Foto del docente

Beatrice Fraboni

Full Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-03/A Experimental Physics of Matter and Applications

Curriculum vitae

Laurea in Fisica con lode - Università di Bologna (1989)
Master Phil. in Microelettronica - Università di Cambridge (U.K.) (1991)
Ph.D in Physics - Università di Bologna (1994)
Master in Science and Technology of Semiconducting Materials- Università di Parma (1996)

Ricercatore Universitario in Physics - Dipartimento di Fisica -Università di Bologna (2000-2010)

Professore Associato in Physics - Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Università di Bologna (2011 to date)


Coordination of International research projects:

· ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana)- project “WEARME Wound hEAling Real time monitoring Multisensing Electronics” (2023/2026) co-PI

. ESA (European Space Agency) project “A new device concept for lightweight, compact and highly sensitive X- and Gamma- ray detection in Space” GA no. 400139786 (2023-2025) co-PI

· ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana)- VUS3:ISSEXPLORATION project “Ionizing radiation sensors as wearable dosimeters for space crew members-IRIS”(2022-2025) Coordinatore Principale

· EC-FP7-ICT “i-FLEXIS” Cooperation Project “Intergrated flexible photonic sensor system” in collaboration with 9 partners (4 SMEs) – (2013-2016) - (GA n. 611070) , - Principal Investigator

· US- CINT Projects (del Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) del Los Alamos Laboratory (U.S.A.)): Collaborative Project no.UNPUA496112012 (2012-2013), Principal Investigator; Collaborative Project no. C2010A898 (2009-2011), Principal Investigator; Collaborative Project no. U2007A039(2007-2009), Principal Investigator;

· Experiment shifts at ELETTRA Synchrotron Lab Trieste: no.20125420 18 shifts on beamline SYRMEP marzo 2013- Principal Investigator ; no.20120227 12 shifts on beamline SYRMEP settembre 2012 . Principal Investigator; no. 200954408 18 shifts on beamline SISSI gennaio 2012 – Principal Investigator

· Project FSE_Regione ER SPINNER-2013, prot.039/12 “POLYBIOS – polimeri conduttori per applicazioni bioelettroniche”, in collaboration with the Department of BioelectronicsEcole Normale Superieur des Mines (france) 

· Experiment shift  08-01-709 at Synchrotron Lab presso ESRF Grenoble, 12 shifts, Settembre 2005-Principal Investigator

· Project NATO CRG 961123, in collaboration with Prof. J.Jimenez  of University of Valladolid, Spagna (2000) –Local Coordinator


Coordination of National research projects

· Project MISE_MIMT Proof of Concept Almavalue2023 "TECHOECT" - local coordinator (2023-2025)

· Project INFN "PROVIDE" local coordinator (2024-2027)

· Project POR-FESR Regione Emilia Romagna "SENSIDROGEN- Sensori innovativi per il monitoraggio di perdite di Idrogeno in siti di produzione, stoccaggio e utilizzo" - local coordinator (2023-2026)

. Project EU POR-FESR Regione Emilia Romagna "FORTRESS" (2019-2022)- Principal investigator

. Project INFN "FIRE - Flexible organic Ionizing Radiation dEtectors", in collaboration with Roma, Napoli, Trento, and  Laboratorio nazionale di Legnaro (2019-2022) - Principal Investigator

. Project PON-MIUR "TEXSTYLE - tessuti intelligenti (smart) elettronici per il design creativo e lo stile made-in-Italy"" Coordinated by Centro Ricerche FIAT, 9 partners di ricerca e industriali (2019-2022)- Local Coordinator

· Project Regione Lombardia-INSTM "MATRICS -MAteriali e tecnologie abilitanti per dispositivi di eletTRonIca deformabile in appliCazioni vaScolari" in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano (2016-2018) - Local Coordinator

