Dissertation topics suggested by the teacher.
Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.
Second cycle degree programmes dissertations
- Pre-emptive War within the Framework of Public International Law
- The Protection of Legitimate Expectations on Foreign Investment Treaties
Single cycle degree programmes dissertations
- Climate Change Mitigation through the Lens of State Responsibility: Fostering Global Ambition
- Extraordinary renditions e segreto di stato innanzi alla corte di Strasburgo: l’annosa vicenda giudiziaria, politica e diplomatica del caso “Abu Omar”
- Il diritto all'indennizzo delle vittime di schiavitù moderna
Analisi comparata tra il Regno Unito e gli Stati Uniti d'America
- promoting clarity and fairness: a comprehensive analysis of the role of lis pendens in international investment arbitration and possible solutions: umbrella clauses, fork-in-the-road and no-u-turn provisions
- The Controversial Status of Taiwan’s Statehood - An international law perspective