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Antonella Luporini

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo b) (senior)

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne


English Language and Linguistics 3 written exams - Winter session 2024

English 3 written exams - Winter session 2024


Language/Esercitazioni 3

WHEN: January 17, 2024, 9 AM.
WHERE: Room II, LILEC Department, via Cartoleria, 5.

Linguistics/ Lezioni frontali 3

WHEN: January 19, 2024, 9 AM.
WHERE: Room II, LILEC Department, via Cartoleria, 5.

AlmaEsami lists are already visible under Prof. Luporini's name. Enrolment is compulsory and will open on Monday, 11 December.

Erasmus students, in case they cannot enrol autonomously, are kindly asked to send an email to Prof. Antonella Luporini, indicating the exam or exams they wish to sit.

For oral exams (SATs), please refer to the lists published by Prof. Marina Manfredi.

Pubblicato il: 07 dicembre 2023