Foto del docente

Antonello Lorenzini

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-07/A Biochemistry

Curriculum vitae

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(Updated at December 1st 2020)

CV Content


Professional Experience

Academic Activities

Peer Review Activities

Evaluator, Sponsor and Consultant role and Popular Science Activities

Teaching (Academic level)

Teaching (Science communicator role)


Scientific Production


High School

Scientific High School, Liceo Scientifico “Pacinottti” Diploma di Maturità Scientifica, 1989, graduation with 56/60.

Bachelor and Master

- 1989-1995. University of Pisa (Italy), Bachelor plus Master in Biology (5 years program with subspecialty in Physiopathology). Thesis title "Impaired adaptive capacity of pancreatic endocrine function in aging: dexamethasone effect". Laurea (Graduated with full marks and distinction: 110/110 "summa cum laude"). Mentors: Dr Vincenzo De Tata, and Prof. Zina Gori; Laboratories of Prof. Ettore Bergamini.

- 1993 INPDAI student prize for high student records.

- 1995 Prize from University of Pisa for “summa cum laude” graduation.


- 1995-2000 University of Bologna (Italy), Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Physiopathology of Aging. Thesis title “Modifications of lipid metabolism and their effects in two models of cellular aging”. Mentor: Prof. PierLuigi Biagi, Dean: Prof. Claudio Marcello Caldarera.

Specialized courses attended

- 1997 1st course of the International School on the Pathobiology of Aging, Pisa and Volterra (Italy).

- 1998 2nd course of the International School on the Pathobiology of Aging, Urbino and Ancona (Italy).

- 1999 3rd course of the International School on the Pathobiology of Aging, Pisa and San Miniato (Italy).

- 2001 9th Annual Summer Training Course in Aging Research, San Antonio TX, (U.S.A.).

- 2002 (September 24-27) Neuroendocrine systems and lifespan determination, Buck Institute Symposium 2002, Buck Institute, Novato, California (USA). (Recipient of scholarship covering registration fee, travel and accommodation)

- 2009 1st International Summer School in Artificial General Intelligence, Xiamen, (China)

- Bioinformatics course, University of Bologna, February 2-6, 2015 Bologna, Italy

- Replacement: potential and prospects for the use of aquatic organisms for scientific purposes. Course organized by the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna. Bologna 22-1-16

- Neural Stem Cells: Development and Brain Repair, A course of the Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies. Venice, Island of San Servolo May 18 - 25, 2019

Professional Experience

- 1996-1997 Science Teacher at a Bologna High School (Lindbergh Flying School) teaching: biology, geography, astronomy and earth sciences.

- 1998-2004 Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, Philadelphia, PA (U.S.A.). Principal Investigator: Vincent Cristofalo PhD.

- 2004-2006 Scientist at the Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, Wynnewood, Philadelphia, PA (U.S.A.).

- 2005-2007 Research Associate at Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA (U.S.A.).

- 2007-present, Assistant Professor (Ricercatore Universitario). Bologna University (Italy)

Academic Activities:

- Member of the tutor’s bulletin board of the Collegio Superiore of the Institute of Studi Superiori (2016-21)

- Member of the Internationalization Commission of the School of Pharmacy Biotechnology and Exercise and Sport Sciences. (Years 2013-2016).

- Member of the mobility commission of the Collegio Superiore of the Institute of Studi Superiori AA 2019-20.

- Member of the commission for the admission to the “Laurea” degree in “Scienze delle attività motorie e sportive” for the campuses of Bologna and Rimini (TOLC-F). Member for the academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.

- Member of the proposing committee for the Master in “Trattamento Integrato dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare e dell’Immagine Corporea” Direttore Prof.ssa Atti. This master is the result of a collaboration between Accademia delle Scienze della Nutrizione (ASNU), and the University of Bologna.

- Delegate for the Rector of the University of Bologna for presenting a lecture at a meeting organized by de Company “RS Rieducatore Sportivo” Bologna.

Other Academic Responsibilities

- Student thesis: supervisor for around 70 and co-supervisor for around 10 Bachelor or Master thesis in the Schools of Exercise and Sport Science, Biology and Pharmacy.

- 2007-2012 Coordinator of the animal facility of the Biochemistry Department “Moruzzi”, University of Bologna

- Enrolled in the external professors’ register of the Azienda USL di Bologna since 2019.

Past and present participation in Scientific Societies

SIB: Italian Biochemistry Society, 2008 - present

AGE: American Aging Association, 2018

SINU: Italian Society of Human Nutrition

Peer Review Activities:

Specialty Chief Editor

- Specialty Chief Editor for Frontiers in Endocrinology (Endocrinology of Aging section), 2013 – Present (Impact Factor 3.630).

Current roles in editorial boards

- Editorial board member for Biogerontology, 2016 – Present (Impact Factor 3.252).

- Editorial board member for Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (Hindawi) 2018 – Present. (Journal Impact Factor 5.076).

- Editorial board member for Gerontology (Karger) 2020Present. (Journal Impact Factor 2019, ‎3.540).

Past roles in editorial boards

- Editorial board member for Journal of Aging Research (Hindawi) 2016 – 2018 (Cite Score 3.2).

- Editorial board member for Mechanism of Ageing and Development, 2016 – 2017 (Journal Impact Factor 2015, 3.397).

- Editorial board member for Endocrinology & Diabetes Research, 2015 – 2016.

