Anna Meldolesi graduated cum laude in Biological Sciences at the University of Bologna in 1996. She earned a master degree cum laude in Science Communication at the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste in 1998.
Current activities in science journalism:
Adjunct professor of Science journalism at IULM University, post-graduate level (Milan, Italy), from 2019 to the present.
Regular contributor to the leading Italian newspaper Corriere della sera and related publications, from 2011 to the present (RCS, Milan, Italy). Science&bioethics columnist at the weekly magazine 7/Sette from 2022 to the present.
Regular contributor to the Italian edition of the magazine Scientific American, from 2018 to the present (Gedi, Rome, Italy).
Blogger at CRISPeR Mania/CRISPeR Frenzy (Italian and English versions), from 2017 to the present.
Past activities in science journalism:
Contributor to Nature Biotechnology, from 2000 to 2013 (Nature Publishing Group)
Co-founder and editor at large at Darwin magazine, from 2004 to 2012 (Editoriale Darwin, Rome, Italy)
Columnist for the newspaper Il Riformista, from 2002 to 2011 (Edizioni Riformiste, Rome, Italy)
Books authored:
Subject: epidemiology. Title: “A shelter from the pandemic” with Andrea Crisanti (Big Ideas/European Investment Bank, 2022).
Subject: genome editing. Title: “E l’uomo creò l’uomo. CRISPR e la rivoluzione dell’editing genomico” (Bollati Boringhieri, 2017; updated edition 2021).
Subject: cultural history and psychology. Title: “Elogio della nudità” (Bompiani, 2015).
Subject: demography and prenatal sex selection. Title: “Mai nate. Come il mondo ha perso 100 milioni di donne” (Mondadori Università, 2011).
Subject: agricultural biotechnology. Title: “OGM. Storia di un dibattito truccato” (Einaudi, 2001).
Subject: molecular anthropology. Title: “La costola di Eva. Come l’antropologia molecolare ha rivoluzionato lo studio delle nostre origini (Cuen, 1999).
Books coauthored:
Subject: gender. Title: Parola di donna (edited by Ritanna Armeni, Salani Editore, 2011)
Subject: bioethics. Title: Biblioetica (edited by Corbellini, Donghi and Massarenti, Einaudi 2006)
Further writings entries on biotechnology for Enciclopedia Treccani; longreads on science policies for cultural/political magazines including Limes, MicroMega, ItalianiEuropei.
Special Prize from the Italian Observatory on Rare Diseases (OMaR) in 2019 for the book and the blog on genome editing.
Silver medal at Galileo Literary Prize for science communication in 2018 for the book on genome editing.
Capo d’Orlando Award for science communication in 2016.
Premio Anima for journalism in 2012.
European Award for Journalism in Genetics-Marino Golinelli in 2000.
Scientific committee of the “Festival della Scienza” held in Genoa, Italy.
Committee for Laicity in Public Institutions, Turin, Italy.