Foto del docente

Arianna Lazzari

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-02/A Didactics and Special pedagogy

Curriculum vitae

Arianna Lazzari is currently Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Science of Bologna University. She has been working in the field of early childhood education for over ten years, gaining professional and academic experience both in Italy and abroad (UK, Ireland, Sweden). Her research focuses on:
- professionalism and professional development of practitioners working in early childhood settings across Europe;
- pedagogical approaches to the education and care of young children elaborated within different European traditions;
- ECEC policy developments in cross-national perspective.

She awarded the title of European Doctorate at Bologna University in May 2011, with a thesis titled ‘Reconceptualising professional development in early childhood education: a study on teachers' professionalism carried out in Bologna province'. During the same year (September 2011) her doctoral research received the Best Student Research Award at the 21st EECERA conference in Geneva.
During the last year (October 2013 - August2014) she has been involved as a researcher in the Eurofound project ‘Assessing childcare services in Europe' (2013/S 117-198914) on the impact of continuing professional development and working conditions of staff on the quality of ECEC provision. Over the same period, she also participated, as a country-expert for Italy, in the project commissioned by the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission ‘Study on the effective use of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in preventing early school leaving (ESL)' exploring the link between high quality ECEC, successful educational transitions and student's educational achievements in compulsory school.

From September 2012 to August 2013 she worked as Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Department of Education of Bologna University, where she carried out the project ‘Enhancing early childhood teachers' professionalism: participatory research on professional development strategies' under the supervision of prof. Balduzzi. This was a practice-based research project aimed at investigated how teachers' professionalism is played out in everyday practices in order to identify strategies that effectively promote their professional growth within ECEC settings.

As an independent researcher for SOFRECO (September 2011-June 2012), she carried out – under the supervision of Michel Vandenbroeck (Department of Social Welfare Studies, Ghent University) – a literature review on the participation of disadvantaged children and families in ECEC services in Europe within the project 'Early childhood education and care (ECEC) in promoting educational attainment including social development of children from disadvantaged background and in fostering social inclusion'. The study was commissioned by the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission and jointly conducted by SOFRECO (lead researcher: John Bennett) and EIESP (study coordinator/policy expert: Jean Gordon). Over the same year, she compiled as a country research expert, the case study report of Italy within an international study on continuing professional development of the early years workforce coordinated by Pamela Oberhuemer and commissioned by the Deutsches Jugendinstitut of Munich (Fort- und Weiterbildung frühpädagogischer Fachkräfte im europäischen Vergleich' ) .


From January 2010 to October 2011  she was involved in the European project ‘Study on competence requirements for staff in early childhood education and care' commissioned by the Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) of the European Commission and jointly conducted by the University of East London (Mathias Urban) and by the University of Ghent, Belgium (Michel Vandenbroeck, Jan Peeters and Katrien Van Laere).