Foto del docente

Assimo Maris

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-02/A Physical Chemistry

Curriculum vitae


SCOPUS-7003290015: 134 documents, 2018 citations, H-Index 24 (February 2024)

Since 2018, Assimo Maris has been an associate professor in Physical Chemistry at the Chemistry Department of the University of Bologna (UniBo), where she has been a researcher and lecturer since 1999. She received her degree in Chemistry from UniBo (110/110) in 1994 and her PhD title in Chemical Sciences in 1998. She continued her learning and research at the Molecular Spectroscopy Institute of the Italian Research Council (CNR) and then at UniBo as a postdoctoral fellow. She was a visiting scientist at the Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (F), the Science Faculty of the University of Valladolid (E) and the Elettra Synchrotron of Trieste (I).

Her research activity, based on molecular spectroscopy, computational chemistry and data science, mainly focuses on the rotational spectroscopy signature of molecules for astronomical and atmospheric detection and analytical purposes; simulation and assignment of spectral features; determination of the structural and dynamical parameters governing the molecular activity, recognition and characterization of chemical compounds by both in-situ and remote sensing measurements. Her research projects have been supported by the University of Bologna (RFO, AlmaIdea2022), the MIUR (FARB2017), the Transnational Access Program Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure, the Cineca (IscraC), the Elettra Synchrotron of Trieste and BASF Italia S.p.A..

AM attended several national and international meetings with contributed talks and was a member of the organising committees of the national workshop "Theory, experiments and modelling of chemical processes, dynamics and molecular interactions" (Bologna, 2012); the 24th International Conference on "High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy" (Bologna, 2014 LOC); the International Workshop “Mirror Images in Molecules: High-Resolution Spectroscopy Features" (Bologna, 2016); the XLVI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Fisica (Bologna, 2018 LOC); the national workshop on "New perspectives in nano-analysis with correlative 3D Raman imaging, Workshop and hands-on session" (Bologna, 2019 SOC); the Europlanet WorkshopSeries “Rocks from Space and Planetary Defence" (Casablanca, Morocco, 2023); the 25th International Conference on Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research (Bologna, 2023 LOC).

AM carried out peer review activity for international journals: Angewandte Chemie, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Chemical Physics Letters, International Journal of Astrobiology, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Journal of Molecular Structure, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Molecular Astrophysics, Molecules, New Journal of Chemistry, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Symmetry.

AM taught both in secondary schools and several degree courses: Chemistry and molecular materials BSc degree (UniBo), Advanced Chemistry MSc degree (UniBo), Chemistry MSc degree (UniBo), Photochemistry and molecular materials MSc degree (UniBo), Analysis and management of the environment MSc degree (UniBo), Erasmus Mundus Master Course Chemical Innovation and Regulation (UniBo), Chemical Sciences PhD School (UniBo) and Chemistry PhD School (UVa, E). University lectures and laboratory activities concerned the following topics: Spectroscopy, Lasers, Laser spectroscopy, Materials’ spectroscopy, Theoretical chemistry, Physical chemistry of the atmosphere, Biomedical chemistry, Informatics, Chemioinformatics, Multivariate statistical analysis, Data science.

AM has been a member of exam boards in Chemistry BSc, Photochemistry and Molecular Materials MSc and ChIR MSc. She was a foreign member of 2 PhD evaluation committees. She was the scientific supervisor of 9 bachelor, 9 master and 3 PhD thesis.

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