Foto del docente

Angela Malfitano

Adjunct professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Curriculum vitae


Director and author, teacher of Drama, public speaking and communication techniques. Empowerment coach.


Angela Malfitano considers teaching as a vocation and a passion. She has been designing and directing  theater schools and theater workshops since 1991. She has been in contact with different theatrical methodologies and realities. One of the most important in her career is the so called Social Theater, expecially in contexts involving young people. This methodology has proved to be quite useful in providing a robust approach to the discovery of values like self-esteem, social skills, cultural wisdom enhancement. Theater is therefore intended as a vehicle not only towards self-awareness but also towards emotional education, socialization and integration in a framework including humanistic values.


Angela Malfitano




 - Course Coordinator and lecturer. Acting programme of University of Pavia and Theatre Foundation " G. Fraschini", Pavia.

 - External member of the Scientific Committee on the Archivio Leo de Berardinis, University of Bologna. Department of Music and Performing Arts and Institute of Communication Sciences (DMS), Alma Mater Studiorum - Bologna.


1989 Degree in Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures (History of English Theatre) University of Bologna (Italy).

Final dissertation: "Edmund Kean, the first Romantic actor ." Prof. Claudio Meldolesi. (Accademia dei Lincei).


1981    Graduated at Bologna's Academy of Dramatic Art.

1979    Training Course for Opera directors. Directed by Antonio Taglioni (Città di Lugo, Ravenna). 

1986    "Tecnè": acting school directed by Leo de Berardinis, Bologna. Teachers and subjects: Singing the contemporary - Candy Smith, Diction and Phonetics - Marco Cavicchioli, Reading poetry - Leo de Berardinis, Movement - John Murphy.

1989 Workshop focused on the development of training, directed by Dominique Durvin (director of “Theatre National de Amiens”, France).

1990-96 Drama workshops led by Renata Molinari, Festival Internazionale di Montalcino, Santarcangelo Festival, Siena's Historical Women University, Teatro delle Albe of Ravenna.

1991  Seminar held by Thomas Richards on "Acting proposition", Fondazione Pontedera, Workcenter of           Jerzy Grotowski.

1992-97  5 Masters in film acting led by Dominic de Fazio (teacher at Lee Strasberg's Theatre and Film Institue (Actors Studio) in New York-US). Teatro Rasi-Ravenna, Teatro Argot-Rome, Teatro Petrella-Longiano (FC).

1994   Stage directing and actor training course, with Dario Fo and Franca Rame, Teatro di Porta Romana, Milan.

2002-06 4 psychology workshops held by Alejandro Jodorowsky at Teatro Metastasio – Prato, Toledo     Theater Gallery - Naples, Association  "La Casa dei Quattro Soli" - Bologna. Association "Mondo Bizzarro" - Bologna.


In the University settings


2011/12/13 She conducts workshops of fonetics, diction and public speaking for the students of the Forlì Campus - Centro Studi teatrali - Dip. SITLeC. University of Bologna.

2012/13/14/15/16/17 Teacher holder "Techniques of oral presentation" SSLMIT - Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna - Campus of Forlì.

2000/today Università degli Studi di Pavia: she is coordinator and teacher of  Course for actors - University of Pavia and Foundation Teatro G. Fraschini of Pavia.

Seminars and Conferences in academic settings

July 8, 2014 study day University of Pavia On Stage - Training in theatrical glottodidactic  A. Malfitano:The exercise of Art. Educational experiences compared between performers and actors.

Monday, February 9, 2015 17.00 Palazzo Montanari- Sslmit - Meeting with the translators and the company for the students Sslmit

Other didactic activitiy

Teaching and stuying didactics through theatre and in theater are key points in Angela Malfitano's career. Indeed she collaborates, as teacher and project leader, with various local institutions, high schools and theatre schools.

Since 2000 she has been directing actors at the acting school of University of Pavia and Theatre Foundation Fraschini of Pavia.

She has been leading workshops at  "A. Righi ", “Arcangeli” and “Copernico” (Bologna's high schools) since 1998.

She has been external professor during various teaching courses of DMS-University of Bologna (since 1995 to 2001) and Ca 'Foscari in Venice.

