Foto del docente

Arrigo Francesco Giuseppe Cicero

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MED/49 Food and Dietetic Sciences


A.F.G., Cicero; G., Derosa; M., Bove; A., Lucicesare; L., Laghi; S., D'Addato; A.Gaddi., Coenzyne Q10 effect on the serum creatinine increase associated to rosuvastatin 20 mg in severe hypercholesterolemic patients, in: 15 Supplement 1, «NMCD. NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES», 2005, 15 supl 1, pp. s8 - s8 (atti di: Atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's Disease: clinical diagnosis ad meegement in the elderly, Venezia, 23 novembre 2005) [Abstract]

Cicero AF; Derosa G; Gaddi A., Combined lipoxygenase/cyclo-oxygenase inhibition in the elderly: the example of licofelone., «DRUGS & AGING», 2005, 22(5), pp. 393 - 403 [Scientific article]

Cicero AFG; Bove M; Lucicsare A; Laghi L; Gaddi AV., Cost-effetiveness analysis of complementary care for hyperlipidameias, in: , «NMCD. NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES», 2005, 15(S1), pp. 7 - 8 (atti di: XIX SISA National Congress, Venezia, 23-26/11) [Abstract]

Derosa G; Cicero AF; Gaddi A; Mugellini A; Ciccarelli L; Fogari R., Effects of doxazosin and irbesartan on blood pressure and metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension., «JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY», 2005, 45 (6), pp. 599 - 604 [Scientific article]

Laghi L.; Cicero A.F.G.; D'Addato S.; Dormi A.; Fiorito A.; Gaddi A., Iperlipoproteinemia familiare combinata: complicanze cardiovascolari e cerebrovascolari, in: Atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's Disease: clinical diagnosis ad meegement in the elderly, BOLOGNA, sine nomine, 2005, pp. 10 - 10 (atti di: Atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's Disease: clinical diagnosis ad meegement in the elderly, Bologna, 5 dicembre 2005) [Abstract]

Cucinotta D; Gaddi AV; Russo GT; Cicero AFG., Le dislipidemie nel paziente diabetico., SALERNO, Momento Medico, 2005, pp. 4-19 ; 35-47 ; 48-61 . [Research monograph]

Derosa G; Gaddi AV; Ciccarelli L; Fogari E; Ghelfi M; Ferrari I; Cicero AF., Long-term effect of glimepiride and rosiglitazone on non-conventional cardiovascular risk factors in metformin-treated patients affected by metabolic syndrome: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial., «JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH», 2005, 33, pp. 284 - 294 [Scientific article]

Derosa G; Cicero AF; Gaddi AV; Ciccarelli L; Piccinni MN; Salvadeo S; Pricolo F; Fogari E; Ghelfi M; Ferrari I; Fogari R., Long-term effects of glimepiride or rosiglitazone in combination with metformin on blood pressure control in type 2 diabetic patients affected by the metabolic syndrome: a 12-month, double-blind, randomized clinical trial., «CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS», 2005, 27(9), pp. 1383 - 1391 [Scientific article]

Cicero AF; Derosa G; Miconi A; Laghi L; Nascetti S; Gaddi A., Possible role of ubiquinone in the treatment of massive hypertriglyceridemia resistant to PUFA and fibrates., «BIOMÉDECINE & PHARMACOTHÉRAPIE», 2005, 59, pp. 312 - 317 [Scientific article]

Bove M, Cicero AFG; Lucicesare A, Aronis K, Georgounis I, Gaddi AV, Primary variation in serum HDL-cholesterol levels: an independent cardiovascular risk factor in healthy adults?, in: , «NMCD. NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES», 2005, 15(S1), pp. 6 - 6 (atti di: XIX SISA National Congress, Venezia, 23-26/11) [Abstract]

Cicero AF; Gaddi A., REVERSAL and PROVE-IT: are clinically oriented trials really better than "pure" scientific studies?, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY», 2005, 103(3), pp. 235 - 237 [Scientific article]

CICERO AFG; DORMI A; NASCETTI S; Panourgia MP; Grandi E; DADDATO S; GADDI A., Relative role of major risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes development in the historical cohort of the Brisighella Heart Study: an 8-years follow-up., «DIABETIC MEDICINE», 2005, 22(9), pp. 1263 - 1266 [Scientific article]

Gaddi AV; Cicero AFG., Sindromi Metaboliche: diagnosi, prognosi e terapia., BOLOGNA, Esculapio Editora, 2005, pp. 1-220 . [Research monograph]

Cicero AF; Derosa G; Miconi A; Laghi L; Nascetti S; Gaddi A., Treatment of massive hypertriglyceridemia resistant to PUFA and fibrates: a possible role for the coenzyme Q10?, «BIOFACTORS», 2005, 23 (1), pp. 7 - 14 [Scientific article]

Gaddi AV; Cicero AF, Treatment of peripheral obstructive artery disease: a battle that could be winned also with drugs? [Trattamento dell'arteriopatia obliterante degli arti inferiori: Una battaglia che può essere vinta anche con i farmaci?], «MINERVA CARDIOANGIOLOGICA», 2005, 53, pp. 605 - 610 [Scientific article]

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