Foto del docente

Arrigo Francesco Giuseppe Cicero

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-08/C Food and Dietetic Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 470KB )

University studies

1992: Admission to the MedicalSchool of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Italy).

1993-1994: Probationer in the Neurophysiology Laboratory by the Human physiology institute of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Responsibles: Prof. Pierluigi Parmeggiani, Prof. Emanuele Perez): in this context he observed the planning and execution of basic researches on neruotransmettitorial modulation of REM sleep in murin models, actively participating to some phases of the tests.

1995-1996: Probationer by the Neurology Clinic of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Responsibles: Prof. Elio Lugaresi, Prof. Pasquale Montagna): in this context he could observe and cooperate to the clinical activity of the recovery dept., with particular attention to patients affected by chronic neurological disease, especially affected by motor cooridantion and sleep disorders.

1997: Probationer by the Autopsy room by the Pathological Anatomy institute of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Responsibles: Prof. Antonio M. Mancini, Prof. Paolo Scarani): in this context he assisted to post-mortem examinations and microscopic evaluation of bioptic sections.

1998: Atherosclerosis and Metabolic disease Research Unit by the Clinical medicine and applied biotechnology Dept. of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Responsibles: Prof. Ettore Ambrosioni, Prof. Antonio V. Gaddi): in this context he assisted to the ambulatory management of patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease, with particular attention to those affected by genetic diseases of the lipid metabolism, contributing to the enrollement and management of patients in the setting of the “Familial Combined Hyperlipoproteinemia - Wide Genoma” Telethon project.

December 22th, 1998: Medical Degree obtained at the age of 24 by the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Italy) with a dissertation on “Variability of the lipid phenotype and diagnosis of Familial Combined Hyperlipidaemia in an adult and elderly population sample” (Mentor: Prof. Antonio V. Gaddi). The dissertation received the maximal note (110/110) and honours of the faculty (cum laude), and the main results were then reported in a full paper (Vasc Dis Prev 2007;4(3):185-189).

Post-graduated studies

1998: Admission to the Post-Graduation School in Clinical Pharmacology by the University of Modena and Reggio nell'Emilia (Italy). Director: Prof. Emilio Sternieri.

During the Post-graduated school in Clinical Pharmacology he mainly attended two structures:

  • Research Unit of Neuropsychopharmacology by the Biomedical science Dept. (Responsibles: Prof. Rossana Arletti/Prof. Maurizio Sandrini): In this context he actively participated to and planned studies on behavioural pharmacology, receptorial binding, pharmacognosy and pharmaocepidemiology
  • Toxicology and Clinical pharmacology Research Unit by the Internal medicine Dept. (Responsibles: Prof. Alfio Bertolini/Prof. Emilio Sternieri): In this context he was actively involved in pharmacokinetic and pharmacovigilance studies, and he was co-ideator and responsible for data analysis of the Headache Treatment Safety Study (HTSS) - pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance study on use and safety of drugs commonly used by headache patients -, and he co-worked to an EU project against doping.

1999: Post-graduate in “Statistical methodologies” by the “Louis Pasteur” University of Strasburg (France).

2000: Postgraduate in “Chronobiology” by the “Pitié-Salpetriére” Medical Faculty, “Pierre et Marie Curie” University of Paris (France).

2001: Postgraduate in “Nutrition, Therapy and Aging” by the Medical faculty of the Paris XII University of Creteil (France).

October 28th, 2002: Board graduation in Clinical Pharmacology obtained at the age of 28 by the University of Modena and Reggio nell'Emilia (Italy) with a dissertation on “Prevalence of adverse events related to drugs used in the acute and chronic management of headache: results of a pharmacovigilance study involving 1232 patients visited by the Headache Research Unit of the Modena and Reggio nell'Emilia University” (Mentor: Prof. Emilio Sternieri). The dissertation received the maximal note (110/110) and honours of the faculty (cum laude), and the main results were then reported in two full papers (Cephalalgia 2004; 24(5): 356-362 and European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2005; 60:893-900).

2002: Admission to the PhD course on Experimental Medicine Atherosclerosis by the Medical School of the University of Siena (Italy). Director: Prof. Alberto Auteri.