Scientific Journals, ad hoc reviewer:

  • Aging Cell
  • Aging NY
  • BioMed Research International
  • Current Aging Science
  • Frontiers in Genetics
  • International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences
  • Oncotarget
  • Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
  • Plos One
  • Public Health
  • Redox Biology
  • Rejuvenation Research
  • Seminars in cell and developmental biology
  • Seminars in Immunopathology
  • The Journal of Urology
  • Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology

Evaluator, Sponsor and Consultant role and Popular Science Activities

  • Grant Review Activity forUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata internal call “Consolidate the Foundations” July 23rd 2015.
  • Equality Impact Assessment: “walking leader” course proposal of the Servizio Sanitario Regionale dell’Emilia Romagna, a section of the project “Datti una mossa!” July 2nd 2016, Bologna.

    Participation in Scientific Committees:

  • “ACTIVE HEALTHY AGING” Sports Science and Neuroscience International Conference, 2nd-5th September 2015, Magdeburg, Germany.
  • Poster Evaluator: Meeting of the American Aging Association, Philadelphia US, 2018.
  • Poster Evaluator: 14th International Symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging, Bregenz Austria, 2018.
  • Poster Evaluator: Aging and Rejuvenation Conference, Rome Italy, 2018.
  • Abstracts Reviewer for the IAGG-ER (International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region) congress, 2019, May 23-25 in Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Conference session chair: 1st International conference on Neuroportection by Dugs, Nutraceutical and Physical Activity. June 6-7, 2019 Rimini, Italy.

- Conference session chair: International Conference on Nutrition, Obesity and Food Technology-2019 July 22-24, 2019, Rome, Italy

- President of the Examining commission for a research fellowship on the “modulation of A2A adenosine receptors as a neuroprotective strategy for Parkison disease” (SSD: BIO/10), Department QUIVI, University of Bologna, July 2020.

Internal Sponsor for recipients of Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA) Fellowships:

-Christian Sell

-Claudio Torres (September 2019)

Business consultant

- Unpaid consultant for the Application EdoApp (Cesena, Italy)

- Paid consultant for McDonald's Corporation, (Chicago, Illinois, U.S)

- Paid consultant for Alfasigma (Bologna, Italy) for project F/130026/00/X38 – CUP B81B20000140005 with title: “Ricerca preclinical e clnica su nuove forme polimorfe della rifaximina in una formulazione gastrointestinale a rilascio controllato per la terapia e la prevenzione delle recidive di condizioni patologiche caratterizate dal dismicrobismo intestinale” supported by the Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MISE) 1st July 2018.

Popular science activities:

- Answer to on “aging is avoidable?”.

- Notte dei Ricercatori (Bologna, Italy) Biologia della Longevità e dell’Immortalità, Set. 25th 2015.

- Notte Europea dei Ricercatori (Online event) inside the section “Incontra la tua salute”, production of a video on the role of lifestyle factors on longevity. Nov, 27th, 2020.

“15 minutes of fame”

Interviews by Sveva Sagramola on Italian national television (GEO, Rai 3):

“Blue Cheeses and the nutritional French Paradox” on 19-1-15.

“Nutritional qualities of berries” on 25-02-15.

“Office lunch” on 15-4-15.

Teaching (Academic level)

Invited seminars

- “The relationship between replicative senescence in vitro and aging in vivo: a comparative analysis” at the Department of Biochemistry “G. Moruzzi”, University of Bologna, (Italy) July 6, 2004.

- “The relationship between replicative senescence in vitro and aging in vivo: a comparative analysis” at the Medical School of Pisa University, (Italy) July 14, 2004.

- “A Comparative Approach to Cell Culture to Study Longevity Assuring Mechanisms” at the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center Investigators Meeting, Special Lecture Series; Sealy Center on Aging. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston TX, (USA), November 1st, 2006

- “Longevity and genome stability across mammals” The Corriel Institute, Camden, New Jersey (USA) January 2007.

Lectures and Oral presentations at scientific meetings

- “Role of the Raf/MEK/ERK and the PI3K/Akt(PKB) pathways in fibroblast senescence”.Biological Aging, 2nd Euro Conference on Normal Ageing, Longevity and Age-related Diseases. Spetses, (Greece), May 18-22. 2002 (selected oral presentation).

- “Lipids: why we should not fear them” (In Italian), Italian Society for Human Nutrition (SINU) - Italian Biochemical Society (SIB), Incontro di Studio Congiunto, Cesena, (Italy), May 31-June 1. 2007 (invited oral presentation)

- “Correlation of Species Longevity with DNA Double Strand Break-Recognition”.

Riunione Societa’ Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (SIBS) 3-31-2008, Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria, Ozzano dell’Emilia, Bologna, (Italy) (oral presentation)

- “EduSport international summer school 2008” International Network on Sport and Health Sciences, 4th Convention Bad Gleichenberg (Austria) 31-Jan, 1-Feb-2008 (oral presentation)

- “Dietary Restriction and Aging” San Marino Symposium on “La Sindrome Metabolica: effetto della nutrizione e dell’esercizio fisico”. 19-20 aprile 2008, San Marino (San Marino) (oral presentation)

- “EduSport international summer school 2009” International Network on Sport and Health Sciences, 5th Convention, Cardiff, Wales, (U.K.) 21 – 23 January 2009 (oral presentation)

-“EduSport international summer school 2010” International Network on Sport and Health Sciences, 6th Convention, Telemark, (Norway) 06-09/10/2010 (oral presentation)

- “Child Obesity - 7 days for my health” International Network on Sport and Health Sciences, 6th Convention, Telemark, (Norway) 06-09/10/2010 (oral presentation)

- “Earth 3.0: for a sustainable lifestyle” (in Italian). Primo convengo Nazionale ASAS, Bologna (Italy) 6 Novembre 2010. (invited lecture)

- “EduSport international summer school 2012” International Network on Sport and Health Sciences, 8th Convention, March, 21-25 2012, Opatija, (Croatia) (oral presentation)

- “Life style influence on health span: the role of nutrition” International Symposium: A Child in Motion for Healthy Aging, Koper, (Slovenia), 5 ottobre 2012 (lecture)

- “Unaware lifestyle and health risks” (In Italian) Secondo convegno Nazionale ASAS su Alimentazione e attività motoria: i capisaldi per la salute di una società inconsapevole, Rimini, (Italy) 20 Ottobre, 2012. (invited lecture)

- “Comparative biology of genotoxic stress resistance” 8th Forum on Oxidative Stress and Aging, Bologna (Italy) June 12th-14th 2013 (Invited lecture)

- “Comparative biology of genotoxic stress resistance”, (in Italian) Meeting of the Bologna Biochemistry School. Giornata di incontro della Scuola Bolognese di Biochimica. Bologna, 5 luglio 2013. (oral presentation)

-“Unaware lifestyle and health risks” (in Italian) Terzo convegno Nazionale ASAS su Alimentazione e attività fisica per promuovere la salute: il benessere è nelle nostre mani, Piacenza (Italy) 25-26 Ottobre, 2013. (invited lecture)

-“A cell culture comparative biology approach to study mechanisms of genome stability and their relevance for species longevity: a newer interpretation of DNA damage induced nuclear foci.” 13th FISV Congress, Pisa, Italy, September 24-27, 2014 (Abstract published in conference publication, O5.2 page 52) (selected oral presentation)

- “How much should children and adults weigh?” Key Note speaker at the 8th International Conference “A child in motion: kinesiology path of health”, Grand Hotel Bernarding, Portoroz, Slovenia,October 2nd-4th, 2014. (invited lecture)

- “Comparative Biology of Longevity: insights from cell culture studies on genomic stability”. Asian Aging Core for Longevity Conference “2006-2015, 10 years and Beyond”. March 10-13, 2015. Osaka, Japan (Invited plenary lecture)

- “mTOR in signaling of aging and longevity” Open Discussion Forum of the Asian Aging Core for Longevity (AACL) with Kunihiko Yasuda at The Nara International Seminar House, March 11, 2015, Nara Park, Nara, Japan

- “Comparative Biology of Longevity: insights from cell culture studies on genomic stability”. The 6th Nagasaki-Hallym Joint Meeting on Neurobiology and Brain Aging, March 16, 2015. Nagasaki, Japan (Invited lecture)

- “Genomic stability in the evolution of body size and longevity”. The Future of Ageing. 10thEuropean Congress of Biogerontology and 6th Biogerontological Meeting at the Nencki Institute Warsaw, Poland, September 23-24 2016 (Invited lecture).

- "Convergent evolution of longevity at the cellular level". American Aging Association 47th Annual Meeting. June 27-July 1st 2018, Philadelphia, USA.

- "Convergent evolution of longevity at the cellular level". 14th International Symposium on the Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging. Bregenz, Austria, July 15-20, 2018.

-“A pro-longevity role for cellular senescence” Aging and Rejuvenaiton Conference, September 10-12 2018, Rome, Italy (invited presentation).

- “Obesity May Accelerate Aging” International Conference on Nutrition, Obesity and Food Technology-2019 July 22-24, 2019, Rome, Italy (invited presentation)

University level Teaching

The main teaching activity is at the University of Bologna (for more details see dedicated page )

University level Teaching abroad

Teaching at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, U.S.A

Academic year 2007-2008

- Topics in Biomedical Chemistry.

Graduate level course offered by Jefferson Graduate School of Biomedical Science (6 hours)

Teaching at University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia

Academic year 2014-2015

Caloric restriction, physical activity and longevity (October 1st, 2014, 6h)

Teaching at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Academic year 2014-2015

Course in Regeneration and Nutrition in Sport (1st and 2nd year students)

How much should we weigh for a long and healthy life span? (October 20th, 2014, 1h30min.)

Guidelines in Sport Nutrition (October 20th, 2014, 45min.)

Teaching at University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia

Academic year 2017-2018

Guidelines in Sport Nutrition (March 1st, 2018, 5h)

Caloric Restriction and Longevity (March 2st, 2018, 5h)

Teaching at Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France

“Comparative cellular and molecular biology of longevity”

2h lecture for the module «Ageing and longevity» for M2 students (3-12-2018).

Teaching in no-University courses:

Teaching at the School of “NUTRITION AND SUPPLEMENTS IN SPORTS” Sa.N.I.S. (Scuola di Nutrizione ed Integrazione nello Sport), Rimini, Italy

Academic year 2011-2012

- total tuitions inside the 2011-12 course (4,5 hours)

Teaching on “Nutraceutical” inside a short course entitled “Training seminar for the prescription and administration of a dose of exercise and a nutritional educational program”. Original title in Italian: lesson on “Neutracetici” in the course: ”Seminario formativo per la prescrizione e somministrazione di una dose di esercizio fisico e di un programma di educazione alimentare monitorata”

RIMINI 2012 (1h)

Teaching (Science communicator role)

Invited seminars, lectures inside short courses, workshops, round tables and other events with multiple speakers.

- “Nutritional role of Bread” (in Italian) in a WHO and FAO sponsored meeting on bread. Association of Bologna bread makers, Bologna (Italy) Nov, 11, 2007 (lecture)

- “DNA damage and Aging” (In italian), Conferenze “Pacinotti per la Scienza” Incontri con ex studenti organizzati dal Liceo Scientifico Pacinotti di La Spezia, La Spezia, (Italy) 23 january, 2010. Available on the web at:

- “Aging Physical Activity and Sedentariety” 3° Corso Girolamo Mercuriale: Apparato Cardiovascolare e Attività Fisica, Riccione (Italy), 7-9 novembre 2008.

- “The correct Nutrition for the sportive person” (In Italian), Inside the Course “Corso base di Nutrizione Umana, la biologia dell’alimentazione e la gestione della pratica sportiva, aspetti biochimici, fisiologici e psicologici” Bologna (Italy) 21-4-2012.

- “Nutraceutical” (In italian) inside a seminar dedicated to health professionals (Seminario formativo per la prescrizione e somministrazione di una dose di esercizio fisico e di un programma di educazione alimentare monitorata, Rimini, (Italy) 30 Novembre - 1 Dicembre 2012

- “The role of overweigh in oncogenesis” (In Italian) lecture inside the course intitled “Role of nutrition in the prevention of tumors” (L’Alimentazione nella Prevenzione dei Tumori) for Nutritionists, Bologna, (Italy) 9 marzo 2013

-“How Much Should We Weigh for a Long and Healthy Life Span?” and “Caloric restriction, physical activity and longevity" Workshop Kinesiology of ageing, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia, October 2nd 2014.

- Attività fisica: elisir di lunga vita. A lecture part of the symposium HEALTHY AGEING: “il futuro della longevità”. Project sponsored by the association “Donne e Tecnologie”. Milano, Italy. July 1st, 2015. See more at:

- “Healthy Style in healthy body“ (in Italian: Stile sano in corpo sano) Round table together with colleagues Alessandro Bortolotti and Anna Rita Atti for Bologna citizens organized in occasion of the event “the Night of Researchers” 25, September 2015, Bologna, (Italy).

- “Guess my age? A tour inside the biology of longevity and of immortality” (In Italian), a presentation inside the event “The night of Researchers” 25, September 2015, Bologna, Italy.

- Nutrition and correct life styles (Nutrizione e corretti stili di vita) presentation inside the event “Cancer and Nutrition” (Cancro e Alimentazione) in Italian; December 12th 2015 Meeting with Citizenship organized by Alliance Farmacie Comunali, Teatro degli Atti di via Cairoli, December 12th 2015, Rimini, Italy.

- “Nutrition and correct life styles” a presentation inside the round table “Correct Information at the base for an healthy nutrition for the youth” (In Italian: “Una corretta informazione alla base di una sana alimentazione per i giovani”) Scuole Manzoni December 14th 2015, Bologna Italy.

- “Gli elisir di lunga vita” lecture in Italian inside the conference “Sport e Stili di vita per le giovani generazioni”,an event part of RiminiWellness, 3rd June, 2016, Rimini Fiera, Rimini.

-“L’importanza della rete e il ruolo dell’Università di Bologna nell’area del welfare.” Presentazione in qualità di delegato del Rettorato all’evento “Soluzioni per una vita in salute”. 26 Novembre 2016, Bologna. Breve video dell’evento disponibile a:

-“Influenza della dieta sulla infiammazione alimenti funzionali e nutraceutici” presentazione all’interno della giornata: Il controllo integrato della infiammazione in parodontologia: alimenti funzionali, nutraceutici e fitoterapia. Bologna 28 ottobre 2017.

- La valutazione dello stile di vita nei bambini e negli adulti, Dr. Antonello Lorenzini e Dr.ssa Laura Dallolio (Biochimica e Igiene, DIBINEM) all’interno della Tavola Rotonda “PROMOZIONE, VALUTAZIONE e MONITORAGGIO DELLO STATO DI SALUTE” incontri per Le prospettive della ricerca del DIBINEM -2018-19, Giovedì 13/12/2018, Bologna, Italy.

- Session chair at the 1st International Conference on Neuroprotection 2019, 6-7, June 2019, Rimini, Italy.

- A balanced diet for better physical activity presentation inside the conference on: Movement in safety and loyalty. January 24, 2020 San Lazzaro (Bo), Italy.

- Anti-smoking centers (centro anti fumo AUSL Emilia Romagna): Participation as lecturer in a course on the new guidelines and projects (title in Italian: LOTTA AL TABAGISMO: AGGIORNAMENTO SULLE LINEE GUIDA E NUOVE PROGETTUALITÀ DI INTERVENTO (cod.4395). 21/09/2020 and 26/10/2020, Online events.


Churchman Postdoctoral Award. Recipient of a competitive Postdoctoral fellowship, Lankenau Institute for Medical Research. Wynnewood, Philadelphia, PA (U.S.A.), 2000-2002.

NIH competitive Grant R01 AG20955 - Principal Investigator Vincent J Cristofalo. Role initially of PostDoc and then Scientist. Title "Regulation of The MAP Kinase Pathway In Senescence". 2001 – 2006.

NIH competitive Grant R01 AG022443 - Principal Investigator Christian Sell, Role: Research Associate. Title "Role of IGF-1 in Modulation of Longevity". 2005 – 2010.

Project PRIN (Programmi di ricerca scientifica di Rilevante interesse Nazionale) title: “Ruolo Protettivo del Sulforafane nei confronti del danno neurodegenerative da stress ossidativo” Role: participant of the research group. Scientific Coordinator: Giorgio Cantelli Forti. 2007

Coordinator of a EU Intensive programme EduSport (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)

Coordinator since 2009 of the International Summer School in Education and Sport supported mainly by a European Union competitive Erasmus grant of the Italian Life Long Learning Programme Agency.

The Coordinator is responsible for writing the annual application to the relative EU Agency and for managing the project. This type of projects, that in the EU terminology are called Intensive Programme, are supported by a competitive grant system.

Each edition ha received since 2009 around 50 000 euro of grant support. Since 2009 the total founding received and administered so far for these intensive programme by the coordinator sum up to over 250 000 euro.

Each edition see the participation of 50 to 100 among students and professors for a minimum duration of 10 tuition days.

The International Summer School in Education and Sport is promoted by the University of Bologna, with the collaboration of:

Berzsenyi Dániel College, Szombathely, Hungary;

JH Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, Bad Gleichenberg, Austria;

University School of Physical Education, Poznan, Poland;

Telemark University College, Norway;

Otto-von-Guericke University ISPW, Magdeburg, Germany;

University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain;

University of Valencia General Study, Valencia, Spain;

Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Kaunas, Lithuania;

Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic;

J.A. Komenski State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno, Poland;

and other Universities depending from the edition.

An interview on this project is available at:

Coordinator of a EU Intensive programme Next Generation Leaders in Biology of Ageing (2014)

A two weeks summer school dedicated to PhD students involved on ageing research. Thirty students and fifteen teachers and experts have participated to this programme promoted by the University of Bologna, with the collaboration of:

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Aarhus University, Denmark

Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands

Universität Rostock, Germany

Romania University of Medicine and Phar. of Craiova, Romania

Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria

University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Universität Konstanz, Germany

Web site:

This Programme was supported by a LLP competitive Erasmus grant from the EU of about 40 000 Euro.

Research Project - “Understanding Longevity Ensuring Mechanisms by Comparing the Genetic Stability of Different Mammalian Species”, competitive funding for a two years stay, plus research materials expenses (12 000) for a visiting PhD Student by the L'Ufficio Egiziano delle Relazioni Culturali e Didattiche dell'Ambasciata della Repubblica Araba d'Egitto. Role: Italian coordinator.

Grant sponsoring a “PhD Fellowship” from the Université Franco Italienne (member of a research group; PI: ML Genova). Role: participant.

Principal investigator of the Project "Genotossicità della sigaretta a combustione, elettronica e a tabacco riscaldato". Competitive funding from the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna: Bando di ricerca medica 2nd semester 2019. 7,500 euro.

Scientific Production

Books edited

Life Span Extension: from single cell organism to man. []

EDITED BY: Sell, Christian; Lorenzini, Antonello; Brown-Borg, Holly M.

HUMANA PRESS, Aging Medicine Series. (Eds.) 2009

Book Distribution: Since its online publication on Aug 25, 2009, up to June 2013 there has been a total of 1560 chapter downloads on SpringerLink

Principi di nutrizione - Nutrizione per lo sport VOLUME 1

EDITED BY: Biagi - Di Giulio - Fiorilli – Lorenzini

Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Edizione: 2010

Alimentazione per lo Sport e la Salute - Nutrizione per lo sport VOLUME 2

EDITED BY: Biagi - Di Giulio - Fiorilli – Lorenzini

Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Edizione: 2010

Encyclopedia entry

Tresini, M, Lorenzini A, Pignolo, R. Cristofalo V.J.

Senescence and Transformation, pages 1057-1062

In The Encyclopedia of Aging, Springer Publishing Company, New York. 4th edition (February 1, 2006)

Book Chapters:

A. Lorenzini

Nutrizione: sfide moderne per una Scienza antica, Chapter 1 in Principi di nutrizione - Nutrizione per lo sport VOLUME 1 EDITED BY: Biagi - Di Giulio - Fiorilli – Lorenzini

Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Edizione: 2010

A. Lorenzini

Alimentazione nei diversi periodi della vita, Chapter 18 in Principi di nutrizione - Nutrizione per lo sport VOLUME 1 EDITED BY: Biagi - Di Giulio - Fiorilli – Lorenzini

Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Edizione: 2010

A. Lorenzini e M. Matteoni

Alimenti OGM e Fitoterapia, Chapter 7 in Alimentazione per lo Sport e la Salute - Nutrizione per lo sport VOLUME 2, EDITED BY: Biagi - Di Giulio - Fiorilli – Lorenzini

Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Edizione: 2010

A. Lorenzini e A. Vicino

Allergie e Intolleranze Alimentari, Chapter 12 in Alimentazione per lo Sport e la Salute - Nutrizione per lo sport VOLUME 2, EDITED BY: Biagi - Di Giulio - Fiorilli – Lorenzini

Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Edizione: 2010

A. Lorenzini

Invecchiamento e stile di vita, Chapter 13 in Alimentazione per lo Sport e la Salute - Nutrizione per lo sport VOLUME 2, EDITED BY: Biagi - Di Giulio - Fiorilli – Lorenzini

Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Edizione: 2010

A. Lorenzini

Il metabolismo e la sua regolazione, Capitolo 14 in Biochimica per le Scienze Motorie – EDITED BY: Di Giulio – Fiorilli – Stefanelli

Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Edizione: 2011

A. Lorenzini and A.B. Maier

Influence of donor age and species longevity on replicative cellular senescence

In Cellular Ageing and Replicative Senescence, Editors: Rattan, Suresh, Hayflick, Leonard

Vol. 4 of the Series: Healthy Ageing and Longevity, Series Ed.: Rattan, Suresh.

