Foto del docente

Bruno Capaci

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: ITAL-01/A Italian Literature

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae

I graduated in Literature with a philological address, supervised by prof Ezio Raimondi, discussing a thesis with the following title: From Bettinelli to Goldoni. Harmony and seduction in the Italian eighteenth century which obtained 110 points out of 110 and praise.

In 1994 I was admitted with a scholarship to the doctoral school in Italian Studies of Alma mater, IX cycle.

In 1996 I participated as an AISLLI scholar in the international conference Hermeneutics and Critics, Rome Accademia dei Lincei, 7-8 October 1996

My doctoral thesis, The judge and the speaker. Transformation and fortune of the epittic genre in the eighteenth century, of an eighteenth-century context and rhetorical topic, was achieved on 10 July 1998, tutor: Prof Andrea Battistini, Prof Ezio Raimondi and Prof. Gilberto Pizzamiglio.


In 1992 I won the ordinary competition for the teaching of literary subjects in secondary schools of II degree

In the 2002-2003 academic year I was adjunct professor of Metrics and Rhetoric.

From 2005 to 2019 I was a permanent researcher (confirmed since 2008) in the Department of Classical and Italian Philology of the Alma Mater, University of Bologna, teaching, as an aggregate professor, of Metrics and Rhetoric (2005-2016) Dialectology Italian (2007-2016), Didactics of Italian Literature (2017 to date), Literature and Rhetoric (2017 to date).

From 2005 to 2007 I held Italian language and literature workshops at the SSIS in Bologna.

From 1st August 2018 I have obtained the national qualification for the role of 2nd level professor.

From 9 October 2019 I took up service as Associate Professor, teaching the teaching of Italian Literature and Literature and Rhetoric.

Coordination of research activities

In September 2014 I coordinated the transversal seminar Ad populum in which trainees, researchers and teachers from the Université Stendhal of Grenoble, Alma Mater, the University of Eastern Piedmont and Federico II of Naples participated in videoconference.

I am part of the managing and scientific committee of A.R.C.E .: (research archive on Este correspondence).

ARCE was born from a project, conceived and shared with Loredana Chines and Patrizia Cremonini, which provides for the collaboration between the Department of Classical and Italian Philology and the State Archives of Modena in order to study and disseminate the vast amount of Este correspondence from 15th to 19th century, from Lucrezia Borgia to Monaldo Leopardi. ARCE is directed by Prof. Loredana Chines.

I am part of the scientific committee of the "Giacomo Casanova" Foundation

I participate in the CRDI, or Research Center for teaching Italian

I participate in the scientific committee of the CISR: internuniversity study center for research on Romanticism.

I participate in the scientific committee of the Medical Humanities Study Center of the University of Bologna.

I coordinate the REP research group: Rhetoric and Psychology, in which professors from the universities of Bologna, Pavia, Palermo, Siena, Bergamp, Warsaw and Toronto participate.


I am in charge of the "Piero Camporesi" study center at the FICLIT department (Classical and Italian Philology of the University of Bologna)

I am enrolled in REPRISE (register of scientific experts established at MIUR) for the section relating to basic research

Editorial responsibility

Since December 2016 I have directed with Paola Desideri, the editorial series "Rhetoric Linguistic Argumentation: RAL.". At I libri di Emil-Odoya

I direct with Loredana Chines, Paola Vecchi, Marco Veglia and Stefano Scioli the series Lo Scaffale dei Politropi at I libri di Emil-Odoya.

I direct the magazinerhetoric to the relationship between literature and society. I have dedicated myself to the edition of rare "Di Nulla Academia". DNA magazine of Camporesian studies "to be published in 2020 on Alma DL Journals

Description of the research areas

The chronology of my research goes from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, from Lucrezia Borgia to Puccini. The thematic area from and disputed attribution texts, to the study of Dante's fortune (17th and 19th centuries), to biographies and letters, to Masonic and Jacobin literature (Masonic almanacs of the 18th century, studied since the doctoral thesis ), to the dissemination and to university manuals, to the culture of the carnival and that of food and that of the body in the rhetoric of the doctor-patient relationship. A specific area of my work is that of correspondence from the 16th to the 18th century, attested by the publication of numerous articles and two monographs. Gender relations and women's access to public life have directed my research to the study of the originals of the Familiares by Lucrezia Estense de Borgia, from the state archives of Mantua and Modena. In the eighteenth century the study of the production of Carlo Goldoni and Giacomo Casanova has found prominence not only in the publication of numerous studies but above all in the participation in important international conferences.

