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Anna Laura Mariani

Adjunct professor

Department of the Arts


Keywords: Actor/actress Dramaturgy Gender Biography Direction Theatre audience "Opera dei pupi" Performing Arts Stage Photography History of women Cross dressing Oral History

1) History of actor and actress from XIX century up to now.

2) Contemporary drama in Europe. 

3) The shaping of the female audience and theatrical reception.

4)  Biographies of actors

5) The "new" History of theatre.

6)  Cross dressing.

7) Stage Photography.

8) "Opera dei pupi".

1) Theoretical and methodological issues in studies on the actor/actress and acting. Introduction and use of gender as a category. Sources and archives. Exemples: XIX and early XX century actresses, present day actors. How acting and the work of the actor is changing in our time, so characterised by neuroscience, technology and globalisation.

2) Focus on contemporary dramaturgy in Europe. Beyond the "postdramatic": analysis of the significant texts, starting from Italy, of the Scandinavian countries and France.

3) The shaping of the bourgeois public sphere and of the male and female theatrical audiences: case studies from XIX century emancipationism to post-68 new feminism. The theater artist's relationship to the male and female spectator: present day audience experiences.

4) The artistic biography of contemporay actors in Italy.      

5) The "new" History of theatre. Figure and work of Claudio Meldolesi. Leading journals.

6) About actresses starring male characters: are Sarah Bernhardt's ideas on them still useful or the changes in society and in sexuality require new thoughts and new methods of analysis? Is it possible to talk on actresses en travesti? By studying the voice it gets possibile to discuss again  that question.

7) Launch of a research project on stage photography in Italy since the Sixties. Selection of photographers deserving further inquiry. Use of photographic sources in the History of theatre.

8) "Opera dei pupi".

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