Foto del docente

Asher Daniel Colombo

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-05/A General Sociology


Keywords: International Migration Death, Dying and Disposal: Social Context, Beliefs, Attitudes, Behaviors Crime and Deviance

Currently I' am working on a personal research program on the change in attitudes towards of death and in the social organization of disposal in Italy during the last two centuries. Within this program, publications on social history of the birth and the spread of cremation in european cities and on the burials and their changes in Italy are in preparation.
So far, I worked on (1) the international migration systems that have affected Italy since the sixties and Italian migration control policies in a comparative perspective, (2) patterns and trends of crime and insecurity in Italy and (3) the life and cultures of gays and lesbians people in Italian.

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