Conference and seminar activities

I have participated as a speaker at numerous national and international conferences listed below:

Appiano Buonafede, 1997 Alma Mater, Università di Padova, Università Ca'Foscari di Venezia

Giovanni Pindemonte 1999 Comune di Parghelia, Istituto Filosofico di Napoli

Casanova: 1998, Venezia Fondazione Giorgio Cini , 2007; Gargnano; Università Statale di Milano.

Monti 2006 Milano, Università Statale;

Goldoni 2005, 2007, 2008. Rovereto, Accademia degli Agiati, 2007 Alma Mater Bologna, Università, 2007 Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2008 Roma, la Sapienza

su Giulio Cesare Croce e il Carnevalesco San Giovanni in Persiceto, Alma Mater, 2000, Bologna, Alma Mater 2009

Ovidio e Tasso, San Giovanni in Persiceto, Alma Mater, 2003.

Vico 1999 Scuola Normale di Pisa

Epistolari e carteggi del Settecento, Verona, Cres, Università di Verona, 2008.

Colloque Diversité des Lumières en Europe, Paris Sorbonne 10-12 Giugno 2010;

al Convegno Artusi 100, il secolo artusiano Firenze Forlinpopoli, 30 Marzo-2 Aprile 2011;

al XL Convegno interuniversitario Lingue testi e culture. L'eredità di Folena vent'anni dopo, Bressanone 2012,

al Seminario della società di studi del secolo XVIII Femminile e maschile nel Settecento, Torre Marina, 27-29 Maggio 2013;

al XLI Convegno interuniversitario Letteratura e denaro 11-14 Luglio 2013, Bressanone, al convegno internazionale: Ecrire, dit- lui Ecrire dit- elle, 21-22 Ottobre 2013, Alma Mater Bologna. Bologna, Alma Mater,

al Seminario 2014 Tristano e Isotta. Luoghi, simboli, differenze, ricezione .

alla Giornata di Studi "Cantieri Casanoviani" Università di Verona, 16 Aprile 2014.

al Seminaire tranversal Le Pouvoir del Mots, nouvelles approches de la rhétorique, Gerci, Università Stendhal, Grenoble, 15 Maggio 2014.

al XLII convegno interuniversitario: l'autorità plurima. Scritture collettive, testi a più mani, opere a firma plurima, Bressanone, 10-13 Luglio 2014.

al Convegno ADI Cantieri casanoviani Padova 10-13 Settembre.

al seminario Ad Populum Bologna 17 Settembre 2014, Alma Mater, Gerci, Université Stendhal di Grenoble

al Convegno CRES: Le carte false. Epistolarità fittizia nel Settecento, Verona, 25-27 Febbraio 2015 con la seguente relazione: Ninon de Lenclos, maschera epistolare della femme au dixhuitième siècle

al Convegno Internazionale: Goldoni "avant la lettre":esperienze teatrali pregoldoniane (1650-1750), presso l'Università di Santiago de Compostela dal 15 al 17 Aprile 2015 con la relazione: Le marivaudage de Arlequin

al Convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Studi sul Secolo Diciottesimo, Marina di Massa, 28-30 Maggio 2015, Settecento oggi studi e ricerche in corso con la relazione Giacomo carissimo...lettere spinose e amorose a Giacomo Casanova

al XLIII Convegno interuniversitario: Latenza, preteritizione, reticenze e silenzi del testo, Bressanone 9-12 Luglio 2015 con la relazione: I silenzi dell'entimema da Boccaccio a Manzoni.

al Seminario internazionale interuniversitario: Passioni e persuasione. L'insostenibile leggerezza del discorso politico in Europa, Bologna 2-3 Dicembre 2015, con la relazione: Oratori e attori politici: persuasione e suasione tra la prima e la seconda Repubblica

al convegno internazionale Casanva: Libertine legend, 22-23 gennaio 2016-UCLA Royce Hall 314.

The Writer of Dux. The Speech of Casanova and of His Ladies from Autobiography to Correspondance. L'intervento è stato letto da Thomas Harrison

Seminario dottorale: Parlare e non dire niente, tacere ed essere eloquenti, Università di Catania, 8 Giugno 2016.

Il bibliotecario del re di Carnevale- Convegno: Olindo Guerrini, dalla Romagna a Bologna. La vita, gli studi, le parole, Savignano 16 Ottobre 2016 -

The adivice of angel like fox al convegno internazionale Deliberative rhetoric, Varsavia,16 Novembre 2016

Dall'epitalamio alla dedica politica: Ariosto e Lucrezia Estense de Borgia alla Tavola rotonda il Segno di Ariosto, Modena, 17 Dicembre 2016

« Le Familiares di Lucretia Estense de Borgia (1501-1519) » presso LUHCIE (Laboratoire Universitaire Histoire, Cultures, Italie, Europe) de l’Université Grenoble Alpes.Grenoble, 7 Aprile 2017.

