Foto del docente

Benedetta Siboni

Associate Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ECON-06/A Business Administration, Accounting & Performance Measurement

Short Bio

Associate professor, she carries out her research in Business Administration and Accounting Studies.
Her research interests refers to sustainability, intellectual capital, and gender accounting, with specific interest on public and non-profit sectors.
She authored numerous publications, and participates to several Editorial Board of prestigious scientific series and journals.
She has received prizes and awards for her research and teaching activities. In 2016-2020 she participated in the UNIBO research team of the PLOTINA project, funded by the European Commission in the Horizon2020 financial program.
For the University of Bologna, she held, among others, the roles of President of the Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities, Employee Wellbeing and Non-Discrimination at Work (CUG) (in the 2017-2021 mandate) and she was a member of the Scientific Committee on Gender Balance (from 2016 to 2021); member of the Scientific Technical Committee for the University's Social and Sustainability Report (from 2013 to 2021).

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 0543 374 634

Other contacts


Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali
Piazzale della Vittoria 15, Forlì - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Contacts and Location:
E-mail: []
Room T13 - School EMS-Forlì (P.le Vittoria, 15)
Office: + 39 0543 374634

Consultation hours

From Monday to Friday during the 9 am/4 pm horus. Please contact by email the teacher ( to to arrange day, time, and method (presence or online) of students' consutation.


Notice for Thesis supervision:

- please use the Harvard Citation Style for Refereces: