Foto del docente

Antonella Marangoni

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-03/A Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology


Head of Scuola di Specializzazione Microbiologia e Virologia (D.i.716/2016)

Curriculum vitae

Antonella Marangoni was born in Bologna on September 21st, 1969. Married since 1991, she has two sons.

-Degree summa cum laude in Biological Science at University of Bologna, in 1993.

-Residency in Microbiology and Virology at University of Bologna in 1997, presenting a thesis on “Surface proteins and pathogenicity of Borrelia anserina” (Grade 70/70 cum laude).

-PhD in Microbiology at University of Genoa in 2002, discussing a thesis on the immunity against spirochetal infections.

She currently holds a position as Associate Professor of Microbiology, in the School of Medicine at the University of Bologna.

Her research work mainly refers to spirochetes and chlamydiae.

She has studied the interaction between Kupffer cells and spirochetes, with both in vivo and in vitro models.

The ability of several cathelicidins to kill, in vitro, borreliae, leptospirae and Treponema pallidum has been investigated and a newly identified antigen (TprI) belonging to the Tprs family has been cloned and expressed.

She has demonstrated that surface proteins in Borrelia anserina, belonging to vmp family, are the principal pathogenicity determinants in experimental infections in chicks.

She has studied the interaction between Kupffer cells and Chlamydia pneumoniae, in a mouse experimental infection model.

She has studied the epidemiology of the main bacterial sexually transmitted diseases in Italy and the role of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in inducing a dyslipidemic effect in a mouse experimental model.

Her interests are also focused on laboratory diagnosis of several infections: in particular, infections due to spirochetes, sexually transmitted diseases and maternal-foetal infections.

At present, her interest is mainly focused on the study of genital microbiota and the interactions between health promoting bacteria (as lactobacilli) and pathogens.

She was selected as a reviewer for many Journals, including Clinical Microbiology Infection, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Plos One, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, Frontiers in Microbiology and Journal of Medical Microbiology.

She is in the Editorial Board of Plos One and Case Reports in Infectious Diseases.

Her work resulted in 111 research articles, 116 contributes in national scientific meetings, and 106 contributes in international meetings.

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