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Antonio Clemente Domenico Panaino

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Beni Culturali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: L-OR/14 FILOLOGIA, RELIGIONI E STORIA DELL'IRAN


Antonio Panaino, Through the Mirror of Chess: A Cultural Exploration, ideasroadshow, 2023 [Audiovisivi]

Antonio Panaino, A Brief Addendum to The Star of Bethlehem […], in: AAVV, Studi Iranici Ravennati IV, Milano - Udine, Mimesis, 2022, pp. 119 - 127 (INDO-IRANICA ET ORIENTALIA, SERIES LAZUR.) [capitolo di libro]

Antonio Panaino, ABĒBĪM “Fearless”. Who Was Afraid of the End of the Millennium? New Approaches to the Interpretation of the Traditional Date of Zoroaster, Milano - Udine, Mimesis, 2022, pp. 174 (INDO-IRANICA ET ORIENTALIA, SERIES LAZUR.). [libro]

Antonio Panaino, Between Semantics and Pragmatics: Origins and Developments in the Meaning of dastgerd. A New Approach to the problem, in: Sasanian Studies: Late Antique Iranian World / Sasanidische Studien: Spätantike iranische Welt., Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2022, pp. 215 - 242 (VERÖFFENTLICHUNGEN ZUR IRANISTIK) [capitolo di libro]

Antonio Panaino, Dating-Constructions and Other Problems In the Old Persian Calendar, in: AAVV, Dādestān ī Dēnīg. Festschrift for Mahmoud Jaafari-Dehaghi, Tehran, FARHANG MOASER PUBLISHERS, 2022, pp. 277 - 309 [capitolo di libro]

Antonio Panaino, Le collège sacerdotal avestique et ses dieux. Aux origines indo-iraniennes d’une tradition mimétique (Mythologica Indo-Iranica II), Begijnhof 67, B-2300 Turnhout, Brepols Publishers N.V./S.A,, 2022, pp. 328 (BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE L'ÉCOLE DES HAUTES ÉTUDES. SCIENCES RELIGIEUSES). [libro]

Antonio Panaino, Le gētīg dans le mēnōg et le système chiliadique mazdéen selon la réflexion de Marijan Molé, in: AAVV, À la recherche de la continuité iranienne : de la tradition zoroastrienne à la mystique islamique. Recueil de textes autour de l’œuvre de Marijan Molé (1924-1963), Begijnhof 67, B-2300 Turnhout, Brepols Publishers N.V./S.A, Begijnhof 67, B-2300 Turnhout, 2022, Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses. (BEHE) 193, pp. 129 - 145 (atti di: Between Zoroastrianism and Islam International conference on the work of Marijan Molé, École française d’Extrême-Orient – 22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, Friday, June 24, 2016,) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Antonio Panaino, L’escatologia iranica dalle origini all’apocatastasi attraverso la crisi apocalittica, «RSB. RICERCHE STORICO BIBLICHE», 2022, 34, pp. 25 - 52 [articolo]Open Access

Antonio Panaino, New Reflections on the Representation of the Planets in Ancient Iran and their Demonization, «The Journal of the K. R. Cama Oriental Institute», 2022, 76, Article number: 4, pp. 95 - 160 [articolo]

Antonio Panaino, Observations on the Transmission Routes of the Egyptian Solar Model to the Ancient Iranian World, in: AAVV, Древен Египет, светът на Средиземноморието и Изтока. Сборник в чест на 60 години от рождението на проф. дин Сергей Игнатов / Ancient Egypt, the World of the Mediterranean and the East. Collected Essays in honor of the 60th Anniversary of Prof. Sergei Ignatov, Sophia, New Bulgarian University, 2022 Bulgarian Institute of Egyptology Department of Mediterranean and Eastern Studies, 2022, pp. 197 - 213 [capitolo di libro]

Antonio Panaino, PARADISE, the concept of., in: AAVV, Encyclopaedia Iranica Online, Leiden, Brill, 2022, pp. N/A - N/A (Encyclopaedia Iranica Online) [voce di enciclopedia/dizionario]

Antonio Panaino, Race, Ritual and Oral Poetry About OAv. dąmōiš uruuaēsē apə̄mē, apə̄mē aŋhə̄uš uruuaēsē, and YAv. ustəme uruuaēse gaiiehe, in: AAVV, The Reward of the Righteous. Festschrift in Honour of Almut Hintze, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2022, pp. 385 - 398 (IRANICA) [capitolo di libro]

Antonio Panaino, Recensione a: Recensione al volume: Mélanges James Howard-Johnston, edited by Phil BOOTH & Mary WHITBY, Paris, Association des Amis du Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance 2022 (Collège de France - CNRS. Centre de Recherche d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, Travaux et Mémoires, 26), 792 pagg. [ISBN 978-2-916716-87-9]., «BIZANTINISTICA», 2022, 23, pp. 180 - 184 [recensione]

Antonio Panaino, “Seguendo la luce della stella. Il cammino dei Magi nel dialogo Oriente – Occidente”, Conferenza tenuta Mercoledì 5 gennaio 2022, nel salone di Palazzo Tozzoni i Musei Civici di Imola, Bologna., Imola, Musei Civici di Imola, 2022 [Audiovisivi]

Antonio Panaino, Andrea Piras, Paolo Ognibene (a cura di): AAVV, Studi Iranici Ravennati IV, Milano - Udine, Mimesis, 2022, pp. 434 (INDO-IRANICA ET ORIENTALIA, SERIES LAZUR.). [curatela]