Foto del docente

Assunta Bertaccini

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-05/B Plant Pathology

Curriculum vitae

Educational: 1969-1973 Liceo Classico "L. Galvani" Bologna; graduation 1973 (52/60).

1973-1977 University of Bologna, Italy, doctor in Biology 21-7-1977 (110/110 cum laude). Thesis on "Intossicazione da piombo con particolare riferimento alla nefropatia saturnina".

1977-1979 Specialization degree in Plant Pathology (Scuola di specializzazione in Fitopatologia) at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Bologna (70/70). Thesis on "Infezione da virus e microorganismi in popolazioni di Lobesia botrana Den. e Schiff.".

Position at work and additional training: 1979-1980 Assistant professor in Plant Pathology, Istituto di Patologia Vegetale, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bologna.

1981-2005 confirmed researcher in Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bologna.

2005-present associate professor in Plant Pathology, University of Bologna.

1988 six months stage (CNR scholarship winner)at the Microbiology and Plant Pathology Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD, USA. Further stages in the same Laboratory: March-May, 1989; February 1990; January and August 1991; December 1992; January 1995.

Others: Member of Albo Professionale dei Biologi, Società Italiana di Patologia Vegetale, American Phytopathological Society, International Organization for Micoplasmology, Società orticola Italiana, International Society for Horticultural Science. Founder and responsible of International Phytoplasmologist Working group (IPWG) see web page

Invited speaker at many national and international meetings and seminars, member of scientific committees of several meetings on biotechnology and virology/phytoplasmology, referee for several scientific national and international journals.

Teaching: 1978 - present: practical lessons in Plant Pathology.

1981 - 1997: lessons on phytoplasmas in Plant Pathology and Bacteriology courses.

1987 - present: tutor for practical stages (students of Agriculture Faculty).

1985 - present: examination committee for degrees in Agriculture and Biology.

1977 - present: assistance to about 100 thesis of students in Biology and Agriculture.

1997 - 2008: plant physiopathology.

2005 – 2009: plant pathology of herbaceous crops

2006 – present: Molecular diagnostic and epidemiology of plant diseases

2007 - 2009: Plant biotechnology

2010 - present: Advanced plant pathology

2013 - present: Plant and pathogens

2017 - present: Integrated plant disease magagement"  

October 24-29, 1983 lessons at the "I seminario di studio per delegati speciali per le malattie delle piante incaricati dei controlli fitosanitari ai vegetali e prodotti vegetali di importazione, esportazione e transito" Foligno (Perugia, Italy). May 28 1990 Seminar on "Diagnosi di micoplasmi associati a fitopatie mediante sonde clonate "at the Istituto di Fitovirologia applicata del CNR Torino. August 25-29, 1997 Invited speaker on Ribosomal DNA analysis for phytoplasma identification and classification. at the Second symposium: Recent advances in plant biotechnology-Molecular Biology for agriculture, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. October 20-27, 1997 Invited seminar on "Phytoplasma detection and classification" at the Pomology Institute of the Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Science, Taigu, Shanxi, China. March 10, 1999 Invited seminar on “Phytoplasma diseases of grapevine” at the OIV, Paris, France. December 2003; March 2005; March 2007 seminars about “Phytoplasma diseases in grapevine” at the Università del Cile, Santiago, Chile.  November 22-26, 2004. Invited speaker on Phytoplasma diseases of grapevine and fruit trees. V Congress of Plant Protection, Zlatibor, Serbia & Montenegro. March 28- april 3, 2005 Invited speaker on Phytoplasma diseases in grapevines. Università del Cile, Santiago, Chile. April 12-13, 2005 Invited speaker on Molecular comparison of phytoplasmas infecting winter oilseed rape in Czech Republic with Italian Brassica phytoplasmas and their relationship to the aster yellows group. Oilseed crops XXVII scientific conference, Poznan, Poland. May 7-11, 2005 Invited teacher on Phytoplasma diseases and impact on agronomic crops: importance of their molecular identification at the National Training Program in Biotechnology. Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. September 12-17, 2005 Invited speaker on Phytoplasmas and phytoplasma diseases: molecular biology meets epidemiology at the 6th International Symposium in the Series Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. March 3-10, 2007 Invited speaker on Prevention of phytoplasma diseases in grapevines. Università del Cile, Santiago, Chile. October 2-4, 2007 Invited speaker on Phytoplasma diseases in agricultural important crops, CIAT, Calì, Colombia. June 30- July 3, 2008 Lessons on Phytoplasma diseases at the University of Tokyo (Japan). July 12-14, 2008 Presentation on Importance of phytoplasma diseases in fruit trees and in particular in jujube at the Pomology Institute of the Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Science, Taigu, Shanxi, China. September 23-25, 2008 Invited speaker on Phytoplasma disease and climate changes at CENSA, Cuba. 2009: invited speaker at Mycoplasmology: a review of developments over the last decade. Gran Canaria, Spain 10-12 June. 2010 invited speaker at the 2nd International Mycosafe Symposium, 07 - 09 April 2010, Vienna – Austria. November 2010, invited speaker at plant pathology, AREU, Mauritius. Invited speaker at the Guadalajara University (Mexico) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Guelph in September/October 2012. On June 2nd, 2014 during the XX IOM meeting held in Blumenau, Brazil, she received the Emmy Klienenberger-Nobel award for her disinghished research in mycoplasmology.

Research activity: Since 1977 has attended to numerous national and international meetings as participant presenting oral communications and posters or as invited speaker or chairperson. Her research was carried out on virus and virus diseases of ornamental plants and vegetables detecting and characterizing viruses in some cases for the first time in Italy or in the world. Ultrastructural studies were also carried out on cytoplasmatic alterations associated with virus presence in plants and insects. Virus detection was performed using serological techniques such as agar immunodiffusion tests and ELISA. Meristem-tip culture for virus elimination and tissue culture for micropropagation of plant tissues were also studied for many plant species.

Many research efforts were devoted to study infections associated with "mycoplasma-like organisms" (MLOs) now renamed phytoplasmas presence in plants. After preliminary research by using electron microscopy techniques she started a collaboration in this field with  the MPPL USDA, Beltsville, MD, USA. Up today she applied molecular tools to detect and characterize phytoplasmas in many different crops as well as in insect vectors and woody plants with focus on phytoplasmas infecting grapevines and other agronomic end environmentally important plants. She is author or coauthor in more than 700 publications, books and book chapters on virus and phytoplasma diseases.

From May 2009 to December 2013 she was Chair of COST action FA0807 "INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF PHYTOPLASMA EPIDEMICS IN DIFFERENT CROP SYSTEMS" see web page From 2017 she is leading the H2020 project TROPICSAFE see web page

She founded in 2007 and is leading the International Phytoplasmologist Working Group (IPWG) and organizend until now 3 meeting of the group (every 4 years) held in Bologna, Italy; Neustadt u/W, Germany and Mauritius.

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