She collaborates with the Department of Education of Provincia di Bologna, leading various projects focused on the overcome of cultural barriers and the promotion of well-being in schools. In particular, in 2006/2007 she leads the theater project "Rappresentarsi per stare bene a scuola", sponsored by Regione Emilia Romagna and Provincia di Bologna. In that circumstance she also directs the Final Show.

In 2012 she becomes Project Coordinator of the Provincia's project “Solidarity Theatres”, working with 4 local high schools.

1995-2000  Lecturer. Acting courses organized by: Cimes (Interfaculty Music and Entertainment Center), Department of Music and Performing Arts and Institute of                       Communication Sciences (DMS) - Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna

1995-96  Professor and Director of the three-years acting school organized by  "QuellidiGrok" .Director of: "Elektra" by Von Hoffmanstal; "Il maleficio della farfalla" by Garcia Lorca.

1997-present   Drama teacher at Liceo Scientifico "A.Righi", Bologna, in this circumstance she directs a show hosted during the “Theatre-in-the-school” Festival of Teatro Stabile di Bologna "Arena del Sole".


1999-present  Course Coordinator and Lecturer: Acting School of University of Pavia and Teatro“Fraschini”. She directs plays by A. Chekhov, W.Shakespeare, C. Goldoni, F. Dürrenmatt, F. Fellini, E. Flaiano H. Ibsen.


2002-07   Workshop leader: Association “Shylock”;  University Ca 'Foscari - Venice.

 2003-2009  Teatro San Martino - Bologna. Directs plays by W. Shakespeare,  P.K. Dick, L. Pirandello, F. Garcia Lorca, Homer.

 2004 present Teacher at “Università aperta”, Rimini; subjects taught: expressive reading, public speaking, Italian diction and phonetics.


2006-10 Assistant Professor and editor. She supports Prof. Claudio Meldolesi (University of Bologna) in the organization of two conferences dedicated to Leo de Berardinis, held at “La                     Soffitta”, Bologna.


2006-07  She collaborates as teacher and director with various institutions and schools such as: Provincia di Bologna- Coop. Nuova Scena, Bologna - Fondazione Del Monte, Ravenna and Bologna- Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Torino (project "Lingue in scena" with high school students coming from Trieste and Manduria, during  GAM).


2007  Teacher, director and playwright: "To be or not to be Rolling Stones", Teatro-Lab-Fondazione del Monte di Bologna and Ravenna, (the school is directed by Giorgio                Comaschi and Antonio Albanese);

2007 Director of the event"Let me please introduce myself", focused on well-being and equal opportunities in schools, Teatro Arena del Sole, Bologna. (Hosted in the season La  comunità che apprende organized by Provincia di Bologna, Department of Education.

 2008-10   Workshop-leader: courses funded by Fondazione Del Monte and Comune di Bologna, focused on the promotion of well-being and equal opportunities; Istituti Rubbiani Aldrovandi, Bologna (Progetto 6 +).

Workshop-leader and director: projects led by Provincia di Bologna and focused on violence against women. With the collaboration of Coop. Nuova Scena and two local high schools: Liceo Righi ("Jack lo squartatore"); Istituto Pacinotti-Pier Crescenzi: ("Barbablu").

2011  Workshop leader at the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, University of Bologna, based in Forlì. Subjects taught: Diction and Phonetics.


In collaboration with Professor Meldolesi (DMS Department of Bologna's University) she organizes two conferences focused on Leo de Berardinis (mentioned above) and edits the book "La terza vita di Leo", (supported by Fondazione Carisbo).  Titivillus edizioni. February 2010.


 -  1992:"La morte della Pizia” by Dürrenmatt, debuts at Leo de Berardinis' “Spazio della memoria” and wins the European Young Artists Prize Iceberg.

-   2001: director of "Rinchiusa" with KoreKanè, Rimini, which wins the competition “Voci nel castello” in Misano Adriatico.

-    2003: Together with the musician Carlo Maver, she wins the theatre and poetry prize "Al vento spigate parole", Tizzano Val Parma, with the show "Spaesaggi" (best actress and author of the project)


-    2007: co-star in the short film "L'ultimo passo" by Francesco Colangelo, and wins the award for the Best Supporting Actress at Festival Video Corto Nettuno.


2011/12 and 2012/13 First and Second edition of  SCENARI SOLIDALI JUNIOR project permanent theatre/school for the empowermwnt of the enhancement of learning aimed at High Schools of Provincia di Bologna. In collaboration with Provincia di Bologna e Istituzione G Minguzzi. Posted in Teatri Solidali network.

2011 " Il teatro di Pierre Notte con Angela e Francesca Mazza" conferences and productions,  supported by University of Bologna, Provincia di Bologna, Carisbo, Alliance Francaise, Pav, SSLMIT.

2009   Molti pensieri vogliono restare comete tribute to the Master Leo de Berardinis. Supported by Comune di Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Fondazione del Monte.

 2008  Creative, donne in utili connessione show and conferences on female creativity; at Teatri di Vita, supported by Carisbo Foundation, Bologna.

            Per parlare di Leo, di nuovo conference and book, at University Theatre Center La Soffitta  for Bologna's University.

2007  Per parlare di Leo conference and book, at University Theatre Center La Soffitta for DMS - Bologna's University.

1999-2001 She founds with other artiststs the Association "Tra un atto e l'altro" and creates the project Deaodissea of  theatre and education  in collaboration with Comune di Bologna, Bologna 2000-European Capital of Culture.


Angela Malfitano starts her acting career at 19. She learns acting in particular at Leo de Berardinis's “school”. Plays: “Delirio”, “ Novecento e mille”, “Tempesta”.

Other cornerstones are her collaborations with:

Andrea Adriatico (plays:  “Il ritorno al deserto”, “Le Cognate”) ;

Marco Baliani (plays: “Memoria del fuoco”; “Peer Gynt”),

Dominique Durvin -director of the Theatre of Amiens (“le lavandaie”);

Dario Fo and Franca Rame (“Un palcoscenico per le donne”);

Alejandro Jodorowsky (with whom she studies psychomagic and playes “Quando Teresa si arrabbiò con Dio”);

Piero Maccarinelli (“L'ospite inatteso”);

Renata Molinari (with whom she has worked for ten years on dramaturgy, joining a group of actresses-playwrights );

Claudio Morganti (plays: “Le Regine” , “ Riccardo III”);

Luciano Nattino and Alfieri Società Teatrale (“Perfettissime sorelle” );

Thierry Salmon ("Signorina Else" );

Mark Sgrosso ("Elektra" );

Mimmo Sorrentino (Ti voglio bene più di Dio”). 


Since 1991 Angela Malfitano has also been author of her own theatre projects, where she is not only an actress but also director, playwright and producer. In facts she creates the Compagnia Angela Malfitano:

 -  1992 "La morte della Pizia” by Dürrenmatt, which debutes at Leo de Berardinis' Spazio della Memoria and won the European Young Artists Prize Iceberg;

-  1994“Fraulein-due ritratti di donne tedesche”  by D. Fo and H. Schubert; 
 h osted by Franca Rame in “Un palcoscenico per le donne”, Milan);

-  1995 “Ne'venerdì nè sabato” by Fo and Yourcenar (production and debut: Santarcangelo Festival);

-  1997“Lady e Macbeth-la grazia e le cose turpi” by Shakespeare (co-production Astiteatro- Santarcangelo Festival);

-  1999"Solo Macbeth" (Teatro Verdi, Milan);

-  2002“Quando Teresa si arrabbiò con Dio”by A. Jodorowsky (in co-production with Gruppo Teatro Libero-San Martino, Bologna);

-  2003“Il sogno degli Androidi” by PK.Dick (in co-production with Teatro San Leonardo- Teatro di Leo, Bologna);

-  2005“Affetti (malati)” by C. Palahniuk (in co-production with Gruppo Teatro Libero-San Martino, Bologna);

-  2009/ today La regina degli Elfi and La regina degli Elfi Long playing  by Elfiede Jelinek (Nobel Prize ) (Molti pensieri vogliono restare comete- Ex Caserma Sani- Bologna Estate, Rome, Milan, on tour



In 1999 she creates with Francesca Mazza the Cultural Association "Tra un atto e l'altro" with whom she creates and leads a theater project focused on the female characters of Odyssey (hosted during Bologna2000); she is among the directors of "Deaodissea" performed at Teatro San Leonardo, Bologna. With this association she produces many of the projects listed below.

1992/93: Actress in "Memoria del fuoco" Production ERT – Compagnia La Baracca. Directed by Marco Baliani.

1994/95: Actress in "Perfettissime sorelle” by Nadia Mantovani and Luciano Nattino. With Lorenza Zambon and Lelia Serra. Alfieri Società Teatrale production.

 1996: Actress co-starred in the short film "bar tabacchi" with Giancarlo Previati, directed by Serena Convert, Rome, the film has won several awards.

 1999-2001: Actress in “La regola d'oro”  from the screenplay of the movie "When Harry Met Sally", directed by Antonia Pingitore, with Giancarlo Previati. Teatro Verdi , Milan.

 2001: Director of "Rinchiusa" with Compagnia KoreKanè, Rimini.

 2002: Co-star actress at Teatro Comunale "Testoni", Casalecchio, during the season “Gialli in musica”. Play: ”L'assassino è il chitarrista” with texts by Lucarelli, Fois, Machiavelli, Baldini.

1999-02 :
She is Queen Elizabeth in "Riccardo III" and "Le Regine" study on the female characters of Richard III, directed by C. Morganti, prod. Fondazione Metastasio, Prato, Teatro di Roma and Biennale di Venezia.

2001: Actress in the movie "L'alba di Luca," directed by R. Quagliano, prod. "La casa dei risvegli", Bologna.

2001: Actress in the docudrama "Buscando la morosa" by Filippo D'Antoni e Anna Assenza; Festival del Cinema Latino-americano, L'Avana, Cuba.

2002-04: Director, playwright and performer of "Quando Teresa si arrabbiò con Dio" by A. Jodorowsky, Teatro S. Martino, Bologna.

2002: "Il sogno degli androidi," based on the novel by Philip K.Dick "Ma gli androidi sognano pecore elettriche?" (From which the film “Blade Runner"), with the collaboration of Mariano Dammacco, produced by Teatro di Leo.

2002-present: Every summer she joins the Festival di Montalcino e della Val d'Orcia with projects for the area, workshops and performances.

2003: She conceives and directes "Fellini's Party" with students of Bologna's University, for Cimes' courses; a proof-show is hosted by the Fondazione Fellini in Rimini; In July she performs in “OperaGialla” by Loriano Macchiavelli,  music by Frank Sinatra and Louis Cilumbriello, festival Astiteatro.

2003/5: Actress with Giorgio Comaschi's company in “Delitto a teatro”, prod. Sosia-Pistoia.

2004: Actress (Colette Thomas) in “progetto Artaud” Alkestis Theatre, Cagliari. Directed by Massimo Micchittu .

2005: Director and actress in "Il sogno degli androidi" (Milan, Teatro Arsenale), prod. Compagnia Angela Malfitano with the collaboration of Teatro di Leo and Gruppo Libero Teatro, Bologna. Light designer Maurizio Viani.

2005: Plays with Alessandra Faiella “Precarie età” by Maurizio Donadoni, hosted during the season “La fabbrica dell'uomo”, directed by Federica Santambrogio. Outis-CRT Teatro, Milan.

2005: Director, performer and playwright in“Affetti (malati)” from “Soffocare”  by Chuck Palahniuk. Co-production Cooperativa Gruppo Libero. Light designer Maurizio Viani. Movements by Enzo Pezzella. Teatro San Martino-Bologna.

2006: director of “Samuel in Tuscany-Esperimento teatrale tra territorio e assurdi beckettiani” workshop with final show, hosted during the Festival internazionale di Montalcino e della Val d'Orcia, with the partecipation of local youth and young actors coming from different parts of Italy.

