Bellucci A; Masina S; Dipietro P; Navarra A, Using temperature-salinity relations in a global ocean implementation of a Multivariate data assimilation scheme, «MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW», 2007, 135, pp. 3785 - 3807 [Scientific article]
Carril AF; Menendez CG; Navarra A, Climate response associated with the Southern Annular Mode in the surroundings of Antarctic Peninsula: A multimodel ensemble analysis, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2005, 32, Article number: L16713 , pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]
Gualdi S; Alessandri A; Navarra A, Impact of atmospheric horizontal resolution on El Nino Southern Oscillation forecasts, «TELLUS. SERIES A, DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY», 2005, 57, pp. 357 - 374 [Scientific article]
Masson S; Luo JJ; Madec G; Vialard J; Durand F; Gualdi S; Guilyardi E; Behera S; Delecluse P; Navarra A; Yamagata T, Impact of barrier layer on winter-spring variability of the southeastern Arabian Sea, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2005, 32, Article number: L07703 , pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]
Behera SK; Luo JJ; Masson S; Delecluse P; Gualdi S; Navarra A; Yamagata T, Paramount impact of the Indian Ocean dipole on the East African short rains: A CGCM study, «JOURNAL OF CLIMATE», 2005, 18, pp. 4514 - 4530 [Scientific article]
Navarra A, The Climate Dilemma, in: Extreme Weather Events and Public Health Responses, DEU, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 3 - 12 [Chapter or essay]
Navarra A; Tribbia J, The coupled manifold, «JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES», 2005, 62, pp. 310 - 330 [Scientific article]
Masina S; Di Pietro P; Navarra A, Interannual-to-decadal variability of the North Atlantic from an ocean data assimilation system, «CLIMATE DYNAMICS», 2004, 23, pp. 531 - 546 [Scientific article]
Carril AF; Navarra A; Masina S, Ocean, sea-ice, atmosphere oscillations in the Southern Ocean as simulated by the SINTEX coupled model, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2004, 31, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]
Guilyardi E; Gualdi S; Slingo J; Navarra A; Delecluse P; Cole J; Madec G; Roberts M; Latif M; Terray L, Representing El Nino in coupled ocean-atmosphere GCMs: The dominant role of the atmospheric component, «JOURNAL OF CLIMATE», 2004, 17, pp. 4623 - 4629 [Scientific article]
Raicich F.; Pinardi N.; Navarra A., Teleconnections between Indian monsoon and Sahel rainfall and the Mediterranean, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY», 2003, 23, pp. 173 - 186 [Scientific article]