Foto del docente

Antonino Rotolo

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-17/A Philosophy of Law

Curriculum vitae

1. Personal Information

Date of Birth: 30th January, 1971
Nationality: Italian


Alma Human AI
University of Bologna
Via Galliera, 3
I-40121 Bologna
Phone: 0039-051-277242
Fax: 0039-051-260782

2. Detailed CV

2.1. Current Employment

Professor, Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna, Italy


2.2. Employment History

15 September 2014 - : Professor, Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna, Italy.

1 October 2007-15 September 2014: Associate Professor, Law Faculty, University of Bologna, Italy.

2002-1 October 2007: Lecturer, Law Faculty, University of Bologna, Italy.

2000-2002: Postdoc research position at CIRSFID, University of Bologna, Italy.


2.3. Education

2000. PhD in Philosophy of Law, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

1998-1999. Visiting PhD student Dept. of Computer Science King's College London.

1995. Degree in Philosophy - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.


2.4. Research

2.4.1. Statement of Research Interests

Antonino Rotolo's research interests include Logics for Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Law, Philosophical Logic, Normative Reasoning, Non-Classical Logics, Non-Monotonic Reasoning, and the Foundations of Practical Reason, Legal Informatics.


2.4.2. Grants (selected)

2022-. Project Coordinator and UniBO Coordinator, UNI 4 JUSTICE “Universitas per la Giustizia. Programma per la qualità del sistema giustizia e per l'effettività del giusto processo”, PON Governance e Capacità Istituzionale 2014-2020 (2022-2023)

2022- Task leader, PE01 - "Future Artificial Intelligence Research" FAIR - PNRR, Spoke 8 – Pervasive AI

2021-. WP Leader, European Research Project RItrainPlus “Research Infrastructure Training Plus” (H2020-INFRASUPP-2020-2, 101008503)

2021-2021. UniBO Scientific Coordinator, European Research Project Una.Resin “Towards a common Una Europa RESearch and INnovation ecosystem” (H2020-IBA-SwafS-Support-1-2020, 101017416)

2019-2020. UniBO Scientific Coordinator, "Establishing a Regional Research Team Europe in the Framework of the World Humanities Report”, Volkswagen Foundation

2016-. CROWD-FUND-PORT - Central European Crowd-funding Support (Interreg Central Europe).

2015-. MIREL - MIning and REasoning with Legal texts (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015).

2006-2008. European Research Project “European project for Standardized Transparent Representations in order to Extend Legal Accessibility (ESTRELLA, IST-4-027655)

2003-2004. “Società di agenti, istituzioni e diritto. Prospettive logico-filosofiche”, Università di Bologna.

2002. European Research Project “A Logical Framework for Ethical Behaviour between Infohabitants in the Information Trading Economy of the Universal Information Ecosystem” (EU IST FET UIE project ALFEBIITE, IST-1999-10298).

2000-2002. Borsa post-dottorato, Università di Bologna.

1999-2000. “Ritrattabilità (Defeasibility) del ragionamento normativo: per una definizione di un modello formale di ragionamento ampliativo nel diritto” (Progetto giovani ricercatori), Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.


2.5. Scholarly Activities

2.5.1. Leadership Activities

Board Member, Erasmus Mundus LAST-JD “Joint International Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree in Law, Science and Technology”, Università di Bologna. 

Assistant Editor of Ratio Juris: An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law (Oxford, Blackwell Publishers) and A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence (Dordrecht, Springer).

Member of the Programme Committee of international conferences and workshops.

2005. Visiting scholar, School of ITEE, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

2001. Visiting scholar, School of Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technology, QUT, Brisbane Australia.

2000. Visiting scholar, School of Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technology, QUT, Brisbane Australia.

1998-1999. Member of the Logic and Computation Group, Dept. of Computer Science, King's College London.


2.5.2. Reviewing Activities

Reviewer for international journals (among them, Artificial Intelligence and Law, Dordrecht, Springer, and Ratio Juris, Oxford, Blackwell), and for international conferences and workshops.


2.5.3. Invited Talks (selected)

27 May 2015. “Deontic Defeasible Reasoning in Legal Interpretation: Two Options for Modelling Interpretive Arguments”. ACLE Law Seminar Series, Amsterdam Center for Law & Economics, Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam.

1 March 2014. “Logics for Normative Supervenience”. Workshop on Supervenience and Normativity, University of Montreal, Canada.

3 December 2013. “Challenging Issues in Argumentation Theory: Lessons from Jurisprudence and AI and Law”. ARGAIP Workshop, Università di Torino.

17 May 2013. “Social Agency, Reinforcement and Vicarious Learning, and Legal Compliance: Results from Agent-Based Simulations”. The Normative Mind: Dimensions of Decision-Making, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

29 May 2012. “Arguing about Legal Concepts and Norm Applicability using Theory Revision and Inferences to the Best Theory”. Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

28 May 2012. “God's Omniscience: A Formal Analysis in Normal and Non-normal Epistemic Logics”. Copernicus Center, Krakow, Poland.

12 March 2012. “The Use and Meaning of Norms in MAS”. NorMAS workshop, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.

23 December 2011. “Arguing about Legal Concepts and Norm Applicability using Theory Revision and Inferences to the Best Theory”. Multi-Agent Organisation Workshop, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.

19 August 2011. “Constitutive Rules and Coherence in Legal Argumentation”. Workshop on Legal Argumenation at IVR 2011, Frankfurt, Germany.

6 July 2010. "Compliance in Multi-agent Systems", Workshop on Norm Compliance, EUI, Fiesole.

18 January 2010. "Modeling Legal Dynamics in Defeasible Logic". Formal Models of Norm Change 2 Workshop, University of Amsterdam.

10 September 2009. "Argumentation Semantics for Temporal Defeasible Logic". COST AT Argumentation day. Università di Torino.

12 May 2008. “The Grammar of Social Practices and the Connection between Law and Morality”. Conference “Inclusive Legal Positivism And Beyond: The Perspective Of Jules Coleman”. University of Bologna.

29 November 2007. “Legal Modifications in Temporal Defeasible Logic”, Workshop “Formal Models of Norm Change”, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

1-7 August 2007: IVR Workshop on Legal Argumentation. Presentation “On the Argumentative Role of Performative Contradictions”.

6 October, 2006. “Inferentialism, Social Practices, and the Connection between Law and Morality”, Workshop “The Rules of Inference: Inferentialism in Law and Philosophy”, Università Bocconi, Milano.

25 July 2006. “The Grammar of Social Practices: From Cooperation to Morality”, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel - Juristisches Seminar, Germany.

25 April 2006. “Modelling Intentions and Motivational Attitudes in Defeasible Logic”, University of Luxembourg, Department of Computer Science FTST, Luxembourg.

11 November 2005. “The Claim to Correctness and Inferentialism”, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel - Juristisches Seminar, Germany.

6 September 2005. “Programming Cognitive Agents in Defeasible Logic”, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

2 September 2005. “Modelling Intentions and Motivational Attitudes Defeasible Logic”, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.

22 August 2001. “Towards a Logical Framework for Computing Classes of Nonmonotonic Deductive Relations”, School of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia.

12 August 2001. “Formal Representation of Normative Reasoning”, School of Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technology, QUT, Brisbane Australia.

28 August 2000. “Logical Approaches to Reasoning by Analogy. Some General Remarks and Applications to Normative Reasoning”, School of Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technology, QUT, Brisbane Australia.

10 February1999. “Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Conditional Logic”, Department of Computer Science, King's College London.


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