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Anna Rosellini

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 122KB )


Family name, First name: Rosellini Anna

Date of birth: 19.03.1977

Nationality: Italian

URL for the web site:


2008, European Ph.D. in History of Architecture, Science of the Arts and Restoration, Ca’ Foscari University, IUAV University, Venice, Italy, Supervisor: Marco De Michelis

2004, Post-Graduate European Master in History of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Rome 3, Italy

2003, Single Cycle Degree/Combined Bachelor and Master in Architecture (History and Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage), Faculty of Architecture, IUAV University, Italy


2018-today, Associate Professor, Department of the Arts (DAR), University of Bologna (UNIBO), Italy

2024-today, full professor, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, France


2021-2024, Maître de conférences/Associate Professor, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, France

2021-2022, Visiting Professor, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

2015-2021, Visiting Professor, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, France

2015–2018, Senior Assistant Professor (fixed-term)/Tenure-track, DAR, UNIBO, Italy

2009–2015, Collaborateur scientifique/Senior Research Assistant, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland


2022-today, scientific coordinator of the research project “Materials and their Life” and "Ressources communes", funded by the Bonus qualité recherche BQR obtained in response to a competitive call, involving peer review, of the École d'Architecture de la Ville & des Territoires de Paris-Est.


2021-today full member of the research laboratory “Observatoire de la condition suburbaine (OCS)”, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est

2018-today scientific coordinator of the research group “Thinking through images: drawings, diagrams and other graphic devices as instruments of creation, knowledge, and communication”, University of Bologna

2017-today full member of the research group “Spaces and Actors of Collecting and connoisseurship”, University of Bologna

2014-today full member of the research unit “The Art of Building, Baukunst”, IUAV University of Venice


April 2023, Organisation of the international study day Ressources communes, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, Institut d'études avancées de Paris.

Mai 2022, Organisation of the international Study Day "Materials and their Life", École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, France

20-21 avril 2021, Organisation of the international conference "Open Arts. New Audiovisual Scenarios for the Circulation of Arts", DAR, UNIBO, Bologna LINK TO THE PROGRAM []

November-December 2020, Organisation of the international seminar "Possibilities of narratives, rituals and abstractions in art and architecture", PhD in Visual, Performing and Media Arts, Arts Department, University of Bologna. Programme: 12 and 19 November 2020, Christophe Van Gerrewey, "A Large, Finite Permutation of Specific, Discrete Variants: Dan Graham's Children's Pavilion at Chambres d'Amis"; 26 November 2020, Anna Rosellini, "Once Upon a Time... Surrealist Novels by Madelon Vriesendorp"; 10 December 2020, Zuleika Murat, "Spaces and rites in the Padua of da Carrara (1318-1405)"; 17 December 2020, Fabio Massaccesi, "Space in motion: narration between public and private in San Petronio"

May-June 2020, Organization of 5 Lectures by Lorenzo Balbi (artistic director of MAMbo - Museum of Modern Art in Bologna), "Curate as mediation and production. Theory and 5 case studies", DAMSLab, in collaboration with the Master AMaC, University of Bologna LINK TO THE PROGRAM []

January-May 2020, Organization of international seminar "EXHIBITED THOUGHT: the architecture exhibitions", DAMSLab/La Soffitta, PhDs in Visual, Performing and Media Arts (DAR) and in Architecture and Design Cultures (DA), University of Bologna LINK TO THE PROGRAM []

December, 12, 2019, Organization of the International Workshop "CURATING THE CITY, a network of art, architecture and nature curatorial events in the european cities", PhDs in Architecture and Design Cultures (DA) and in Visual, Performing and Media Arts (DAR), University of Bologna LINK TO THE PROGRAM []

2016–2019, International Meetings: "I Mercoledì di S. Cristina", UNIBO, Italy. Rosellini organized the conferences of Jacques Lucan (2016), Marco De Michelis (2018), Pierpaolo Tamburelli (2019)

October 2016, Organisation of the Second International Meeting "Actors and Vehicles of Architectural Criticism", UNIBO, Université Rennes 2, Archives de la Critique d'Art in Rennes, Italy

December 2007, Organisation of the International Meeting: "Arte e Architettura. Le cornici della Storia", IUAV University, Italy


Curator of the exhibition “Posthuman Rock”,École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, 2022

Curator, with Adiacenze, of the exhibition “Iconoplast”, CAOS - Centro per le Arti Opificio Siri, Terni, 2022

Curator of the exhibition “No DAMS!Cinquant'anni del corso di studio in Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo”, Biblioteca Internazionale e Museo della Musica, Bologna, 2021

Scientific responsible for the research related to the exhibition “Ambiguous Form Finder”, curated by AFF Architekten, České Budějovice House of Art, Budweis, CZ, 2018

Curator of the exhibition “Karsten Födinger, Graue Energie”, ARCHIZOOM exhibition space, EPFL, 2017


Participation, as speaker, in the international workshop "Storytelling. Esperienze e comunicazione del patrimonio culturale", Università di Bologna, Politecnico di Milano, Università Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, INHA, Paris, 2022. Title of the speech: "L'architecture racontée par le dessin : les œuvres de Madelon Vriesendorp aux origines de l'OMA".