February the 16th, 2007: PhD dissertation on “Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory determinants of Familial Combined Hyperlipoproteinemia, Metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes in general population and selected ambulatory patientsâ”. Mentor: Prof. Antonio V. Gaddi. Parts of the dissertation are currently published on numberous international journals.

Other intensive and/or professionalising courses

September 25-27, 2000. Intensive course of “Methodology of systematic reviewsâ” organized by the Italian Cochrane Network (Modena, Italy).

November 02, 2000. Course on Micromedex - database use (Modena, Italy).

March 8, 2001. Training on Basic Life Support (BLS) (Modena, Italy).

July 02-04, 2001. Good Clinical Practices (GCP) Training for Clinical Investigators organizzed from the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) (Edinburgh, United Kingdom).

October 26, 2001. Course on “History of GCP globalization and description of ICH guidelines” (Chia Laguna, Italy).

June 06, 2002. ACRP Workshop on “SOPs for Investigator Sites” (Amsterdam, Holland).

June 24, 2004. Intensive course on “Heart and vessels in arterial hypertension: from physiopathology to treatment” organized by the Italian Society of Cardiology (Rome, Italy).

June 30, 2004. Updating seminar on “Project for clinical management and research in gerontology”. (Bologna, Italy).

September 23, 2004. Intensive course on “Clinical research: methodological, legal and statistic aspects”. (Bologna, Italy).

April 25-29, 2005. Selection for the EASD Robert Turner Clinical Research Course (Oxford, United Kingdom).

Novembre 21-23, 2005. Intensive course on “Antibiotic chemotherapy and discussion on pharmacological properties of azalides” (Rome, Italy).

January 12, 2005. Intensive course on scientific communication about antibiotic therapy in pediatric - organized by the SDA-Bocconi University (Milan, Italy).

January 13, 2005. Forum on “Clinical antibiotic therapy: Update on antibiotics in pediatric age” (Milan, Italy).

June 13, 2006. Intensive theroretical and practical course on “Brain and coronary disease in hypertensive emergency” (Advanced Life Support) (Madrid, Spain).

October 19-20, 2006. Master Course on “Ischemic Heart Disease” (Copenhagen, Danmark).

December 14, 2006. Intensive course on “Scientific communication on antibiotic therapy in pediatric” organized by the SDA-Bocconi University (Milan, Italy).

December 15, 2006. Intensive course on “Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for an optimal management of the antibiotic therapy” (Milan, Italy).

Mai-June, 2007. American Heart Association e-learning course on “Dyslipidemia: Assessment and Management”.

September 13-14, 2007. Intensive course on “Compliance Project. Cardiovascular disease risk reduction: appropriate prescription and therapeutic education” (Rome, Italy).

June 23-26, 2009. Course on “Intermediate Statistics using SPSS” (Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London, UK).

Academic and scientific activities

Previous research contracts

2007-2011: Research contract with the Internal medicine, Aging and Kidney disease Dept. of the University of Bologna, Italy.

2005-2006: Research fellow for the National Institute of Cardiovascular Research (INRC)

2002-2004: Research contract with the Clinical medicine and Applied biotechnology Dept. of the University of Bologna, Italy.

2012-2019: Clinical researcher of Internal medicine and Aging (ex- Geriatrics and Gerontology) by the Medical School of the University of Bologna, Italy.

Current professional position

2019: Associate professore of Applied Dietary Sciences by the Medical School of the University of Bologna, Italy.

Clinical experiences

1998-2002: Certified clinical training as foreseen by the post-graduated school in clinical pharmacology by the University of Modena and Reggio nell'Emilia (Italy), including periods in Internal medicine dept, Emergency medicine, Headache Care Unit

2001-2002: Clinical activity by the ambulatory service of the Atherosclerosis and Metabolic disease research Unit ot the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Prof. Antonio V. Gaddi

2003-till now: Clinical activity by the ambulatory service of the Atherosclerosis and Metabolic disease research Unit of the University of Bologna, consisting in diagnosis and management of genetic and secundary dyslipidemias, and more in general of patients at high cardiovascular disease risk. Clinical activity by the Internal Medicine Inpatient dept, bu the IRCCS S. Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital.