I mal di testa di Lucrezia. La corrispondenza “galenica” della Duchessa di Ferrara al convegno: Quello che il medico dice e non dice. Eufemismi, bugie pietose, silenzi e parole nella cura - Incontro internazionale, Bologna, 4-5 maggio 2017, presso la Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna


Tra le carte e le scene di Lucrezia Borgia al workshop Voci Arcane. I palcoscenici del potere nel teatro e nell'opera tra Sette e Novecento. Istituto di Studi Avanzati, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, 25 Maggio 2016.

Convegno internazionale: La regia dell'attesa Declinazioni tra retorica, filologia, psicologia, scienze della natura, letteratura e medicinadal 26/02/2019 alle 09:00 al 27/02/2019 alle 13:00.

International Conference Mapping Artistic Networksof Italian Theatre and Opera across Europe, 1600-1800 svolto a Berlino dall' 11 al 12 Aprile 2019.

con relazione prolusiva al Convegno internazionale Casanova In Place: A Symposium in Venice, June 2019

Rhetoric as Equipment for Living - September 11-13, 2019, Ghent University, Belgium

al Convegno Internazionale di Studi “Rappresentazioni narrative”. Realismo, Verismo, Modernismo nella letteratura del secondo Ottocento tra sperimentazione italiana e cornice europea, Catania, 3-5 Settembre 2019

al Convegno internazionale L'inquieto Rinascimento di Lucrezia Borgia

ISTITUTO DI STUDI RINASCIMENTALIXXII Settimana di Alti StudiL’inquieto Rinascimento di Lucrezia Borgia24-25-26 ottobre 2019PALAZZO BONACOSSI - via Cisterna del Follo 5 - FERRARA

Al convegno internazionale Centro studi ARCE-PER LUCREZIA (1519-2019), Bologna 11-12 Dicembre 2019

I participated as a speaker al convegno "Lucrezia Borgia : i 1000 volti della Duchessa da Subiaco a Ferrara", Giugno 2021

 I organized and participated as a speaker al Ciclo seminariale "Cibo, letteratura, vita"28 Febbraio-28 Marzo 2022

I participated as a speaker  al convegno Lingua come bene culturale. Terzo convegno internazionale della Società degli Italianisti Polacchi (SIP 3), Università di Varsavia, Dipartimento di Italianistica, 6-9 aprile 2022.

 I organized and participated as a speaker  al convegno I CONFINI DELLA LIBERTA'. Uno sguardo d'insieme: carcerazione tra letteratura, antropologia, arti e diritto. Ventotene, 27-28 Maggio 2022.

















Coordination of research activities

In September 2014 I coordinated the transversal seminar Ad populum in which trainees, researchers and teachers from the Université Stendhal of Grenoble, Alma Mater, the University of Eastern Piedmont and Federico II of Naples participated in videoconference.

I am part of the executive and scientific committee of A.R.C.E .: (research archive on Este correspondence).

ARCE was born from a project, conceived and shared with Loredana Chines and Patrizia Cremonini, which provides for the collaboration between the Department of Classical and Italian Philology and the State Archives of Modena in order to study and disseminate the vast amount of Este's correspondence from 15th to 19th century, from Lucrezia Borgia to Monaldo Leopardi. ARCE is directed by Prof. Loredana Chines.

I am part of the scientific committee of the "Giacomo Casanova" Foundation

I participate in the CRDI, or Research Center for teaching Italian

I participate in the scientific committee of the CISR: internuniversity study center for research on romanticism.

I participate in the scientific committee of the Medical Humanities Study Center of the University of Bologna.

I coordinate the REP research group: Rhetoric and Psychology, in which professors from the universities of Bologna, Pavia, Palermo, Siena, Bergamp, Warsaw and Toronto participate.

I am in charge of the "Piero Camporesi" study center at the FICLIT department (Classical and Italian Philology of the University of Bologna)

I am enrolled in REPRISE (register of scientific experts established at MIUR) for the section relating to basic research

Editorial responsibility

Since December 2016 I have directed with Paola Desideri, the editorial series "Rhetoric Linguistic Argumentation: RAL.". At The Books of Emil-Odoya

I direct with Loredana Chines, Paola Vecchi, Marco Veglia and Stefano Scioli the series Lo Scaffale dei Politropi at I libri di Emil-Odoya.

I direct the magazine "Di Nulla Academia". DNA magazine of Camporesian studies "to be published in 2020 on Alma DL Journals