. Project Regione Emilia-Romagna POR-FESR "ECOPACKLAB -Laboratorio infrastruttura le per l’applicazione di tecnologie avanzate per realizzare packaging attivo ed ecosostenibile"coordinated by CIRI-Agro of the Università di Bologna, in collaboration with CIRI-MAM (2016-2018) - Local Coordinator

· Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) - PRIN Projects: 2010 “ “MIND Engineering physiologically and pathologically relevant organ Models for the INvestigation of age related Diseases ” , ; 2006 “Sensori Bio-FET di plastica ”; 2004“Impianto ionico di ferro in leghe semiconduttrici dei gruppi III-V”

· Project POR-FESR 2007-2013 regione Veneto Azione 1.1.3 prot.1200300009 “Tessuto elettro-conduttore” (2013-2014) in collaboration with Ditta Bonotto S.p.A; Project PRRIIT Misura 3.2.B “Labtrek” Progetto regionale triennale per l'incentivazione delle attività produttive (2004-2007)


Academic and institutional appointments

· Elected member of the Senate of the Università di Bologna (2024- to date)

· Editor in Chief of the international Journal "European Physics Journal - EPJ Plus" (Springer-Nature Publisher)(2021- to date)

· Member of the Steering Committee "Open Innovation" of the Università di Bologna (2023- to date)

· Member of the National Committee "Tavolo Nazionale "Radiazioni" of the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana ASI  (2024- to date)

· Member of the Steering Committee of the Scuola Superiore dell'Università di Catania (2022- to date)

· Member of the Executive Board dell'European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) (2019- to date)

· Director of the "Collegio Superiore" of the University of Bologna ( (2019 - 2024)

· Rector's Delegate for International Relations of the University of Bologna (Europe and North America) (2015 - 2019)

. Member of the "Collegio dei Docenti" of the PhD in Physics – Università di Bologna (2015- to date)

. Other institutional Committees at the University of Bologna: president of the "Mobilità Studenti Overseas" Committee (2015-2021); member of the Executive Committee of the Department of Physics (2006-2012); member of the Graduation Committee of the BA and MA degree courses in Physics (2008 - to date); member of the Research Committee of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (2012-2015); member of the Evaluation Committee for the admissions to the Collegio Superiore of the University of Bologna (2010-2015)

· Tutor and Professor for Physics at the Collegio Superiore of the University of Bologna (2012-to date)

· Scientific coordinator of the internship programme with Siemens AG di Erlangen (Germania) and of the Erasmus student exchange programme with Universita' Nova di Lisbona (Portogallo)

. Delegate of the University of Bologna at the  IMG-S TA6–CBRNE Panel (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives) for the European Commission H2020 (2015-to date)

· Expert Evaluator for the European Union H2020 and FP7 programme calls ( 2007- ad oggi); for the Department of Energy – Basic Energy Sciences (DOE-BES), U.S.A.; Referee per il MIUR (progetti PRIN, FIRB) e per la VQR

· Organizer of various international scientific Conferences and summer schools (EDS2002, GADEST2007, NANO2012, ICDS2013, EMRS2013, ICOE2014, EMRS2017, EMRS2018, IEEE-RTSD2018, MRS2019, RTSD2019, EMRS2023, ORBITALY 2024, IPOE2025)


Research and technology transfer activity

Co-author of over 200 publications in internationally refereed journals and various invited contribution in international conferences and workshops.

Co-author of 15 patents

Founding member of the academic Spin-off  "LabTrek”, targeting the development and production of educational apparatuses for teaching physics at an advanced level.

Award IITWIN (Associazione Italiana Donne Inventrici e Innovatrici) : Best Woman Inventor of the year (2016)

Award OA-LOPEC (Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention) Competition: Best publicly funded demo for the i-FLEXIS Project (2017)

Award "RTSD Scientist award" from  IEEE-NSS-MIC-RTSD (Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors) for the longstanding and impactful contribution to the scientific community of ionizing radiation detection (2021).




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