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Athanasios Pappous

Full Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: M-EDF/02 Sport Sciences and Methodology


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Publications prior to 2004

Peer review articles: Sports Events Legacies field

1). Brown, C., & Pappous, A. (2020). Are mega-events a solution to address physical inactivity? Interrogating the London 2012 Paralympic sport participation legacies among people with disabilities. European Journal for Sport and Society, 1-26.
2). Ferez, S., Ruffié, S., Joncheray, H., Marcellini, A., Pappous, S., & Richard, R. (2020). Inclusion through sport: A critical view on paralympic legacy from a historical perspective. Social Inclusion, 8(3), 224-235.
3). Cabello-Manrique, D., Nuviala, R., Pappous, A., Puga-González, E., & Nuviala, A. (2020). The Mediation of Emotions in Sport Events: A Case Study in Badminton. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 1096348020950813.
4). Vergara-Torres, A. P., Tristán, J., López-Walle, J., González-Gallegos, A., Pappous, A., & Tomas, I. (2020). Students' perceptions of teachers' corrective feedback, basic psychological needs and subjective vitality: A multilevel approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2489.
5). Richard, R., Marcellini, A., Pappous, A. S., Joncheray, H., & Ferez, S. (2019). Construire et assurer l’héritage des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques. Pour une inclusion sportive durable des personnes vivant des situations de handicap. Movement & Sport Sciences-Science & Motricité.
6). Byers, T., Hayday, E. & Pappous A. (2019). A New Conceptualization of Mega Sport Event Legacy Delivery: Wicked Problems and Critical Realist Solutions. Sports Management Review.
7). Hayday, E. J., Pappous, A., & Koutrou, N. (2019). The role of voluntary sport organisations in leveraging the London 2012 sport participation legacy. Leisure Studies, 1-16.
8). Brown, C., & Pappous, A. (2018). “The Legacy Element... It Just Felt More Woolly”: Exploring the Reasons for the Decline in People With Disabilities’ Sport Participation in England 5 Years After the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 1-26.
9). Brown, C., & Pappous, A. (2018). The organisational performance of national disability sport organisations during a time of austerity: a resource dependence theory perspective. International journal of sport policy and politics, 10(1), 63-78.
10). Ikramullah, A., Koutrou, N., & Pappous, A. (2018). Sportivate: a case study of sports policy implementation and impact on the sustainability of community physical activity programmes. The International Journal of Sport and Society. 9 (3): 1-20.
11). Solves. J., Pappous, A., Rius I & Kohe. G.(2018). Framing the Paralympic Games: A mixed-methods analysis of Spanish media coverage of the Beijing 2008 and London 2012 Paralympic Games. Communication and Sport. 10.1177/2167479518808237.
12). Hayday, E. J., Pappous, A., & Koutrou, N. (2017). Leveraging the sport participation legacy of the London 2012 Olympics: senior managers’ perceptions. International . Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 9(2), 349-369.
13). Pappous, A., & Hayday, E. J. (2016). A case study investigating the impact of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on participation in two non- traditional English sports, Judo and Fencing. Leisure studies, 35(5), 668-684.
14). Koutrou, N., Pappous, A., & Johnson, A. (2016). Post-Event Volunteering Legacy: Did the London 2012 Games Induce a Sustainable Volunteer Engagement?. Sustainability, 8(12), 1221
15). Koutrou, N., & Pappous, A. S. (2016). Towards an Olympic volunteering legacy: motivating volunteers to serve and remain–a case study of London 2012 Olympic Games volunteers. Voluntary Sector Review, 7(3), 269-291.
16). Souza, D. L. D., & Pappous, A. (2013). Sports Legacies of Sport Mega-Events: A literature review (in Portuguese). Motrivivência, 41, 42-56.
17). Kokolakakis, T., Pappous, A. S., & Meadows, S. (2015). The impact of the free swimming Programme in a local Community in the South East of England: giving with one hand, taking away with the other. International journal of environmental research and public health, 12(4), 4461-4480.
18). Pappous, A. (2012). Lessons from abroad: Hosting the Olympics does not necessarily lead to increased grass roots. House Magazine, 36 (142), 40-41.
19). Pappous, A., Jeyacheya, J., (2011). The 2012 Cultural Olympiad and Paralympic Games: an opportunity to challenge the archetypal, stereotypes of disability for good?. ICSSPE Bulletin No.61. Published online:
20). Pappous, A., Marcellini, A., de Leseleuc, E. (2011). From Sydney to Beijing: the evolution of the photographic coverage of Paralympic Games in five European countries. Sport in Society, 14: 3, 345-354.
21). Pappous, A., Marcellini, A., de Leseleuc, E.. (2011). Contested issues in research on the media coverage of female Paralympic ahletes. Sport in Society, 14: 9, 1184-1193.
22). Recours R., Pappous, A., Griffet, J. (2011). “I am not your fan”: The role of projection and identification processes in the depreciation of public sports figures. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 3:2, 58-70.
23). de Leseleuc, E., Pappous, A., Marcellini, A. (2010). The media coverage of female athletes with disability. Analysis of the daily press of four European countries during the 2000 Sydney Paralympic Games. European Journal for Sport and Society, 7:3, 283-296.
24). Lebel, E., Marcellini, A., Pappous, A. (2010). Regards croisés sur une photographie sportive. Photojournalisme sportif et athlètes handicapés : mise en scène du corps et production de sens. Alter - European Journal of Disability research, 4:1, 18-33
25). De Leseleuc E., Pappous, A., Marcellini A. (2009). The Mediatisation of Sports Women with Disability. Newspapers Analysis from Four European Countries during the Sydney’s 2000 Paralympics Games, Apunts. Educacion Fisica y deporte, 97, 80-88.
26). Pappous, A., Marcellini, A., de Leseleuc, E.(2009). La representación mediática del Deporte adaptado a la discapacidad en los medios de comunicación. Revista el Ágora para la Educación Física, 9, 31-42.
27). De Léséleuc, E., Marcellini, A., & Pappous, A. (2005). Femmes/Hommes: la mise en scène des différences dans la couverture médiatique des Jeux Paralympiques. Sciences de l’homme et sociétés, 73, 45-47.