Participation, as speaker, in the international conference "Italy at Work: The Italian 'Lifestyle' on Display", Politecnico di Milano, 2022. Title of the speech: "Laboratori domestici radicali".

Participation, as speaker, in the international Study Day "Materials and their Life", École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, 2022. Title of the speech: "Béton & Art : valeurs sociales et idéologiques de la matière"

Invited participation, as speaker, in the international conference, “Leçons du mardi. Nouvelles histoires”, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, Paris, 2022. Title of the speech: “Madelon Vriesendorp and the unconscious of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture”.

Invited participation, as speaker, to the international seminar, “Matière(s) de l'architecture”, École nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris-Malaquais, Paris, 2021. Title of the speech: “Födinger's talking matter”.

Invited participation, as a speaker, in the international conference “Architecture mon amour”, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est, Paris, 2020. Title of the speech: “The work of Isa Genzken: for a critical continuity of modern architecture”.

Invited participation, as speaker and member of the scientific committee, to the international conference, “Amazing Experiences of Cultural Heritage: Evocative and Immersive Paths from Museum to Landscape”, University of Bologna, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Atlas Museo, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Bologna, 2020. Title of the speech: “Exhibition scenarios of Sottsass’ alternative living”.

Invited participation, as speaker, in the international seminar “Béton Fédérateur”, ETHZ, Zurich, 2019. Title of the speech: “Primordial and Ideological Values of Matter: Concrete in Art”.

Invited participation, as a speaker, in the international conference, “Patientes recherches : redécouvertes de Le Corbusier”, Collège de France, Paris, 2019. Title of the speech: “Le Corbusier's concept of automatism, paintings and raw concrete”.

Invited participation, as speaker and member of the scientific committee, in the international conference “La Vertigine dell'archivio: Arte, collezionismo, poetiche”, University of Bologna, Bologna, 2019. Title of the speech: “AFF Architekten. Accumulations of life finds in creative archives”.

Invited participation, as speaker and member of the scientific committee, in the international conference “The experience of space: collections, museums, galleries”, University of Bologna, Bologna, 2018. Title of the speech: “Storytelling and devices for creative contemplation, from Le Corbusier to Koolhaas”.

Participation, as speaker, in the international, peer reviewed conference “Picasso. Sculptures”, Musée National Picasso, Bibliothèque Nationale de France and Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2016. Title of the speech: “Picasso's concrete sculptures”.

Invited participation, as guest speaker, in the international conference “Konstruktiv, die Formkraft der Konstruktion”, Bund Schweizer Architekten, Bern, 2016. Title of the speech: “Louis I. Kahn: Concrete and ‘nothing else’”.

Participation, as speaker, in the international, peer reviewed conference “Construction History Society, Second Annual Conference”, University of Cambridge, Cambridge 2015. Title of the speech: “Joint, growth and ornament of Kahn's cast-in-place concrete”.

Keynote at the international conference “Le Corbusier - What Moves Us...?”, Aarhus School of Architecture, Aarhus, 2015. Title of the speech: “Le Corbusier - From the synthesis of the arts to the ‘espace indicible’ of the electronic age”.

Participation, as speaker, in the international, peer reviewed conference “Le béton matière en devenir”, EPFL, Lausanne, 2011. Title of the speech: “Le Corbusier: ‘béton brut’ and ‘nouvelle stéréotomie’”.


2007–2008, Fellowship for young researchers, Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris, France

2005–2008, Fellowship to develop the Ph.D. thesis, Ca’ Foscari University, IUAV University, Venice, Italy

2006–2007, Visiting Fellow at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

2005–2006, Visiting Fellow at École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris, France


2023, 2019, Qualification to Professor of Écoles nationales supérieures d'architecture et de paysage, Ministère de la Culture, France

2019, Qualification to Maître de Conférences of Écoles nationales supérieures d'architecture et de paysage, Ministère de la Culture, France

2017, Qualification to Associate Professor, disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/18 (History of Architecture), Ministry of Education, University and Research, Italy

2017, Annual funding for research activities, Ministry of Education, University and Research, Italy

2016, Award:"Premio en la Categoría de Divulgación / Libros de la Convocatoria de Investigación", XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, Spain (essays: Kahn and low-cost concrete housing: Vacuum Formed Method for Israel, 1949, in: Eduardo Torroja 1949. Strategy to industrialise housing in post-World War II, Madrid, Fundación Eduardo Torroja, Fundación Juanelo Turriano, 2013, pp. 229 – 244, ISBN: 978-8494182006)