Innovative research fields

  • Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics: Numberous clinical trials (mainly phase III and IV) aiming at testing new drug indication or properties, and new drug association efficacy and tolerability, in different fields including lipidology, diabetology, cardiology, neurology, nephrology, urology. Role covered: Planning, clinical research, data analysis, result divulgation. The most part of the results of this studies are published on peer-reviewed international journals with IF.
  • Human nutrition and dietary supplementation: Preclinical and clinical trials aimed at identifying nutrients or plant derived drugs (also under the form of nutraceuticals and functional foods) able to modulate cardiovascular risk factors levels or other pathological condition such as nephrolithiasis, erectile dysfunction and others, to contribute at creating an - evidence based - background where previously unavailable. Planning, clinical research, data analysis, result divulgation. The most part of the results of this studies are published on peer-reviewed international journals with IF.
  • Cardiovascular disease prevention: Main field of research, where the most part of effort in conducting epidemiological and clinical studies has been concentrated. Beyond the above cited clinical trials on drugs and nutrients, different studies have been carried out to identify new clincal and laboratory determinants of cardiovascular disease risk both in general and selected population, and new clinical and laboratory markers of lipid metabolism genetic disease significantly increasing the cardiovascular disease risk. Planning, clinical research, data analysis, result divulgation. The most part of the results of this studies are published on peer-reviewed international journals with IF.
  • Clinical epidemiology: Numberous transversal and longitudinal epidemiological studies carried out on general population and ambulatory setting (see list below). The main field of research has been the epidemiology of nutritional habit, conventional and non conventional cardiovascular disease risk factors, metabolic syndrome, genetic diseases of lipid metabolism, type 2 diabetes, and drug utilization. The most part of the results of this studies are published on peer-reviewed international journals with IF.
  • Internal medicine and geriatrics: The most part of the above cited studies has been carried out on adult and elderly patients affected by diseases of interntistic interest, such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, lipid metabolism diseases, headache, nephrolythiasis, chronic kidnery failure, erectile dysfunction and others. Planning, clinical research, data analysis, result divulgation. The most part of the results of this studies are published on peer-reviewed international journals with IF.

Scientific prizes

  • Poster Award at the 6th Congress of the European Headache Federation. Istambul, Turkey, June 30th, 2002.
  • Winner of financial support in the context of the 4th EU Marco Polo program for the international mobility of young researchers. Academic year 2002-2003.
  • Scholarship for participation and data presentation to the 9th Meeting of the International Diabetes Epidemiology Group/38th annual meeting of the European Diabetes Epidemiology Group. Tours, France, August 20th-23th, 2003.
  • Prize for “The best scientific work” presentet at the 3rd Virtual Congress of Cardiology of the Argentine Cardiology Federation, Decembre 4th, 2003.
  • Astra Zeneca prize fot the best poster presented at the 18th National Congres of the Italian Atherosclerosis Society (SISA). Palermo, Italy, November 26th -29th, 2004.
  • Poster Award at the 21th National Congres of the Italian Atherosclerosis Society (SISA). Perugia, Italy, November 21th -24th, 2007.
  • “Bracci” prize for the best scientific paper published on international press in 2007, assigned during the 100° National Congress of the Italian Urological Society (SIU). Rome, Italy, September 22th-28th, 2008.
  • Accomodation Grant at the 19thEuropean Hypertension Congress. Milan, Italy, June 12-16, 2009.
  • Scholarship for attending at the ESH Summer School. Smolenice Castle, SK, September 19-25, 2009.

Active membership of scientific societies

  • International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS) (President: Prof. Peter Libby)
  • Italian Society for the Atherosclerosis Study (SISA) (President: Prof. Marcello Arca)
  • Italian asscociation of cardiologist and allied ambulatori specialists (ACSA): (President: Dr. Pietro Lentini)
  • Italian Society for the Cardiovascular disease Prevention (SIPREC) (President: Prof. Massimo Volpe)
  • Italian Association of Phytotherapy and Phytoharmacology (AIFF) (President: Prof. Ottavio Iommelli)
  • Italian Society for the Medical Pedagogy (SIPEM) (President: Prof. Giuseppe Parisi)
  • Italian Society of Nutraceuticals (SINUT) (President: Prof. Arrigo F.G. Cicero)

