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Arianna Bassi

Research fellow

Department of Cultural Heritage

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 199KB )

Educational background

I began my undergraduate studies by earning a bachelor’s degree in 'Philosophy, International and Economic Studies' (PISE) from Ca' Foscari University of Venice in 2020, with a thesis entitled "Re-Appropriation of the Past and Creation of a New National Narrative in East-Central Europe-The Hungarian Case." The thesis research was conducted in part during the exchange semester I took part in through the Erasmus+ program, between September 2019 and January 2020, at ELTE University in Budapest, Hungary.

I completed my studies at the master’s degree in 'International Cooperation for Human Rights and Cultural Heritage' (I-CONTACT), at the University of Bologna in 2023, with a thesis entitled "The Rights of Deaf People in Italy: between accessibility, representation and awareness. An Anthropological Approach." During my MA, I had the opportunity to spend a semester at Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkey, thanks to the Erasmus + program (February 2022-July 2022).

Research Activities

January 2023-ongoing. Research Fellow at the Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna within the RESTART project, 'REsilience and Territorial Development - Heritage At Risk and Protection'.

Professional Curriculum

11/2020 - 08/2022. Tutor of the I-CONTACT master's program, at the University of Bologna. Main Duties: supporting Italian and foreign students; participating in course presentation and informational events; Supporting faculty and administrative staff.

10/2022-01/2023. Collaboration with the internationalization sector of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna. Main Duties: organization and active participation in a cycle of seminars on the Erasmus + Studio 2023-2024 Call for Proposals; mentoring activities to support students interested in the exchange, drafting Vademecum and information materials.

05/2022-05/2023. Collaboration At Flaminia Foundation, volunteer Universal Civil Service (UCC). Communications assistant (promoting events and initiatives on social media, managing Flaminia, Tecnopolo and CIFLA websites, and writing the newsletter) and project management assistant (updating project sites, attending alignment meetings, back-office activities and research).

1/2023- 12/2023. Tutor for the one-year Master program in 'Human Rights, Migration and Pathways to Inclusion', implemented by the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the Flaminia Foundation. Main Duties: logistical and organizational support to administrative offices; teaching and logistical support to faculty.

4/2023-ongoing. Social Secretarial Associate at the Ente Nazionale Sordi (ENS), provincial section of Ravenna. Main duties: support for deaf and hard of hearing people; coordination or support for coordination of accessibility and awareness projects.


Bachelor’s Dissertation - Bassi, A. (2020), “Re-Appropriation of the Past and Creation of a New National Narrative in East-Central Europe-The Hungarian” Case. Supervisor: Professor Giulia Delogu. Part of the thesis research was conducted between September 2019 and January 2020, at ELTE University in Budapest, Hungary.

Master’s Dissertation- Bassi, A. (2023), "The Rights of Deaf People in Italy: between accessibility, representation and awareness. An Anthropological Approach." Supervisor: Professor Vanessa Grotti; Co-Rapporteur: Dr. Edgarda Samaritani. Thesis research conducted between September 2022 and May 2023, collecting qualitative data through participatory observation technique and through individual and semi-structured interviews.

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