Foto del docente

Antonio Navarra

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-04/C Oceanography, Meteorology and Climatology


Zhou TJ; Wu B; Scaife AA; Bronnimann S; Cherchi A; Fereday D; Fischer AM; Folland CK; Jin KE; Kinter J; Knight JR; Kucharski F; Kusunoki S; Lau NC; Li LJ; Nath MJ; Nakaegawa T; Navarra A; Pegion P; Rozanov E; Schubert S; Sporyshev P; Voldoire A; Wen XY; Yoon JH; Zeng N, The CLIVAR C20C project: which components of the Asian-Australian monsoon circulation variations are forced and reproducible?, «CLIMATE DYNAMICS», 2009, 33, pp. 1051 - 1068 [Scientific article]

Navarra A; Gualdi S; Masina S; Behera S; Luo JJ; Masson S; Guilyardi E; Delecluse P; Yamagata T, Atmospheric horizontal resolution affects tropical climate variability in coupled models, «JOURNAL OF CLIMATE», 2008, 21, pp. 730 - 750 [Scientific article]

Gualdi S; Scoccimarro E; Navarra A, Changes in Tropical Cyclone Activity due to Global Warming: Results from a High-Resolution Coupled General Circulation Model, «JOURNAL OF CLIMATE», 2008, 21, pp. 5204 - 5228 [Scientific article]

Carril AF; Gualdi S; Cherchi A; Navarra A, Heatwaves in Europe: areas of homogeneous variability and links with the regional to large-scale atmospheric and SSTs anomalies, «CLIMATE DYNAMICS», 2008, 30, pp. 77 - 98 [Scientific article]

Cherchi A; Masina S; Navarra A, Impact of extreme CO2 levels on tropical climate: a CGCM study, «CLIMATE DYNAMICS», 2008, 31, pp. 743 - 758 [Scientific article]

Mariotti A; Zeng N; Yoon JH; Artale V; Navarra A; Alpert P; Li LZX, Mediterranean water cycle changes: transition to drier 21st century conditions in observations and CMIP3 simulations, «ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2008, 3, Article number: 044001 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]

Hoskins P; SchopfP; NAVARRA A, Modelling the Atmospheric, Oceanic and Coupled System, in: Seasonal Climate: Forecasting and Managing Risk, DEU, Springer-Verlag, 2008, pp. 127 - 161 (NATO SCIENCE SERIES. SERIES IV, EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES) [Legal Commentary]

Bellucci A; Gualdi S; Scoccimarro E; Navarra A, NAO-ocean circulation interactions in a coupled general circulation model, «CLIMATE DYNAMICS», 2008, 31, pp. 759 - 777 [Scientific article]

Alessandri A; Navarra A, On the coupling between vegetation and rainfall inter-annual anomalies: Possible contributions to seasonal rainfall predictability over land areas, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2008, 35, Article number: L02718 , pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]

Pinardi, Nadia; Bonazzi, A.; Scoccimarro, E.; Dobricic, S.; Navarra, A.; Ghiselli, A.; Veronesi, P., Very Large Ensemble Ocean Forecasting Experiment Using the Grid Computing Infrastructure, «BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY», 2008, 89, pp. 799 - 804 [Scientific article]

Drbohlav HKL; Gualdi S; Navarra A, A diagnostic study of the Indian Ocean dipole mode in El Nino and non-El Nino years, «JOURNAL OF CLIMATE», 2007, 20, pp. 2961 - 2977 [Scientific article]

Vichi M; Masina S; Navarra A, A generalized model of pelagic biogeochemistry for the global ocean ecosystem. Part II: Numerical simulations, «JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS», 2007, 64, pp. 110 - 134 [Scientific article]

Alessandri A; Gualdi S; Polcher J; Navarra A, Effects of land surface-vegetation on the boreal summer surface climate of a GCM, «JOURNAL OF CLIMATE», 2007, 20, pp. 255 - 278 [Scientific article]

Cherchi A; Navarra A, Sensitivity of the Asian summer monsoon to the horizontal resolution: differences between AMIP-type and coupled model experiments, «CLIMATE DYNAMICS», 2007, 28, pp. 273 - 290 [Scientific article]

Cherchi A; Gualdi S; Behera S; Luo JJ; Masson S; Yamagata T; Navarra A, The influence of tropical Indian Ocean SST on the Indian summer monsoon, «JOURNAL OF CLIMATE», 2007, 20, pp. 3083 - 3105 [Scientific article]

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