Member of the reviewer board of the following international biomedical journals:

  • British Medical Journal
  • The Lancet
  • Medicine
  • Quarterly Medical Journal
  • Journal of General Internal Medicine
  • Annals of Medicine
  • Archives of Medical Science
  • European Journal of Clinical Investigation
  • Core Evidence
  • PLOS One
  • Hospital Practice
  • Medical Science Monitor
  • Canadian Medical Association Journal
  • Int Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
  • International Journal of General Medicine
  • Journal of Symptoms and Signs
  • Journal of Rheumatology
  • Experimental Gerontology
  • Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
  • Circulation
  • Hypertension
  • Heart and Vessels
  • Vascular Health and Risk Management
  • Expert Opinion in Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy
  • The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal
  • Cardiovascular Diabetology
  • Cardiovascular Endocrinology
  • American Journal of Cardiology
  • Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Clinical Cardiology
  • Research Reports in Clinical Cardiology
  • American Journal of Hypertension
  • Clinical and Experimental Hypertension
  • International Journal of Hypertension
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Lipids in Health and Disease
  • Nutrients
  • Nutrition Research
  • Journal of Nutrition
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • British Journal of Nutrition
  • European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • Journal of the American College of Nutrition
  • Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
  • Food and Function
  • Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
  • Nutrafoods
  • Plant Foods for Human Nutrition
  • International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research
  • Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
  • The Open Bioactive Compounds Journal
  • Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism
  • Diabetic Medicine
  • Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics
  • Diabetes Therapy
  • Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy
  • Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental
  • Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes
  • European Journal of Endocrinology
  • Endocrinology Practice
  • Endocrine
  • Hormone and Metabolic Research
  • The Open Obesity Journal
  • European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
  • Kidney International
  • Urology
  • International Urology and Nephrology
  • Gynecological Endocrinology
  • Journal of Sexual Medicine
  • BMC Clinical Pathology
  • Biomarkers in Medicine
  • Clinical Biochemistry
  • Clinical Drug Investigation
  • Clinical Medicine: Therapeutics
  • Clinical Pharmacology: Advances and Applications
  • Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology
  • Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research
  • Pharmaceutical Biology
  • Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
  • Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials
  • Combination Products in Therapy
  • Food and Chemical Toxicology
  • Cell Biology and Toxicology
  • Review for the Biochemistry and Cell Biology
  • Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology
  • Expert Opinion in Pharmacotherapy
  • Expert Opinion On Drug Metabolism and Toxicology
  • Expert Opinion On Drug Safety
  • Expert Opinion on Biological Therapies
  • Molecules
  • Biomedicine
  • Diseases
  • Open access Journal of Clinical Trials
  • Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management
  • Trials
  • Life Sciences
  • International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • Evidence Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine
  • BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • International Journal of Public Health
  • BMC Public Health
  • Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
  • Clinical Epidemiology
  • Journal of Public Health
  • Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
  • World Journal of Meta-analysis

He is also Member of the Editorial Board of “Clinical Lipidology” and “Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research”.

Technical skills:

  • Language spoken: Italian (mother-language), French, English, German (Basic)
  • Software used: All common softwares associated to Microsoft Office, Statistical Software for Social Science (SPSS), some pharmacokinetic softwares

GCP : He has been trained to the GCP at national and international level (see list of GCP courses he attended) and participated in a large number of RCTs carried out in the context of GCP.


List of publications

Papers published on international scientific journals [N. 427, Total 2020 IF>2200, Scholar h-index= 70, Scopus h-index = 55, WOS h-index= 51 (update 12/2021)]

Other publications:

  • Full paper publications in international press with IF as part of a study group: 44
  • Full papers published in international press without IF: 105
  •  Full papers published in Italian scientific press: N. 150
  • Full scientific books in Italian language: N. 14
  • Chapters of books with international divulgation: N. 16
  • Didactic CD-Roms for physicians: N. 6
  • Papers published in proceedings of international courses/congresses: N. 8
  • Papers published in proceedings of Italian national courses/congresses: N. 32
  • Abstracts published in proceedings of international congresses: N. 122
  • Abstracts published in proceedings of Italian national congresses: N. 215

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