Peer review articles : Interdisciplinar Mixed methods research

28) Vergara-Torres, A. P., Tristán, J., López-Walle, J. M., González-Gallegos, A., Pappous, A. S., & Tomás, I. (2020). Students' Perceptions of Teachers' Corrective Feedback, Basic Psychological Needs and Subjective Vitality: A Multilevel Approach. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 558954.
29) Pappous, A., Mohammed, W. A., & Sharma, D. (2020). Physiotherapists’ experiences with a four-week mindfulness-based stress reduction program. European Journal of Physiotherapy, 1-6.
30) Martí. C., Fernández, M., Hueso, C., Montoya, R., García, M., and Pappous. A. "Cultural Influences in the Processing of Emotion Schemas Related to Death and Violence: A Pilot Study". Revista de Estudios Sociales, no. 66 (2018): 71-79.
31). Mohammed, W. A., Pappous, A., & Sharma, D. (2018). The effect of mindfulness meditation in reducing pain and improving the mental health of injured athletes. Frontiers in Psychology, section Clinical and Health Psychology, (9). 722
32). Mohammed, W. A., Pappous, A., Muthumayandi, K., & Sharma, D. (2018). The effect of mindfulness meditation on therapists’ body-awareness and burnout in different forms of practice. European Journal of Physiotherapy, 1-12
33). Bertheau, E. L., Quintana, F. C., Pappous, A., Ruiz, Y. B., González, E. V., & Valle, J. S. R. (2017). Estigmas sociales relacionados con la obesidad en estudiantes de educación física. TRANCES. Transmisión del Conocimiento Educativo y de la Salud, (3), 471-492.
34). Lorenzo Bertheau, E., Cruz-Quintana, F., Pappous, A., & Schmidt Rio-Valle, J. (2016). Actitudes explícitas e implícitas hacia la obesidad en estudiantes de Cultura Física. Revista de psicología del deporte, 25(1), 0091-96.
35). Tsamita, I., Pappous, A., & Karteroliotis, K. (2015). Perceived Barriers to Physical Activity in Children: Validity and Reliability and Gender Invariance of the Greek version of the Physical Activity Perceived Barrrier Scale. Journal of Sports Science, 3, 57-66.
36). Verdejo, E., & Pappous A. (2013). Investigación Educativa . 3: 105-116. Revista Digital de Actitudes de los profesionales de la educación hacia la educación física inclusiva: una revisión bibliográfica
37). Garcia, MP., Cruz, F., Muñoz, A., Montoya, R., Prados., Pappous, A., Botella, M. (2010). Influencia de las emociones en el juicio clínico de los profesionales de la salud a propósito del diagnóstico de enfermedad terminal. Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 10, 57-73.
38). Ferez, S., Pappous, A., Ruffié, S. (2010). Activité physique et sportive des PVVIH :de l’intérêt de la pratique à l’accès à la pratique (revue de littérature). Retos. Nuevas tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación, 18, 77-83.
39). Garcia, MP., Cruz, F., Muñoz, A., Montoya, R., Prados., Pappous, A., Botella, M. (2010). The influence of health care providers’ emotions on clinical judgment regarding diagnosis of the terminally ill. Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 10, 57-73.
40). Ruiz, F., Gómez, M., Pappous, A., Alacid, F., Flores, G. (2010). Dispositional Goal Orientation, Beliefs about the Causes of Success and Intrinsic Satisfaction in Young Elite Paddlers. Journal of Human Kinetics . 26, 123-136
41). Rio-Valle, J. S., Caro, M. P. G., Juarez, R. M., Peña, D. P., Vinuesa, A. M., Pappous, A., & Quintana, F. C. (2009). Bad news for the patient and the family? The worst part of being a health care professional. Journal of palliative care, 25(3), 191
42). Lopez-Walle, J., Pappous, A., Tristán, J. & Vences, A. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Inventory of Psychological abilities for Sport (PSIS R-5) with Mexican Athletes (in Spanish). Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio –FOD-, 5, 2, 20-38
43). Pappous, A., Godoy, J., Cruz., Lopez, J. (2008). Progress in the psychometrical properties of an instrument aimed to assess attitudes, motivation and self-efficacy of people practising physical activity. International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 6, 72-77.
44). García, M., Cruz, F., Muñoz A., Schmidt, J., Prados, D., ; Pappous., A. (2008). Enfermedad terminal, muerte...En palabras de los profesionales. Revista Rol de Enfermería. 2008; 31(5): 54-58 (Part 1).
45). García, M., Cruz, F., Muñoz A., Schmidt, J., Prados, D., ; Pappous., A. (2008). Enfermedad terminal, muerte...En palabras de los profesionales (2). Revista Rol de Enfermería. 31(4): 57-62. (Part 2).
46). Pappous, A., Cruz F., De Leseleuc, E., García M., Muñoz, A., Schmidt, J., Marcellini, A. (2007). La visibilidad de la deportista paralimpica en la prensa española. Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio Físico FOB, 3 (2), 12-32.
47). Pappous A., Cruz F., Leseleuc de E., Marcellini A., Recours R., Schmidt J., (2006). Attitudes of the elderly toward physical activity and exercise. Adaptation of the Older Person’s Attitudes Toward Physical Activity and Exercise Questionnaire in Spain. Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism, 13 (1). 69-77.
48). Pappous, A. , Cruz, F.Q. & Godoy, J. G. (2006). Measuring socio-cognitive factors in exercise participation: initial steps in developing and validating the Sp- AMSQEP. Motricidad- European Journal of Human Movement, 16, 19-30.
49). Schmidt, J., Cruz, F., Villaverde, C., Prados, D., García, MP., Muñoz, A. & Pappous A. (2006). Adherencia terapéutica en hipertensos: estudio cualitativo. Index de Enfermería, 54, 25-29.
50). Leseleuc de E., Marcellini A., Pappous A. (2005). Femmes/Hommes : la mise en scène des différences dans la couverture médiatique des Jeux Paralympiques, Sciences de l'homme et sociétés, 73, 45-47.
51). Pappous, A. & Souza, D. (2016) Media Guide: How to cover the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games. In: Media Guide: How to cover the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games. University of Kent, pp. 1-16.
52). Koutrou, N., Pappous, A., & Horne, R. (2016). Keeping up the Participation Levels in adult 11 V 11 football in Kent. Published online on:

