Foto del docente

Antonio Curci

Full Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: ARCH-01/G Methodologies for Archaeological Research

Director of Organisational Unit (UOS) Ravenna of Department of History and Cultures



The main research activity is carried out within the Archeozoologia field.

Since 2007, the coordinated "ArcheoLabio" Departmental Research Center has focused its work on a project on the knowledge of Bronze Age Liturgy strategies on archeobotanical and archeozoological basis, through the comparison of flat-topped dwellings and Sites in northern Italy, in collaboration with the University of Salento and the University of Turin. In particular, bioarchaeological investigations are ongoing in several sites referable to the Bronze Age (Solarolo, Monterenzio Vecchio, Lavagnone). Within all of these projects, the main research lines have been directed mainly towards the reconstruction of the relationship between man and animal in antiquity, the study of mammalian domestication, the analysis of seasonality and the environmental reconstruction.

As far as the proper archaeological research is concerned, this is aimed at the cultural part of the study of the first productive economies of south-eastern Italy. In particular, excavations are underway at the San Biagio cave at Ostuni (Brindisi) to study the ritual attendance of this cavity during the Neolithic and Eneolithic times. For the same context, the crimpo-typological framing of the various materials found is ongoing.

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