2014, Qualification to Maître de Conférences/Assistant Professor, CNU Sections n. 18 (“Architecture - his theories and practices”), Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France

2014, Qualification to Maître de Conférences/Assistant Professor, CNU Sections 22 (“History and civilizations”), Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France

2008, Special mention and recommendation for publication for the Ph.D. thesis, Italy


2021-today, chair of "Architecture 1920-1980. Experiments on alternative collective habitat", Bachelor in Architecture, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, France

2021-today, chair of "Architecture and Art", Bachelor in Architecture, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, France

2021-today, chair of "History of materials", École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, France

2021-2022, chair of "Art and Architecture", École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

2021-2022, chair of "Digital Curation. Organising Art and Media Products", Collegio Superiore, Istituto di Studi Superiori, UNIBO

2020-today, chair of "Exhibition spaces: cultural visions and creative processes" (30h course), Second cycle degree/two years master in AMaC - Arts, Museology and Curatorship, UNIBO, Italy

2019-2021, chair of "Theories and practices of art and architecture" (30h course), Second cycle degree/two years master in Visual Arts, UNIBO, Italy

2019-2020, chair of "Casts of space, mnemosyne and ruins" (8h Seminar), Collegio Superiore, Istituto di Studi Superiori, UNIBO

2018–2020, chair of "Spaces of contemporary art" (30h course), Second cycle degree/two years master in Visual Arts, UNIBO, Italy

2016–2019, chair of "History of architecture II" (90h course), Single Cycle Degree/Combined Bachelor and Master in Architecture and Building Engineering, UNIBO, Italy

2015-today, chair of "Contemporary architecture" (30h course), Second cycle degree/two years master in Visual Arts, UNIBO, Italy

2015-today, chair of "History of contemporary architecture" (30h course), First cycle degree/bachelor in Drama, Art and Music Studies, UNIBO, Italy

2015-today, chair of "Introduction to theories and history of architecture" (18h course), Bachelor in Architecture, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, France

2013–2014, Assistant, "Visual arts and architecture. Interpretive paradigms", prof. Marco De Michelis (24h course), Master in Architecture, EPFL, Switzerland

2012–2015, Lecturer, "History of concrete" (24h course), Master in Architecture, EPFL, Switzerland

2011–2012, Assistant, "History of art", prof. Michel Thévoz (24h course), Master in Architecture, EPFL, Switzerland


Supervisor of 2 Ph.D. Students, Ph.D. in Visual, Performing and Media Arts, University of Bologna.


2018-today, Coordinator of the AMaC Program (two years international master in Arts, Museology, and Curatorship), UNIBO, Italy

2018-2021, Deputy director, Department of the Arts (DAR), UNIBO, Italy

2015-today, Academic commission member, DAR, UNIBO, Italy: Commission for Didactic; Commission for internationalization

2009–2015, Team Member (Senior Research Assistant) and Coordinator of the research group, project: FMWK 1870-2008, ERC-ADG, (G.A. n. 230394), EPFL, Switzerland


2021, Scientific Committee member, IIC. L'Industria Italiana del Cemento, Associazione Italiana Tecnico Economica del Cemento (AITEC), Roma, Italy

2021, Jury member, Master degrees in Architecture, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, France

2020, Jury member, Master degrees in Architecture, École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, Paris-Est, France

2019, Jury member, Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Portugal

2019, Scientific Committee member, International Conference, "La vertigine dell’archivio. Arte, collezionismo, poetiche", DAR, UNIBO, Italy

2018, Scientific Committee member, International Conference, "L’esperienza dello spazio: collezioni, musei, gallerie", DAR, UNIBO, Italy

2018-today, Scientific Committee member, DAMSLab, DAR, UNIBO, Italy

2018-today, Editorial Board member, European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes (CPCL), UNIBO, Italy

2017-today, Scientific Committee member, Editorial series: Artype, aperture sul contemporaneo, UNIBO, Italy

2017-today, Scientific Committee member, Journal: Histories of Postwar Architecture, UNIBO, Italy

2017, Jury member, Competitions for Designers (CODE), Competition title: The wall

2015, Scientific Committee member, International Conference, "Le Corbusier. What Moves Us?", Aarhus School of Architecture


2019-today, Faculty member of the Ph.D. in Visual, Performing and Media Arts, DAR, UNIBO

2010-today, Faculty member of the Collegio Superiore, Istituto di Studi Superiori, UNIBO

2022-today, Member of the Commission Régionale du Patrimoine et de l’Architecture (CRPA), Île-de-France

2022-today, Member of the Society for Artistic Research SAR, Amsterdam