Springer, 2016


Domenico Tiso*, Laura Dallolio**, Antonello Lorenzini**, Stefania Toselli**; Giovanni Lorusso**; Erica Leoni**

Appendice 1 (Pag 155-158) of the book “Le Ricette dello Sportivo Come prevenire il Doping con Gusto e Tradizionalità”, Edited by Elena Alonzo, Vincenzo Romano Spica, Published in 2018 by Antonio Delfino Editore.


Oral presentation communicated by colleagues

E-cigarettes induce in vivo toxicological effects that can raise the cancer risk.

Canistro D, Vivarelli F*, Cirillo S, Buschini A, Lazzaretti M, Rodriguez-Estrada MT, Lodovici M, Lorenzini A, Marchionni S, Franchi P, Lucarini M, Paolini M.

39th National Congress of the Italian Society of Pharmacology, Florence, Italy, November 20-23 2019.

*communicated by


1) A. Lorenzini, S. Hrelia, A. Bordoni and P.L. Biagi.

Relationship between 1-adrenergic response and lipid composition in rat cardiomyocytes aged in culture.

IV National Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Research. Rimini (Italy), May 22-24, 1997.

2) P.L. Biagi, S. Hrelia, A. Bordoni, A. Lorenzini, C. Spano’ and E. Turchetto.

Essential fatty acid metabolism in primary cultures of rat cerdiomyocytes: the effect of aging

SIB: Italian Biochemical Society (Riunione Congiunta), Avellino (Italy) Jun 20-21, 1997.

3) A. Lorenzini, A. Bordoni, D.F. Horrobin, P.L. Biagi and S. Hrelia.

1-adrenergic response of rat cardiomiocytes aged in culture can be modulated by the manipulation of lipid composition.

Fourth International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids, Edinburgh (Scotland), July 20-24, 1997.

4) J.A. Lopez Jimenez, A. Lorenzini, A. Bordoni, P.L. Biagi and S. Hrelia.

Aging influence on linoleic acid metabolism in the heart: a comparative study on two models of cultured cardiomyocytes.

Fourth International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids, Edinburgh (Scotland), July 20-24, 1997.

5) S. Hrelia, A. Bordoni, A. Lorenzini and P.L. Biagi.

Impaired response to alpha-1-adrenoceptor stimulation in rat cardiomyocytes aged in culture can be overcome by lipid manipulation.

SIB: Italian Biochemical Society 42th National Congress. Ancona (Italy), September 24-27, 1997.

6) S. Hrelia, A. Lorenzini, A. Bordoni, D.F. Horrobin, and P.L. Biagi.

Gamma-linoleic acid supplementation can modulate the 1-adrenergic response of rat cardiomyocytes aged in culture.

International Conference on the Biochemistry of Lipids, Assisi (Italy), September 16-19, 1997.

7) A. Lorenzini and V.J. Cristofalo

The effect of Arachidonic Acid and the synthetic Ceramide analogues C2, C6, C8 on cell proliferation in WI-38 fibroblasts.

Gordon Research Conference on Biology of Aging: Il Ciocco (Italy), May 10-15, 1998.

8) A. Lorenzini, L. Frisoni, M.K. Francis, Cristofalo V.J.

Activation of the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway is not sufficient for serum-induced c-Fos expression.

Gordon Research Conference on Biology of Aging. Ventura, CA (USA), Jan. 30-Feb. 4, 2000.

9) Lorenzini A, Tresini M, Mawal-Dewan M, Frisoni L, Zhang H, Allen RG, Sell C, and Cristofalo VJ. Role of the Raf/MEK/ERK and the PI3K/Akt(PKB) pathways in fibroblast senescence. Biological Aging, 2ndEuro Conference on Normal Ageing, Longevity and Age-related Diseases. Spetses, (Greece), May 18-22. 2002.

(Recipient of scholarship covering registration fee and accommodation)

10) Liu Y, Li J, Lorenzini A, Sinogeeva N, Chen P, Gorospe M, Cristofalo V.J.

Constitutively active Raf induces growth arrest in WI-38 Normal Human Lung Fibroblasts: The effect of Active Raf on Chromosomal Structure and gene expression Profiles.

Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, (USA), May 3-6, 2003

Published in Pediatric Research 53 (4): 275A-275A 1572 Part 2 Suppl. S, Apr. 2003

11) Longevity in Mice Hypomorphic for the Igf1 Allele

A. Lorenzini, R. McCarter, Y. Ikeno, E. Masoro, M. Liu, V. J. Cristofalo, C. Sell

Gerontological Society of America, Annual meeting Washington, Nov. 2004

12) Replicative Senescence can be modulated by alterations in Nuclear MAP Kinase Activity.

M. Tresini, A. Lorenzini, C. Torres, V. J. Cristofalo.

Gerontological Society of America, Annual meeting Washington, Nov. 2004

Published in The Gerontologist, 2004, 44, 14

13) Replicative Senescence and Aging: a Comparative Biology Approach. A. Lorenzini, M. Tresini, M. K. Francis, S. Austad, V. J. Cristofalo.

