Foto del docente

Antonella Luporini

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo b) (senior)

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne


English Language and Linguistics 3 exams - Summer session 2024

English Language and Linguistics 3

Written exam dates - Summer session 2024


Please note:

AlmaEsami lists to be published next week (May 6) under Prof. Luporini's name.

Enrolment is compulsory.

For details (including rooms and test administration), students are advised to read the AlmaEsami list notes carefully. 


English Linguistics/Lezioni frontali 3

May 27, 2024 starting at 9 AM.

English Language/ Esercitazioni 3

May 28, 2024 starting at 8.30 AM (several shifts foreseen).

For oral exams (SATs), students should refer to the lists that will be published by Prof. Manfredi.

Pubblicato il: 03 maggio 2024