Dipoma di Maturita' Scientifica at the Liceo Scientifico Statale
"A. Serpieri" in Rimini, with full marks (60/60).
April, 11, 1983:
Graduated 110/110 'Summa cum Laude' in Chemistry at University of
Bologna, discussing an experimental thesis entitled "Reactivity of
polymer-supported Lewis Acids", supervisor: Prof. Francesco
Manescalchi. The thesis work has been performed in the Laboratory
of Organic Chemistry of the Istituto Chimico 'G: Ciamician' of the
University of Bologna.
September, 4, 1989:
PhD. dissertation on 'Chiral ligands from D-mannitol and their use in asymmetric synthesis'. Tutor: Prof. Antonino Fava.
From July 1st 1995 to June 7th 2020:
She was Research Assistant in the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry of
the University of Bologna.
She carried out her research activity in the Department of Organic
Chemistry 'A. Mangini' of the University of Bologna. From 15
october 2012 she carried out her research activity in the
Department Industrial Chemistry
'Toso Montanari' of Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
04 april 2017: National scientific qualification to function as Associate Professor in the Sector 03/C1 Organic Chemistry.
From June 8th 2020 she is associate professor at ALMA MATER STUDIORUM _ Università di Bologna and she is carrying out her research activity in the Department Industrial Chemistry 'Toso Montanari' of Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
She is member of Italian Chemical Society (SCI), Division of
Organic Chemistry.
She is member of American Chemical Society
She is author of more than 135 papers in international
refereed journals and of more than 100 oral or poster
communications in national and international meetings.
Main research topics
1. Design and synthesis of new molecules with antiproliferative activity towards human tumor cells.
2. Detection and characterization of labile reaction intermediates mainly in reactions involving carbon neutral supernucleophiles and superelectrophiles.
3. Organic molecules ion cosmetic field
4. Green methods for the synthesis of new molecules and for the abatement of organic pollutants.
5. Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds of biological interest and their applications.
6. Synthesis, properties and applications of aza-derivatives.
She is Reviewer for The
Journal of Organic Chemistry, Tetrahedron,
Letters in Organic Chemistry, Natural Products Research,
RCS Advances,Current Organic Chemistry, Chinese Journal of
Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Journal of Molecular
She belongs to the Editorial board of 'Current
Chemical Research' and of 'Journal of Chemistry'.
Progetti di ricerca pluriennali d'Ateneo
dell'Università di Bologna (dal 1999 al 2003)
Progetti di Ricerca Fondamentale Orientata - RFO - (ex -
60%) (Finanziamento alla ricerca di base stanziato dall'Ateneo di
Bologna) dal 1996 al 2010
COFIN MURST-PRIN Bando 2000: Progetto MM03312779_002 :
o-Benzendisolfonimmidi di arendiazonio allo stato secco:
sintesi, reattivita' e applicazioni.
COFIN MURST-PRIN Bando 2004: Progetto 2004031418_003 :
Sintesi e reattivitÃÆ' /attivitÃÆ' di
sistemi insaturi funzionalizzati. Parte II.
COFIN MURST-PRIN Bando 2007: Progetto 20078J9L2A_005 Nuove
frontiere nella sintesi, reattivita' ed applicazioni di composti
contenenti eteroatomi.
Spinner Project 2013; Emilia Romagna Regional Network for
Technological Transfer and Scientific Innovation',
ASTER conducted by Dr. Camilla Delpivo entitled
Coloranti Origine Vegetale" .
Since 1995, she has been carrying out her teaching activity within
the courses of Organic Chemistry and Laboratory of Organic
Chemistry and Industrial Organic Chemistry of the Degree in
Industrial Chemistry.
Academic Year 2000-2001: she was teacher of the course of Organic
Chemistry' of the Corso di Diploma in Chimica, indirizzo Tecnologia
dei Materiali Ceramici', Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Alma
Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna.
Academic Year 2001-2002: she was teacher of the course of Chemistry
and technology of the foods conditioning' of the Specialistic
School in Chemistry and technology of the foods, Faculty of
Industrial Chemistry, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of
Academic Year 2001-2002: teacher of the course of Laboratory of
Organic Chemistry' of the Corso di Laurea in TEcnologie CHImiche
per l'Ambiente e per la gestione dei Rifiuti', Faculty of
Industrial Chemistry, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of
Academic Year 2002-2003: teacher of the course of Laboratory
of Organic Chemistry' of the Corso di Laurea in TEcnologie CHImiche
per l'Ambiente e per la gestione dei Rifiuti', Faculty of
Industrial Chemistry, Alma Mater Studiorum- University of
Academic Year 2004-2005: teacher of the course of Laboratory
of Organic Chemistry' of the Corso di Laurea in TEcnologie CHImiche
per l'Ambiente e per la gestione dei Rifiuti', Faculty of
Industrial Chemistry, Alma Mater Studiorum- University of
Academic Year 2005-2006: teacher of the course of Industrial
Biochemistry for the 'Corso di Laurea in Tecnologie Chimiche per
l'Ambiente e per la Gestione dei Rifiuti' - Facolta' di Chimica
Industriale, Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita' di
Academic Year 2006-2007: teacher of Industrial Biochemistry
Course for the 'Corso di Laurea in Tecnologie Chimiche per
l'Ambiente e per la Gestione dei Rifiuti' - Facolta' di Chimica
Industriale, Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita' di
Academic Years 2007-2008, 2008-2009, and 2009-2010: teacher
of the course 'Spectroscopic Techniques for the Identification of
Organic Materials' for the 'Corso di Laurea in Chimica dei
materiali e tecnologie ceramiche' -Facolta' di Chimica Industriale,
Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita' di Bologna.
Academic Year 2010-2011: teacher for the courses 'Laboratory of Organic Chemistry 1' (M-Z) and 'Bioorganic Chemistry' for the Corso di Laurea in Chimica Industriale-Facolta' di Chimica Industriale, Alma Mater Studiorum “ Universita' di Bologna .
Academic Year 2011-2012: teacher for the course 'Bioorganic Chemistry' for the Corso di Laurea in Chimica Industriale-Facolta' di Chimica Industriale, Alma Mater Studiorum “ Universita' di Bologna .
Academic Years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014: teacher for the courses 'Laboratory of Organic Chemistry 1' (M-Z) and 'Bioorganic Chemistry' for the Corso di Laurea in Chimica Industriale, School of Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita' di Bologna.
Academic Years 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019: teacher for the course 'Bioorganic Chemistry' for the 'Corso di Laurea in Chimica Industriale', School of Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita’ di Bologna.
Tutor of 36 thesis for Laurea in Industrial Chemistry
Co-tutor of 28 thesis for Laurea in Industrial
Co-tutor of 4 PhD thesis
Tutor of 2 PhD Thesis.