 2017. Anatomo-Surgical Practice in 17th and 18th century: the case of the old hospital cemetery in Forlì(RA). Conference paper in Pathologica. Journal of the Italian Society of Anatomic Pathology and Diagnostic Cytopathology, Italian Division of the International Academy of Pathology, Pacini Editore Medicina, pp.248-249


Traversari M, Figus C, Vazzana A, Gruppioni G, Galassi FM, Vellone VG, Fulcheri E. 2016. Neonatal and postnatal mortality in Roccapelago through the study of parish records and histological evidence. Conference paper in Pathologica. Journal of the Italian Society of Anatomic Pathology and Diagnostic Cytopathology, Italian Division of the International Academy of Pathology, Pacini Editore Medicina, pp.248-249.

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