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Professor of Classical Archeology, she holds courses in Archeology and History of Roman Art (LT, LM), Archaeologies of Vesuvian Sites (LM) and Archaeology of Romanization (Specialistic School).
In addition to the Vesuviana program (1997-) and its projects - Pompeii (1998-), DHER - Domus Herculanensis Rationes (2005-), Alibi. Paintings in the Museum (2006-), Villa Sora (2016-) and Pausilypon (2018-), she is scientific director of the research programs Ruri. Living in the territory in the Roman world (2011-), Domi. Living in the city in the Roman world and Picta fragmenta. Documenting, knowing, communicating ancient painting (2013-).
President of the AIPMA (Assoc. Internationale pour la Peinture Mural Antique, 2016-2019), Secretary of the ARPA (Italian Association of Research on Ancient Painting) and scientific director of the CESPITA (Centro Interuniversitario di Studi sulla Pittura Antica),, she has a rich bibliography .
His research interests spam from the archaeology of the ancient city to the archaeology of the production, with a particular attention for the Household Archaeology and Entanglement Studies.
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