Foto del docente

Assunta Bertaccini

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences


B. Duduk; S. Botti; V. Trkulja; M. Ivanović; J. Stojčić; A. Bertaccini, Occurence of Pear Decline Phytoplasma in Bosnia and Hercegovina., «JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY», 2005, 87, pp. 75 - 75 [Scientific article]

Pastore M.; A. Bertaccini., Phytoplasmas associated with strawberry phyllody, pear decline and apricot chlorotic leaf roll diseases., in: Crops: quality, growth and biotechnology, HELSINKI, Ramdane Dris, 2005, pp. 892 - 902 [Chapter or essay]


Coordination of a Research Project: RILANCIO DEL SUSINO NEL COMPRENSORIO MODENESE (LR 28/98 – Piano Stralcio 2003) - Azione 2 – Innovazione varietale.

Botti S.; S. Paltrinieri; N. Mori; L. Milanesi; R. Bondavalli; A. Bertaccini., Variabilita’ molecolare di fitoplasmi 16SrXII in vigneti delle province di Modena e Reggio Emilia, in: , «PETRIA», 2005, 15, pp. 121 - 124 (atti di: terzo inocntro nazionale sulle malattie da fitoplasmi, milano, 22-24 giugno) [Abstract]

FRANOVA J.; S. PALTRINIERI; S. BOTTI; M. SIMKOVA; BERTACCINI A., Association of phytoplasmas and viruses with malformed clovers, «FOLIA MICROBIOLOGICA», 2004, 49, pp. 617 - 624 [Scientific article]

CARGINALE V.; G. MARIA; C. CAPASSO; E. IONATA; F. LA CARA; M. PASTORE; BERTACCINI A.; A. CAPASSO, Identification of genes expressed in response to phytoplasma infection in leaves of Prunus armeniaca L. by messenger RNA differential display, «GENE», 2004, 12, pp. 29 - 34 [Scientific article]

DUDUK B.; S. BOTTI; M. IVANOVIC; B. KRSTIC; N. DUKIC; BERTACCINI A., Identification of phytoplasmas associated with grapevine yellows in Serbia., «JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY», 2004, 152, pp. 575 - 579 [Scientific article]

Bertaccini A.; S. Botti; D. Tabanelli; G. Dradi; C. Fogher; A. Previati, Micropropagation and establishment of mite borne virus-free garlic (Allium sativum), «ACTA HORTICULTURAE», 2004, 631, pp. 201 - 206 [Scientific article]

Pastore M.; S. Paltrinieri; R. Priore; A.M. Simeone; E. Raffone; M. Santonastaso; A. Bertaccini, Phytoplasma detection in Empoasca decedens Paoli and Empoasca spp. and their possible role as vectors of European stone fruit yellows (16SrX-B) phytoplasma, «ACTA HORTICULTURAE», 2004, 657, pp. 507 - 511 [Scientific article]

PALERMO S.; M. ELEKES; S. BOTTI; I. EMBER; A. ALMA; A. OROSZ; BERTACCINI A.; M. KLBER, Presence of Stolbur phytoplasma in Cixiidae from Hungarian grapevine growing areas, «VITIS», 2004, 43, pp. 201 - 203 [Scientific article]

TORRES E.; M.P. MARTIN; S. PALTRINIERI; A. VILA; R. MASALLES; BERTACCINI A., Spreading of ESFY phytoplasmas in stone fruit in Catalonia (Spain), «JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY», 2004, 152, pp. 432 - 437 [Scientific article]

PALTRINIERI S.; A. LUGLI; W. MONARI; BERTACCINI A., Three years of molecular monitoring of phytoplasma spreading in a plumgrowing area in Italy, «ACTA HORTICULTURAE», 2004, 657, pp. 501 - 506 [Scientific article]

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