Foto del docente

Angelo Carbone

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-01/A Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions and Applications

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Advanced Methods in Particle Physics


Particle physics at the colliders: particle physics aims to study the fundamental forces of Nature and answer fundamental open questions about the origin and the composition of the Universe. In particular, it is known that the universe is made of only about 5% of known particles, while the rest, not yet directly observed, is called dark matter. One of the main aims of the studies carried on at the colliders is to search for new particles not foreseen by the Standard Model that would explain the origin of the Dark Matter. Nowadays, this search is mainly realized at CERN, the European Laboratory for Nuclear Research exploiting the huge number of proton-proton collisions, provided by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Analyzing these data, experiments like ATLAS and CMS are searching for direct observation of new particles, while the LHCb experiment is looking for discrepancies between the experimental measurements of Standard Model parameters and relative theoretical predictions.

Prof. Carbone analyses the data collected by the LHCb experiment searching for CP violation effects which may deviate from the Standard Model expectation.  

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