Gerontological Society of America, Annual meeting Washington, Nov. 2004

Published in The Gerontologist, 2004, 44, 13

14) Replicative Senescence and Aging: a Comparative Biology Approach. A. Lorenzini, M. Tresini, M. K. Francis, S. Austad, V. J. Cristofalo.

American Society of Cell Biology, Annual meeting Washington, Dec. 2004

Published in Molecular Biology of the Cell 15: 93A-93A 515 Suppl. S, Nov. 2004

15) Nuclear MAP Kinase Activity Modulates Replicative Senescence. M. Tresini, A. Lorenzini, C. Torres, V. J. Cristofalo.

American Society of Cell Biology, Annual meeting Washington, Dec. 2004

Published in Molecular Biology of the Cell 15: 94A-94A 519 Suppl. S, Nov. 2004

16) Changing fibroblast replicative capacity: role of MAPKs. M. Tresini, A. Lorenzini, C. Torres, V. J. Cristofalo.

Gerontological Society of America, Annual meeting Orlando, Nov. 2005

17) A means to a DNA-end. A. Lorenzini, A. Oliver, V. J. Cristofalo, T. Stamato

Gerontological Society of America, Annual meeting Orlando, Nov. 2005

18) Increased Longevity in Mice Homozygous for a Hypomorphic Igf-I Allele

A. Lorenzini, Marco Malaguti, Roger McCarter, Yuji Ikeno, Edward Masoro, Mantao Liu, Christian Sell.

Nathan Shock Aging Center Conference on Aging: Nutrient Signaling and Aging, San Antonio, Oct. 12-15, 2006

19) Evidence that DNA-End Binding Activity is a Key Determinant of Longevity in Mammals.

A. Lorenzini, A. Oliver, V. J. Cristofalo, T. Stamato

Radiation Research Society, 53rd Annual meeting, Philadelphia (USA) Nov. 5-8, 2006.

20) Effetti dell’IGF-1 come induttore di stress ossidativo in fibroblasti umani.

M. Malaguti, A. Lorenzini, PL. Biagi,C. Sell.

XXXIV National Congress of the Italian Society for Human Nutrition (SINU) “La Nutrizione Umana Oggi tra Tecnologia e Prevenzione”, Rimini, Italy Nov 8-10. 2006

21) I lipidi: come e perche’ non temerli

P.L. Biagi e A. Lorenzini

Italian Society for Human Nutrition (SINU) - Italian Biochemical Society (SIB), Incontro di Studio Congiunto, Cesena, Italy, May 31-June 1. 2007

22) Aging in IGF-1 hypomorphic mice

C. Sell, Lorenzini A.,

Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association, June 1-4, 2007 San Antonio, Texas.

23) Correlation of Species Longevity with DNA Double Strand Break-Recognition.

A. Lorenzini.

Riunione Societa’ Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (SIBS) 3-31-2008, Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria, Ozzano dell’Emilia, Bologna, Italy.

24) A. Lorenzini, A. Oliver, M. Tresini, V.J. Cristofalo, M. Malaguti, P. Biagi, S. Hrelia and T.D. Stamato.

Is DNA double strand breaks recognition related to longevity?

53rd National Meeting of Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 23-26 September 2008, Riccione, Italy. Proceedings in Firenze University Press “Proceedings e report”, 2008, vol 43. p. 86

25) Stress-induced senescence in human and rodent astrocytes, Alessandro Bitto, Christian Sell, Elizabeth Crowe, Antonello Lorenzini, Marco Malaguti, Claudio Torres.

Tenth international Symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging, Bregenz, Austria, July 25-30, 2010. Proceedings in Experimental Gerontology vol. 46, p. 213, 2011.

26) Effects of broccoli extract supplementation and physical exercise on antioxidant defences in rat tissues E. Bandini, M. Malaguti, M.Baldini, P.Biagi, S. Hrelia, A. Lorenzini.

27) Preconditioning modulates phase II enzymes in cultured cardiomyocytes by Nrf1 and Nrf2 activation. Fabbri D., Angeloni C., Motori E., Leoncini E., Malaguti M., Lorenzini A., Caldarera C.M., Hrelia S. XVIII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Ricerche Cardiovascolari (SIRC) Imola 21-22 Ottobre 2011

28) EU sponsored 2 weeks Intensive Programme in the Biology of Aging for Master and PhD students:
Project proposal and partners search, Antonello Lorenzini and Marco Malaguti, Bregenz Vorarlberg, Austria July 29 August 3, 2012

29) University of Bologna EduSport intensive programme: a ten years history.

M. Malaguti, M. Cuconato, A. Lorenzini, 9th International Conference in Sport and Quality of life 2013, 7-8—11-2013 Brno, Czech Republic

30) A cell culture comparative biology approach to study mechanisms of genome stability and their relevance for species longevity: a newer interpretation of 53BP1 nuclear foci

E.Croco, Sell C., Stamato T., Malaguti M., Hrelia S., Lorenzini A.

13th Biennial Meeting of the German Society for Research on DNA Repair, Mainz Germany, 8th-12th September 2014.

31) A cell culture comparative biology approach to study mechanisms of genome stability and their relevance for species longevity: a newer interpretation of DNA damage induced nuclear foci.” E. Croco, S. Marchionni, M. Bocchini, T. Stamato, M. Malaguti, S. Hrelia, C. Sell, A. Lorenzini.

