Foto del docente

Barbara Roda

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-01/A Analytical Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

·      December 2000 - Graduated in Chemistry (Laurea) at the University of Bologna: summa com laude, defending the thesis  “Reazioni di addizione di allilcromo ad immine mediate da leganti chirali” (Advisor: Prof. Acihille Umani Ronchi)

·      January 2001– PhD student in Analytical chemistry at the Unmiversity of Bologna Studente di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche presso l'Università di Bologna (XVI ciclo). In 2004 she obtained the Doctorate defending the thesis “Applications of field-flow fractionation to biological samples” (Research director: Prof Pierluigi Reschiglian)

·      Since Ottobre 2005 ­ research assistant in Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, Faculty of Science, University of Bologna.

- Since 2010 cofounder and manager with R&D activities of byFlow srl, an academic spin off working in the nano and biotechnolgical sector

-Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry, Department of chemistry G. Ciamician



Working experiences:

·        From 9/04/01 to 23/05/01, technical collaboration with the Department of Chemistry, University of Bologna, on “Instrumental set up of hollow fiber for fielf-flow fractionation”.

·        From June 2001 to september 2005 – Research activity at the University of Bologna, Department of Chemistry.


Stages and international research projects:

·        1- 30 June: Stage to the laboratory of analytical chemistry and bromatology, at the University of Limoges (France), for the Italy-France Collaboration Project GALILEO 2001 “Analytical separative technics and methods for purify and analyse nano-micro systems.”

·        Agoust-september 2002. Research Fellow (J1) to the department of biomedical engineering, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

  Scientific competences

Separation, characterization and dimensional analysis of dispersed samples of technological, biological, environmental and food interest based on field-flow fractionation tecniques coupled with spectroscopic detector, fluorescence, chemiluminescence, light scattering and refractive index. Coupling of FFF with mass spectrometry for ptoteins analysis.


Scientific production

Production of more than 35 papers published on international journal at high impact factor. More than 70 presentation to national and international meetings. Inventor of a patent on a new method to isolate stem cell.

Referee for International journals in the Analytical and Bioanalytical field: Anal. Chem, Anal Bioanal Chem, J. Chromatography B, J. Chromatography A, Luminescence, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis


Teaching activities

Assistance and teaching in the corse of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Thesis supervisor for Chemistry and Biology 

Office hours: monday 10-13. An email to confirm is requested at