Foto del docente

Annalisa Verza

Associate Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Curriculum vitae

Prof. Annalisa Verza

University of Bologna



Current Academic Position: Associated Professor, University of Bologna



2000 - I.T.A.L.S. Didactics certificate, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia.

1998 - Ph.D. (doctorate) in Philosophy of Law (University of Milano); Dissertation: Liberal Neutralism - The Anglo-American Debate; Supervisors: Silvana Castignone, Mario Jori.

1994 - First Degree. University of Bologna, Faculty of Law. Summa cum laude. Thesis in Philosophy of Law: Hart e i suoi critici - Il dibattito su diritto e morale.

1988 - High School Diploma at the "Celio" Liceo Ginnasio Statale for Humanities and Classics, Rovigo.


Professional and Scientific Experience

June 2022: Advisory Board member for the new journal Georgian Political Science Review (British University in Georgia)

June 2020 – to date: editorial team member in the series “Il diritto in questione” ((Ledizioni)

April 2020 – to date: editorial team member in the journal Sociologia del Diritto

2019 to date - professor of Sociology of Law in the course of Philosophy and Sociology of Law, in the Legal Studies curriculum

2018: abilitation as full professor IUS/20 (Philosophy of law).

2018 to date - professor in the courses of Didattica del diritto, Università di Bologna,Ravenna

2018 to date - editorial team member in the journal GenIUS (Philosophy of law section)

2017 e 2018 – lectures by the Scuola Superiore di Studi giuridici, Bologna, curriculum of Diritto dell’immigrazione (coordinator prof. Daniela Memmo)

2017 to date – Editorial team member in the journal Athena – A Journal of Multicultural Epistemologies.

2017 to date – Member of the collegio dei docenti in the doctorate in Legal Sciences, Università di Bologna

2017 – lecturing for the Corso di formazione permanente su Pratiche Sociali e Giuridiche sull’Accoglienza e Integrazione dei Migranti, Unibo, Ravenna (coordinator prof. Francesca Curi)

2017 - 2018 – Member of the “Farfilò” research group (research and application of the PxC methoid in education).

2016 to date – delegate of the professors in the Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche di Bologna for the interfaculty academic project PLOTINA.

2015 to date – Member of the Integrated Research Team Unibo – AlmaGender

2011 to date – Member of the Gruppo Interuniversitario sulla Soggettività Politica delle Donne

2008 to date - Member of the ISLL – Italian Society for Law and Literature

2006-2017 – Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctorate in Bioethics, University of Bologna.

2003 - Organizes by the Law Faculty, University of Bologna, two sessions of "I mercoledì di Irnerio".

From 2003, Associate editor of Ratio Juris. An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.

2001-2002-2003 – Organizer of Seminars on “People, Territory and Law in the Jewish and Muslim Tradition”, Law Faculty, University of Bologna.

2001 to-date – Appointed as Associated Professor in Sociology of Law, Bologna University (in Ravenna).

2001 – Awarded a Research position at the Bologna University, Faculty of Law

1999 - Appointed for a series of English Seminars in Philosophy of Law, University of Bologna.

1999 - Post-Doctoral grant for researches (two years) in Philosophy of Law. University of Bologna.

1999 - Member of the Editorial Staff of Ratio Juris. An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law (Basil Blackwell: Oxford).

1998-1999-2000 - Chair Assistant and Tutor (Bologna University, Faculty of Law, Chair of Philosophy of Law; University Carlo Cattaneo, Faculty of Economy, Degree in Law, Chair of Philosophy of Law; Padua University, Diploma di laurea in Operatore giuridico d'impresa: History of Commercial Law).

1997 - Visiting Scholar at Oxford University (supervisor: Joseph Raz).

1996 - Appointed as General Treasurer of the IVR (International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy), and later on as Secretary General.

1996 - Visiting Scholar at Oxford University (supervisor: Joseph Raz).

1995 - Member of the CIRFID (Interdepartmental Research Centre in Philosophy of Law and Legal Computer Science: University of Bologna).

1994 - "Cultore della materia" at the Chair of Philosophy of Law in Bologna University (Faculty of Law).


Grants and Awards

2001 - Foreign Affairs Minister Summer Scholarship Winner, University of Tel Aviv (summer 2001).

1999 - 2001 - Post-Doctorate Scholarship Holder at the Faculty of Law, University of Bologna.

1997 - C.N.R. Short-term Fellowship at the Balliol College, Oxford University, U.K.

1995 - 1998 - Grant for the Ph.D. in Analytic Philosophy and General Theory of Law (Philosophy of Law), University of Milan.

1994 - "Felice Battaglia" Prize for the best thesis in Philosophy of Law, University of Bologna.

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