13th FISV Congress, Pisa, Italy, September 24-27, 2014

(Abstract published in conference publication, P5.5 page 49)

32) DNA damage markers in dermal fibroblasts in vitro reflect chronological donor age

M.E.C. Waaijer, E. Croco, R.G.J. Westendorp, P.E. Slagboom, A. Lorenzini,*, A.B. Maier,*

* These authors contributed equally

International Cell Senescence Association 2015 Conference on: Cellular Senescence: from physiology to pathology. July 19th-22nd 2015, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

33) A cell culture comparative biology approach to study mechanisms of genome stability and their relevance for species longevity: a newer interpretation of 53BP1 nuclear foci.

E. Croco, S. Marchionni, M. Bocchini, T. Stamato, M. Malaguti, S. Hrelia, C. Sell, A. Lorenzini, 40th FEBS Congress, July 4-9, 2015 Berlin, Germany; Abstract published in The FEBS journal, Volume 282 Supplement 1 July 2015

34) Cells irradiation to investigate markers of ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage

G. Compagnone, A. Lorenzini, F. Romani, E. Croco, A.L. Angelini, M. Di Donna, S. Cammelli, A.G. Morganti. AIFM (Italian Association of Medical Physic) IX National Congress – Perugia, Italy, 25-28 Feb. 2016. Abstract published in Physica Medica - European Journal of Medical Physics", Vol. 32 Suppl. 1, February 2016

IF 2015, 1,76

35) “7 giorni per conoscersi”: proposta di un diario settimanale per la raccolta delle abitudini alimentari, motorie e sedentarie nei bambini dai 6 agli 11 anni.

Laura Dallolio, Giovanni Lorusso, Marilisa Rangone, Federica Catalani, Stefania Toselli, Domenico Tiso, Erica Leoni, Antonello Lorenzini.

50° Congresso Nazionale della Società di Igiene Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica (SItI)

22-25 Novembre 2017. Torino, Italy

36) Effect of natural antioxidants on amniotic fluid stem cell cultures

Marrazzo Pasquale; Freschi Michela; Barbalace Maria Cristina; Lorenzini Antonello; Maraldi Tullia; Prata Cecilia; Angeloni Cristina; Hrelia Silvana.

VIII meeting Stem Cell Research Italy, 25-27 Maggio 2017, Chieti, Italy

37) Studio sui possibili effetti mutageni e co-cancerogeni associate all’esposizione a vapore generato da sigaretta elettronica (e-cig) nel modello animale.

Canistro D., Cirillo S., Vivarelli F., Buschini A. Lazzaretti M., Marchi L., Cardenia V., Rodriguez-Estrada M.T., Lorenzini A., Croco E., Marchionni S., Franchi P., Lucarini M., Paolini M.

18° Congresso nazionale della Societa Italiana di Tossicologia, Bologna, Italy 10-13 April 2018

38) Genotossicità della vitamina E e disregolazione dell’omeostasi redox e del metabolism degli xenobiotici.

Vivarelli F., Paolini M., Cirillo S., Marchionni S., Lorenzini A., Canistro D.

18° Congresso nazionale della Societa Italiana di Tossicologia, Bologna, Italy 10-13 April 2018

39) Co-mutagenic and pro-oxidant effects of vitamin E promote DNA damage and cell transformation in prostate.

Vivarelli F, Canistro D, Cirillo S, Papi A, Spisni E, Vornoli A, Croce CMD, Longo V, Franchi P, Filippi S, Lucarini M, Zanzi C, Rotondo F, Lorenzini A, Marchionni S, Paolini M.

39th National Congress of the Italian Society of Pharmacology, Florence, Italy, November 20-23 2019.

40) Aspetti tossicologici legati all'utilizzo dei nuovi dispositivi elettronici per il rilascio di nicotina. Canistro D; Vivarelli F; Cirillo S; Buschini A; Lazzaretti M; Cardenia V; Rodriguez Estrada M; Franchi P; Lucarini M; Lodovici M; Lorenzini A; Marchionni S; Croco E; Turrini E; Fimognari C; Burattini S; Falcieri E; Paolini M. 19° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Tossicologia. Bologna, Italy, 10-12 February 2020

Internal evaluation of research productivity by the University of Bologna

(VALUTAZIONE DELLA RICERCA DI ATENEO: VRA). The Score ranges from maximum 1,0 to minimum 0,0.

VRA 2015 score 0,60 = AA

VRA 2016 score 0,21 = B

VRA 2017 score 0,35 = A

VRA 2018 score 0,81 = AA

VRA 2019 score 0,73 = AA

National Scientific Qualifications (Abilitazioni Scientifiche Nazionali)

- National Scientific Qualification in Applied Biology for the level of associate professor (ASN, Settore Concorsuale 05/F1 - II Fascia- BIOLOGIA APPLICATA) Qualified from 04/04/2017 to 04/04/2023.

- National Scientific Qualification in Comparative Anatomy and Cytology for the level of associate professor (ASN, Settore Concorsuale 05/B2- II Fascia- ANATOMIA COMPARATA E CITOLOGIA) Qualified from 2012 to 2018.

- National Scientific Qualification in Comparative Anatomy and Cytology for the level of associate professor (ASN, Settore Concorsuale 05/B2- II Fascia- ANATOMIA COMPARATA E CITOLOGIA) Qualified from 2013 to 2019.

Total Scientific production

Co-author of 47 manuscripts in international and/or national scientific journals

Co-author of 40 abstracts at international or national scientific meetings

Editors for 3 books and 2 web sites.

Author e co-author of 8 book-chapters

Co-author of 1 encyclopedia entries.

H index (Scopus, updated at 02 12 20): 18

Total citations (Scopus updated at 02 12 20) 1047