Chapters in Books

53). Pappous, A & Brown, C. (2018) Paralympic Legacies: A Critical Perspective. In: Brittain, Ian and Beacom, Aaron, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Paralympic Studies. Palgrave Macmillan UK, UK, pp.647-664.
54). Pappous, A & Hayday, E. (2018). A theoretical framework for the integration of refugees through sport: ‘The contact theory’. In: Implementation guide for the integration of refugees through sport. pp. 12-23. eds. Isca. Coenhaguen. Online on:
55). Pappous, A & Zafeiri, A (2018) Mental Indicators and Physical Activity. M.E.N.S: 12 Policy Papers on the connection of Mental Health with Sport and Physical Exercise to promote active living for mental health. pp.55-60. Online on:
56). de Léséleuc, E., Cherif, A., and Burlet, L, and Pappous, A. (2014) La couverture médiatique des Jeux Paralympiques: Discours et images des athlètes handicapés, Corps, sport, handicap. In: CORPS, SPORT, HANDICAPS: Le mouvement handisport au XXIe siècle Lectures sociologiques. Téraèdre, Paris.
57). Pappous, A. (2011) Do the Olympic Games Lead to a Sustainable Increase in Grassroots Sport Participation? In: Savery, Jill and Gilbert, Keith, eds. Sustainability and Sport. Sport and Society . Common Ground Publishing LLC.
58). Pappous, A. (2007). Inclusión e Integración en Europa. Hacia una educación fisica adaptada. In: E.D. Eusse (Eds.). “Educación Física y Discapacidad: practicas corporales inclusivas” (pp.49 -61). Medellín: Funámbulos.
59). Pappous, A. (2008). Paralympic Games and Media. In: "People with Disabilities and Mass Media"(pp. 110-120). Athènes : Hellenic Republic.
60). Pappous, A. (2007). Que tal activos somos los europeos ? Encuestas trasnacionales, publicidad y estrategias de promoción. In: “Educación Fisica, Salud y Empresa”. (pp.281- 289). Melilla: Centro UNESCO.