2007: In March she acts in “Il ritorno al deserto” by Bernard Marie Koltes, directed by Andrea Adriatico; Teatri di Vita, Bologna.
 She is co-star in the short film "L'ultimo passo" by Francesco Colangelo, screened during Venezia Film Festival. She creates and directs the show “Lo spirito e l'ingegno” dedicated to the Nobel prize in Physics Guglielmo Marconi (hosted during
Radio Days, Città di Sasso Marconi and Fondazione Marconi); she directs "I miracoli di Totò" by  Zavattini, workshop with performance for the Festival Internazionale di Montalcino e della Val d'Orcia with the partecipation of local youth and young actors coming from different parts of Italy.  She performs in the short movie "Il male assoluto" by Francesco Colangelo, with Giorgio Colangeli.

She creates and directs the show "Marconi 1 e 2" focused on the genius of Guglielmo Marconi and hosted during Radio Days- Città di Sasso Marconi and Fondazione Marconi. She directs “Sogno di una notte di mezz'estate” during the Festival di Montalcino e della Val d'Orcia. She acts in “Le cognate”, directed by Andrea Adriatico, producted by Teatri di Vita-Bologna Estate. She acts in “ Le allegre comari di Windsor”  by Shakespeare. Teatro San Martino, Bologna.

2009 She is Actress in "Elektra" von Hofmannsthal; Directed by Marco Sgrosso, Teatro Verdi, Milan. 
 She directs "Marconi Nobel" by Mario Giorgi hosted during Radio Days – Città di Sasso Marconi and Fondazione Marconi; 

 - She is actress and director of "La Regina degli Elfi" by E. Jelinek (Bologna Estate 09).

2010 She works as actress, director and producer with Francesca Mazza and the Association "Tra un atto e l'altro" of "Deux petites dames vers le Nord" by Pierre Notte, with the contribution of Regione Emilia Romagna, Teatro Comunale di Castel Maggiore (Bologna). She is actress and director of "Marconi Vs Tesla" from a script by Mario Giorgi, hosted by Radio Days-Città di Sasso Marconi and Fondazione Marconi.

2011 She is actress in  "Ti voglio bene più di Dio" by Mimmo Sorrentino, Teatro dell' Elfo-Puccini, Milan.

2011 She organizes the project “Il teatro di Pierre Notte con Angela Malfitano e Francesca Mazza”, and is actress and director of the following show. The event is the First National event dedicated to Pierre Notte. With the collaboration of Bologna's University, Fondazione Carisbo, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori di Forlì, Alliance Francaise, ITC Teatro in San Lazzaro (Bo), ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro Stabile. She is then performer and director, together with Ivano Marescotti, of "Recital Marconi" for the opening ceremony of Radio Days dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi by the Fondazione Marconi,  Pontecchio Marconi (Bo). 

She is director and teacher in "Scene dal Gattopardo" by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. Made for Città di Radicofani (Si).

2012 Director and intepreter of SOS CARPATHIA-La Notte del Titanic with G. Previati for the closing ceremony of Radio Days dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi. City of Sasso Marconi and Foundation G. Marconi.

2012 Director and teacher for the residency teaching L'anima buona del Sezuan by B. Brecht. Estate Radicofanese. Radicofani (SI)

2012 Co-planning and interpreter with Paolo Billi and Teatro del Pratello for Bologna Estate of Teatri di Lavoro festival of theatre music and meetings. Guest  Susanna Camusso. Comune di Bologna.

2012 Interpreter and director Goliarda in progress by Goliarda Sapienza. PerAspera festival of performing arts.Bologna

2012/13 Interpreter and director La mia cara famiglia:come mai non mi sono sparato and Moti d'attore prima della scena by Pierre Notte. Tra un atto e l'altro/Castel Maggiore. With Francesca Mazza and Maurizio Cardillo.

2012/13 Interpreter and director Mephisto by K. Mann. Teatro del Pratello and Piccolo Teatro del Baraccano Bologna.

2014 The Miracle Worker by W. Gibson.Director and interpeter. Teatro del Pratello for Bologna Estate 2014. 

2014 Actress and producers with her Company Tra un atto e l'altro in Faustin and Out by Elfriede Jelinek. Festival Focus Jelinek. also played in Forlì for students and teachers of the University.

2015 Director and actress in La Regina degli Elfi by E. Jelinek. Festival Focus Jelinek