Barbara Giullari
1998: Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Politics (4 years duration) at the Department of Sociology of the University of Bologna;
a.y.1991-92: Graduates with Honors in Political science (Sociological address) at the the University of Bologna with a thesis in Urban Sociology "Sindromi a confronto: semantiche familiari e cultura della povertà"
Academic Career
2018 Associate professor at University of Bologna - Department of Sociology and Business Law (SDE);
2014 National Academic Qualification Associate Professor (area 14/D1 - SPS/09 “Sociology of economic processes, work and organizations) (Bando 2013 DD n.161/2013);
2007: Assistant Professor (area SPS/09 “Sociology of economic processes, work and organizations” at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science, Bologna Department of Sociology.
Teaching activity
Economic Sociology (first cycle degree)
Local social services planning
Social investment in local welfare (Lifelong Learning Programmes at Bologna University)
Main research interests
New Economic Sociology
The dynamics of local development
Reconfiguration processes of territorial welfare
Labour market transformations and job trajectories
The transformations and the relationship of co-evolution between training systems and socio-economic systems
The relationship between knowledge and work
External Relations
2017-2019: Member of the executive committee of Sisec (Società Italiana di Sociologia Economica- Italian Society of Economic Sociology)
2012-2015: Member of the Executive Committee of Ais- Elo (Associazione Italiana di Sociologia - Italian Sociological Association; Economia, Lavoro, Organizzazione – Economy, Work and Organization)
1993 Member of the executive committee of the International Centre of Sociological Studies on Work (C.I.Do.S.Pe.L.)
Member of Editorial Commitee of Politiche Sociali of the Journal “Sociologia del lavoro” ("Sociology of work").
Recent research activities
PRIN research projects (Research Programmes of National Interest): “Models of capitalism, types of democracy. Politics and policies in regulation processes in contemporary economies” P.I Carlo Trigilia (Florence University) Network members: University of Macerata; University of Turin, University of Bologna.
“Determinants of Retirement Decisions in Europe and the United States: A Cross-National Comparison of Institutional, Firm-level and Individual Factors”, coordinated by Dirk Hofäcker, University of Mannheim, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES);
“Higher Education System Development for Social Partnership Improvement and Humanity Sciences Competitiveness” (HESDeSPI). Tempus Programme, European Union;
PRIN research projects (Research Programmes of National Interest) The Quality of Public Sphere: Discourses, practices, institutions”, P.I. F. Rositi, University of Pavia. Network members: University of Milan Bicocca; State University of Milan, University of Bologna;
PRIN research projects (Research Programmes of National Interest) “Resources, interests and strategies: the role of individual actor in policy-making processes”. Coordinator: F. Alacevich, University of Florence. Network members: University of Milan, University of Cagliari, University of Naples ‘Federico II'.